Growing and Foraging 100% of My Food - Day 200 Update

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For one year I am growing and foraging 100% of my food. That means no grocery stores, no restaurants and not even taking a nibble from a friends garden or pantry!

You might imagine me in the countryside living off the land or on a farm. On the contrary, I live in the urban environment of Orlando, Florida, in a 100 square foot tiny house that I built with repurposed materials. With no land of my own, I garden the front yards of people in my neighborhood and share the bounty with them. I take trips to nature to harvest salt from the ocean, coconuts to make coconut oil, wild yams bigger than my head and dozens of other wild foods. I also forage for food all over the city, where people walk by every single day, without ever noticing the abundance around them.

Food Freedom began November 11th 2018 and will go until November 11th 2019. This video was filmed on day 200 and released on day 208 of the project.

Food Freedom began November 11th 2018 and will go until November 11th 2019. This video was released on day 207 of the project.

Robin Greenfield is a truth-seeker, activist, social reformer and servant to Earth, humanity and our plant and animal relatives. He lives simply and sustainably to be the change he wishes to see in the world. Through living closely connected to Earth, he rejects the status quo of consumerism and demonstrates a way of being in gratitude, mindfulness and presence. His life is an experiment with truth and integrity.

Robin’s public activism involves dramatic actions designed to provoke critical thought, self-reflection and positive change. His activism creates nuanced conversations on the critical issues of our time, with a focus on solutions for living in harmony.
His life’s work has been covered by media worldwide and he has been named “The Robin Hood of Modern Times” by France 2 TV and “The Forrest Gump of Ecology”.

Robin has committed to earning below the federal poverty threshold for life and donates 100% of his media earnings to grassroots nonprofits, with a focus on supporting Black and Indigenous women-led organizations.

This channel is a resource for all who seek to liberate themselves, to live in truth and integrity, and to live in harmony with Earth, humanity and the plants and animals we share this home with.

Robin Greenfield and Dear Friends share means of achieving liberation and harmony through sustainable living, simple living, tiny house living, foraging, growing food and medicine, minimalism, zero waste, earth-skills, food sovereignty, community resilience, compassionate communication, activism, Black Liberation, Indigenous Sovereignty and living in service.

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For an entire year I grew and foraged 100% of my food. No grocery stores, no restaurants, not even a drink at a bar.


Imagine if every house had that much food how health and quality of life would improve everywhere ! Even the poorest people could eat fresh organic plant food instead of cheap, garbage, sugar & chemicals ladden, nutrient deficient white bread & soda ! Way to go Rob, you're a true leader in self- sufficiency !


This is seriously should be made compulsory watch to the younger generations. Very inspiring and educational. I was surprised as some of the plants you show are what in my country call 'village food' like tapioca, yam, moringa, sweet shoots etc. And the younger generations hardly consume those now, preferring carrots and other modern or imported veggie instead. Keep up the good work!


This man is living the purest life you can live (and in an urban setting!)


Impressing! Everyone should start growing and foraging his/her own food. It will have a remarkable impact and a lot of the actual problems will shrink. People are getting more familiar with the earth, the plants and the climate again. They will gain respect and love for the planet. They will get more quiet and more responsible and more local.This is the change we all need. I am following your channel around four years now and i am into growing food myself and together with others in the very center of Berlin now for three years.We have learned so much as well and it is just the beginning. Thank you so much for all the inspiration!


when your mom tells you to play outside, and you were playing Stardew


Inspiring. I subbed. My goal is to supplement 25% of my families food from my backyard. Its still a work in progress in Arizona, but im getting there. Thanks for the inspiring content.


You can tell from the way he talks how passionate he is about what he is doing. The look in his eyes while he's talking about his progress and what he did is priceless!


I think one of the reasons this has been hard is because you are doing it alone. In tribal societies different tasks are done by different people who share with each other. You're doing awesome!


Have you considered getting a couple Hens?
The eggs would add protein and the hens would eat pests insects in your garden. Not to mention they would kill your cockroaches.
Plus. Some chicken species are pretty smart. They make interesting companions.
They wouldn't require a lot of plant feed. I think the benefit would outweigh the cost of keeping two or three hens.


haven't watched too many videos. You're my new favorite garden warrior, cause you're DOING IT ! well in bro ! keep on greening this land !


Your an absolute inspiration. I hope your channel and your message really takes off, people really need to be reminded of our roots and to become closer to mother nature once again, and how easy it can be with a little time and effort! Thank you Rob, love your videos.


You’re doing great for not being from here! Never listen to anyone that says it can’t be grown here! You just have to find the perfect location. Most things that grow up north can be grown here if you give it some shade! Most things aren’t used to major sun! Sometimes you have to be innovative! And I see you are!


Mr. Greenfield
( What a great name for a someone that grows their own food ) . Good luck. Great channel


Man, what you are doing with this experiment is so huge for yourself and for the ones that see what you are doing. It is so inspiring for a lot of people. For me you are a great model and a great man. Thank you!


Would like to see how you dried and processed all those grains in plants.


Man this makes me want to do this in the future as a project like you now! You are so inspirational


Very impressed that you have made it this far! I’ve been and organic gardener/homesteader for many years now so I definitely respect the amount of work, planning and self restraint this would take. Good luck with the next six months!


I applaud you for an awesome project. May I suggest you consider adding solar cooking to your lifestyle?


That roach story will haunt me for weeks. Great job on this wonderful project though.
