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10 Health Benefits of Poppy Seeds !!

If you want to add some flavor to your foods then you must make use of poppy seeds. Poppy seeds add a pleasant flavor to your foods whether it's yogurt or salads or baked things. These seeds not only add flavor but they are a rich source of nutrition as well. There are basically three types of poppy seeds such as White, blue and oriental which are grown for various purposes such as obtaining poppy seed oil. Poppy seeds have amazing benefits whether it comes to sleeplessness or fertility or digestion.

In today’s video, I would like to share with you 10 fantastic health benefits of poppy seeds.

1) Poppy seeds improve your digestion
Those who suffer from slow digestion or indigestion should make use of poppy seeds because they aid in digestion due to insoluble fiber present in them. Apart from this they also help to treat the problem of constipation.

2) Improve your brain health:
Those students who want to get good scores in their terms should add poppy seeds in their diet because they are a rich source of iron, copper, calcium and other essential minerals. These minerals are required by our brain to function properly because they enhance our brain function.

3) Make your bones strong:
Bones need calcium and copper and other essential minerals. Poppy seeds are a rich source of calcium and copper so they strengthen your bones and connective tissues. Other essential minerals present in poppy seeds are phosphorus and manganese which are good for bone tissue and collagen production.

4) Cure the problem of sleeplessness:
These days we noticed that a lot of people whether they belong to any age or any field of life suffer from the problem of sleeplessness. According to research, drinks having poppy seeds in them decrease the cortisol level in our body and it leads to a calming effect so our stress level is reduced. You must have heard from your elders that poppy seeds induce sleep so those who want to enjoy a good sleep can make use of poppy seeds by adding them in warm milk and take it before bedtime to enjoy a good sleep.

5) Increase our energy levels:
You must have heard that carbohydrates are needed by our body to maintain energy levels so poppy seeds are the powerhouse of carbohydrates and when you regularly consume the seeds then your body will maintain a good energy balance which helps to cure the problems of dizziness, fatigue or laziness.

6) Treat mouth ulcers:
If you are suffering from the problem of mouth ulcers then you should make use of poppy seeds because they a good for your stomach and they work by reducing the burning in your stomach which leads to mouth ulcers.

7) Maintain blood pressure
As we all know that blood pressure is the main culprit behind cardiovascular diseases including Heart Attack or stroke so it is very important to maintain your blood pressure. Those who suffer from the problem of high blood pressure should consume poppy seeds because they contain a high content of oleic acid which is good for your heart.

8) Boost your immune system:
As we all know that the immune system is the backbone of our body and a good immune system means a healthy body and healthy mind. If you want to boost your immune system then you should take poppy seeds because they are a rich source of iron and they enhance the production of immune cells which fight against different diseases.

9) Get relief from body pain
Those who suffer from various kinds of pains in various parts of the body should consume poppy seeds in the form of tea because they reduced pain in your body due to their analgesic properties.

10) Good for Kidneys:
If you are having some kidney problem then you must consider poppy seeds because they are loaded with potassium and have diuretic properties as well. Being a diuretic it will make you urinate more properly and flush out harmful toxins and chemicals from your body. Poppy seeds also contain oxalic acid so it is known to maintain the health of your Kidneys.

Рекомендации по теме

So morphine/codeine resin helps sleeplessness. Well no shiit


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