Growing & Foraging 100% of His Food WITHOUT LAND OF HIS OWN: 1-Year Challenge w/ Rob Greenfield

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This “Beginner” is Growing & Foraging 100% of His Food Without His Own Land and without any previous experience of growing food. If that’s not impressive enough, Rob Greenfield is also living in a 100 sq ft. tiny home with minimal storage, growing his daily needs in other people’s front yards & gleaning from the fruit trees he planted around Orlando in the short amount of time he has been there. He does this for a big reason - to inspire the rest of us to put a bit more effort into self-resiliency, community interaction & ecoliteracy.

Rob Greenfield is surely at the top of the list when it comes to influential people & we know that this 2-part video will be sure to inspire you with it’s “priceless” advice.

You can learn specifically about this project "Food Freedom- A Year of Growing and Foraging 100% of My Food."

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Hey there everyone!
I hope this video inspired a whole lot of you to grow more food and to help others to beginning the grow your own journey!
If you got a lot of out this, I would definitely say join me over on my YouTube channel where there's a lot more of the good stuff!
Thanks Pete! It was great hanging out and I'm stoked to hang out again soon!


Rob should do a TED talk while eating mulberries the whole time. Skills.


Watching rob stuff his face with mulberries was a beautiful thing. Reminds me of my childhood. Us kids used to smash on mulberries in the woods.


Spoken to my wife and we are looking for a house with land. Want to start this ASAP (: Thanks for the inspiration.


i always said why dont we plant fruit trees on streets instead of regular old trees that cant feed people.


Money doesn't grow on trees, but food does! That is essentially why currency was created in the first place. Thanks for the video, Pete. Nice to see Rob's adventures in Florida from a different perspective.


Rob has definitely inspired me through out the time I’ve been watching him! And he does make it possible for anyone to really do it! Determination, passion, and focus, he can really make things workout! Thanks rob!


hundred percent as a suburban grower I love how people react when they see my edible verge. But its also really challenging to be next to other houses that just do regular stuff


Ate my first mulberry of the season yesterday...brought back so many childhood memories, climbing the trees, hands all purple. They grew wild but I don't see them anymore. I had been on the hunt for one for several years and finally found a grower last year. My Daughter fell in love with them too and has been watching my tree like a hawk waiting for them to ripen this season.


What an amazing soul you are Rob! Loved as well watching you eat the Mulberries and chat away and be so passionate and real and intelligent and wise. Yes.. Totally! A different perception of the world is needed! You are a real inspiration... Thanks for all you offer us.


I love the idea of community fruit trees😭


This is just amazing! Having gardened in rainy WA for 5 years now, the complexity of growing enough calories is quite a challenge among all the major crop failures from super sandy soil and crops rotting from the rain. This year I hope to take all my mistakes I've learned over the years and have a highly productive garden. It is such a blessing that you have had such beautiful success! May your year continue in that way!


I love this guy. This is really encouraging!


Churches wake up; no need to get expired grocery store food for your food banks.
Grow your own.
I sure hate to be giving a bunch of processed food and expired bakery poison to seniors, every week.


what a wonderful neighbor. I wish I was close by I’m about 3 hrs away


Pete meets Rob! Two fellas doing great work! Big ups!


Thank you so much for showing us rob and his amazing life. He is a true inspiration and I wish I had stopped by his gaEdens when I was going through Orlando yesterday. A true inspiration!


What a great philosophy, this guy is an inspiration!


Hey Rob, use a pressure cooker for the yuca and it will always be nice and soft.
With a onion, garlic and olive oil sautéed mojito on top, yummie.


I love the idea. Great work for the community by this person. We need to follow this wonderful idea.
