Is a Low Fat Vegan Diet Best for Heart Health? | Gary Fraser | The Proof Shorts EP #293

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Discover how healthy fats affect your cardiovascular health in this enlightening short clip from the episode #293 with Gary Fraser where we explore the groundbreaking studies of Keys, Anderson, and Grande. Their research, dating back over 50 years, challenges traditional views on dietary fats and their impact on cholesterol levels. How have these findings shaped our understanding of what's truly heart-healthy? Join me in uncovering the intriguing history and ongoing relevance of the Keys Equation.

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Agree that not all fats are the same, but did you notice the wild leap to how mono and polys were actually good for you? Please provide research links, I promise to read each one you cite. There is only one diet that has been shown in actual peer reviewed research to reverse heart disease. Would be delighted to hear of another diet with similiar results.


Hard to reconcile with the remarkable results that Pritikin Ornish and Esselstyn got with a low fat diet. Around 10% max of calories from fat proven to unclog arteries.


If he's basically just claiming that adding a bit of healthy fat in the form of say whole nuts, avcados etc. to a hclf diet, "might" cause better heart health, then that claim doesn't seem completely crazy.

Adding a bit af whole food fats clearly arent the same as a hflc diet and saying "might" doesn't mean that he claims to be factual. both are important things to note in this video.


You have to define what you mean by a low fat diet. Is he claiming that a whole food plant based diet a’la Ornish / McDougall / Esselstyn would be improved by adding oils. I don’t think there is data to back that up.


I love it when people use terms like "high" and "low" with regard to nutrition and macronutrients without qualifying them. It results in zero value whatsoever.


Unfortunately this doesn’t rime with dr.Esselstyn which I trust more at the moment


From my understanding, the ideal diet is:

High fiber, low or moderate net carb, zero refined carbs;

High unsaturated fats, low saturated fats, zero trans fats;

High protein, at least half from plants;

Low or moderate salt;

Low or moderate calorie.


It’s weird to talk about fat intake & not address how exercise can make a huge difference in how our body handles fats in our diet.