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INFJ Life Coach Lesson: The INFJ changes lives through their words and actions, yet people struggle to acknowledge this. They're often too busy or preoccupied with other aspects of life that they don't have time for the impacts you've made on them; but it's important not let those moments go unnoticed because there might be something worth celebrating inside what seemed like less significant details at first glance!

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Have you been in situations where you felt the relationship with you as an INFJ had a big impact on someone's life?


Did the test and found out I was an INFJ several months ago. As a result, your videos have allowed me to connect a lot of dots. I'm now 90 years old and can look back on an awful lot of dots! With respect to not knowing how much you've impacted people: For many years I was a community advocate/activist throughout northern Canada and I impacted many people's lives for the better. But very few people have ever talked to me about how their lives were impacted by what I accomplished. And for me that's okay, because one of the worst behaviours an advocate can portray is to allow the ego to rule. To effect change and hang around basking in the glory is a no no. A community activist needs to know when to pull the plug, when the local people have empowered themselves to the point when you are no longer required. I can look back on many achievements and to find out years later that huge changes happened because of what was done originally, is enough for me.


First of all, thank you for making this video. I'm saving it for future reference.

Downside of being an INFJ: I've triggered a lot of deeply insecure and fearful people in my life. They probably still resent me to this day.

Upsides: Some have credited me with inspiring them to think outside the box, overcome their fears and broaden their horizons. Also, my boss recognized my special INFJ skill set: She put me in charge of hiring for our department last year. We achieved extraordinary results with the team that I personally interviewed and hand-picked. I ended up getting an excellent annual performance review, a nice raise, and a bonus for my work.


I accidentally ran upon your video and it changed my life. I’m a senior but you’ve answered decade old question I had about myself. Thank you so very much!


You just pointed out why I tend to not show my true colors or opinions. I feel like I get nothing but anger & rejection whenever I speak my truth so I just keep quiet most of the time. You're 100% right it's not my responsibility if something I say triggers someone and makes them behave irrationally.


Thinking of several times I actually told people they don't need to live within certain boundaries, and actually living outside them myself. Yes, not accepted very well by others, they may even agree, but can't make the leap in the 3D world.


For the record... I'm an INTP. And I love the INFJ. ♥
Everything you say about the INFJ that pushes people away is actually what draws me in.😁


Thank you wenzes for this very insightful topics, this is what Ive experienced so far as an LGBT INFJ-A thru the years and it was very painful to undergo with where i experienced I keep myself small not to show who I am (gay) as a human being because I know very well that it may trigger the people around me especially my family. As I undergo a transformative spritual awakening thru the years, I've learned that "im the driver seat of my own life, I have every right to own who I am especially my dark side as an INFJ". Finding wenzes channel was a blessing in disguise 🙏🔥🔥❤️. The answers that I look into towards google was not fitting though, only wenzes can answer the questions that you had as an INFJ 🎉


Have I been in situations where I felt the relationship with me as an INFJ had a big impact on someone's life? Yes. Sometimes it was performing a task for them that they could not perform. Other times it was sharing some knowledge & wisdom with them they had not heard before. Any other time it was them observing me do things and learning a better method. I've never bragged or boasted about it. I was glad that there was something I could either say and/or do that positively affected them to make their lives better. After all, I learned from others as well.


I can definitely agree, everyone who has crossed my path has become a better person whether it was me leading by example and breaking the mold or it was a positive interaction or being the hard pill they had to swallow after the fact.


Thanks for being the only person Ive ever found that understands me


Wenzes, you do such a good job in explaining what it means to be INFJ. Whilst I have always felt what you put over, it makes such sense in rational thought with what you say. I feel somewhat detached yet identify more with myself. Life makes so much more sense. I am re-engaging along the middle road. Life is seeming to be so much better. Thank you so much for your guidance and being you.


Beside the amazing work, we have to clap to Wenzes she's doing great job: big progression and development on the Se and Te 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻🌠🌠🌠


We trigger anger and fear. Wow, so true. Listening to that, I put together a very recent situation like that with a person I consider a good friend and it did surprise me. Also, a couple of years ago, I triggered a romantic interest because I don't live by the rules, and it kind of ended the relationship. Getting clarity about what is going on is fantastic. Love it. Let them be triggered is my new motto.


This video definitely explained a lot. I have seen these five points all of my life, but this is the first time I have seen them arranged in an orderly and understandable way. We definitely do go deep, and we do prove people wrong and trigger anger. I think a lot of times it's unintentional on our part - or at least it has been for me. I certainly did not enjoy triggering anger and proving people wrong but a lot of times it did happen simply because I followed my own book instead of the so-called "book" that apparently everyone else was following
(which, by the way, I often thought, and still do think, doesn't exist).

When I have angered people and made them fear, it was usually from making my own decisions - and for both following and not following convention as I saw fit. But because I tried to practice empathy, I usually found that people eventually felt safer to use their own thinking as well.

This video is another good example of how you sum up the infj experience it is systematic way. Thank you for a very affirming video.


I honestly recommend the recordings of earl nightingale to any other infj, he speaks about the kind of mindset we need to succeed in a way that's really compatible with our lifestyle


It has always amazed me how one carbon based lifeform feels that they can tell other carbon based lifeforms how to exists and live their life. I am glad that throughout the years I have learned to bypass other humans' influence easily.
Maybe having my Fe fuse burned out has helped, and after replacing it with a new one I can consciously manage myself without Fe having power over me. Now Fe is is like a calm warm river that no longer has the strong carving effect in me.
People have a hard time seeing that one can be in society without being of it, like standing in water without becoming wet.
I noticed I have a disruptive presence but only towards the non-genuine, non-authentic aspects of human creatures and I am no longer fazed by that affect of me on others.
I no longer care if people are honest with me or not, but I feel a bit disappointed and sad when I see that they are not even honest with themselvs.


Your videos are so in line with my current experiences...its crazy👀


Love this on so many levels! ♥️ So true!


Wenzes, your wisdom and understanding of yourself (INFJ) is amazing. I have been following your videos for a few months now. They enriched me a lot, and helped me overcome cognitive biases I had (have). Your work is a great gift to the world. I wholeheartedly thank you.
