Overview of the Louët S17 Spinning Wheel- great for beginning spinners!

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The Louet S17 is a versatile spinning wheel and is the best-priced entry wheel on the market. The wheel features a number of accessories that allow you to spin yarn exactly the way you'd like. The S17 features an Irish Tension set-up.
In this video, Pam gives you an overview of the wheel, which comes with 3 bobbins and a built-in lazy kate. Pam gives a tutorial for how to add your lead to start spinning, and shows you how to add on one of our favorite accessories: the Art Yarn flyer! With the Art Yarn flyer and bulky bobbin, you can easily spin thick art yarns. The S17's large orifice easily accommodates large yarns that you don't need an orifice hook. The large bobbin is also perfect for plying.
In this video, Pam gives you an overview of the wheel, which comes with 3 bobbins and a built-in lazy kate. Pam gives a tutorial for how to add your lead to start spinning, and shows you how to add on one of our favorite accessories: the Art Yarn flyer! With the Art Yarn flyer and bulky bobbin, you can easily spin thick art yarns. The S17's large orifice easily accommodates large yarns that you don't need an orifice hook. The large bobbin is also perfect for plying.
Overview of the Louët S17 Spinning Wheel- great for beginning spinners!
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