Big Bang (before & after), Dark Matter and Dark Energy: a breath-taking story of our Universe.

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Join me in a cosmology adventure across space and time!
It starts "before" the birth of our Universe: a fluctuation of an inflaton field caused a Big Bang (eternal inflation theory). This event gave birth to our spacetime, particles, matter, stars, planets but also to dark matter and dark energy.

This video is the starting point of a new series that will focus on cosmology.

In this new series, we will discuss dark matter: why we strongly suspect its existence, how we can detect it, and the hypotheses on what it could be.

Then, there is the issue of Dark Energy, that triggers a force causing an acceleration of the expansion of our Universe. What is its nature? and why is it here?

These questions need answers: all we know about our Universe is based on 5% of its content only. Thus, if we discover one day the nature of Dark Energy and/or Dark Matter, it should deeply shake our understanding of reality.

Searching for these answers have made scientists develop ways of thinking that are stunning of ingenuity. In the end, the old adage “the journey is more important than the destination” applies extremely well in Physics!

Of course, Physics Made Easy does not have any definite answers to these questions, but this channel has the goal to put you on the path where you can derive your own opinions, while at the same time learn about some awesome physics.

I hope you enjoy the Journey!


Please note that the story of the Universe from the Big Bang till today is based on a theory which is consensual with most of the scientific community.
The idea of an Inflaton field occurring before the Universe is more controversed, and even considered speculative by many scientists. One origin of this pre-bigbang inflaton field is anthropic in nature: all the values of the universal constants appear fined tuned for observers like us to exist. the chances of this occurring by random are microscopic. So why? The idea is that all universes with all combinations of constants actually exist, and of course, we happen to be in the one where observers like us can live.

= = = = = = = = = = The Presenter = = = = = = = = = =
This video is produced and presented by Edouard Reny, Ph.D. in solid state chemistry and private tutor in Physical Sciences.

For access to great resources that will help you with your studies of high school Physics, visit and subscribe to the "Physics Made Easy" website:

= = = = = = = = = = Credits = = = = = = = = = =
Footage Courtesy of:
_ NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center Conceptual Image Lab: Big Bang, Sun and Solar System, plane view of the expansion, gravity lens animation, Galaxies flowing around (with CI Lab).
_ CERN: Elementary particles and proton.
_ NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center: Hot plasma, CMB Zoom, births of first stars.
_ NASA's Scientific Visualization Studio: galactic cluster formation background
_ NASA, ESA, S. Beckwith (STScI) and the HUDF Team: Hubble galactic background
_ ESA and the Planck Collaboration: Plank image of the CMB
_ Traverse galaxy Background: F. Summers, G. Bacon (STScI). Simulation: C Hummels, P. Hopkins (CalTech) and A. Wetzel (UC Davis)
_ NASA/WMAP Science Team: Universe Funnel (used in Thumbnail)
Рекомендации по теме

Dark matter accounts for more than 80% of all matter that populates the spacetime of our Universe. What is dark matter, is one of the most troubling mysteries in astrophysics and cosmology. Let's investigate this together!


Thanks for the great informative and easy to understand lessen I wanna learn on this topic an this really is a good video for me (:


It could be negative energy and gravity could be a positive energy and hence net energy is zero😁


Sperm entering egg is EXPANSION

I love the Stevie Nick's song, trouble in Shangri la.


2 questions:
1. At 0:48, when you say that the universe contained enormous amount of "energy", was it "pure" energy (if I may use that term), or was it stored in some particles kind of particle/s? As far as I my understanding goes, I've yet to see any form of energy that could exist without the existence of any particle at all (whether massless ones like photons, or ones containing mass like countless others). Could you please clear this doubt?
2. At 0:55, when you say energy condenses to form quarks, gluons, etc., what exactly does that mean? Again, my understanding is that mass, energy, etc are properties of particles.
Even in the equation E = mc², matter doesn't get "converted" to energy, as such - rather, it gets converted into electromagnetic radiation, which is also in the form of particles (for example, an electron and a positron annihilating one another to give 2 photons). It is mass (rather than matter itself) that gets converted to energy.

Please correct me if I'm wrong.


BTW, dark energy is an illusion caused by the gravitational distortion caused by the gravitational fields of distant galaxies.
Gravity from distant galaxies has a redshift effect on the frequency of light they emit in the same way that gravity can bend the path of light from a light source behind the gravitational field.
The same spacial distortion bending light paths, also distorts the frequency of light emitted from super heavy distant galaxies.
Hence no cosmic acceleration, no dark energy causing acceleration, no un-accounted for dark matter, and certainly, no big bang. This universe is eternal, without beginning or ending. Cosmic background microwaves are but distant galaxies who's light has been gravitationally distorted beyond your visible spectrum.
 Galaxies continually exchange and recycle energy and birth new stars out of old dead ones forever and ever.
How do you think light escapes super heavy distant galaxies with its frequency visually unaffected by spacial distortions?
Someday sapien's decendents will travel to distant galaxies and discover the return trip doesn't take require extra travel time as no acceleration is actually occuring... That is unless your craft is destroyed by war mongering violent species, leaving you marooned on their backwards hillbilly planet where its custumary to torture food species before consuming them.
