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INFJ Life Coach Lesson: INFJs have a habit of unexpectedly surprising people! With depths beyond the typical stereotypes, INFJs are so much more than mere snowflakes or counselors. Today we’ll look at 5 ways they always seem to catch others off guard - So get ready for some interesting surprises and take a guess if you can relate to all five!

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What are some of the ways you seem to shock people left and right?


Under-rated, underestimated. Unpredictable....Legendary


1. Know about others & u can’t hide from infj
2. Strong minded do what needs to get done
3. Make plans we r great visionaries
4. Lived multiple lives we re-invent ourselves often = stronger & more mature
5. Fiercely independent=door slam often
Love u Wenzes!


Resilience ❤️ We get knocked down, we get right back up😍


There was one time In Highschool where all my friends had a group realization that I knew everything about their inner personal lives but they all knew next to nothing about mine. Which left them shocked. I thought at that time that would be a clue for them to start taking interest in my inner life for once. Nope lmao. Ten years later. DOORSLAM


I love having a blank cover on my book until I let them open it. I have figured a person out long before they knew I was there.


People are really shocked when I finally tell them the truth about themselves. The horror!!


Had my wife listen to this video and asked her if it described me. It’s been my observations, people don’t like INFJ, s But when SHIT hits the fan in their lives I’m the first one they call. It should make me bitter, but I always come to the rescue. We should require an Interview to be part of society but that sounds like a cult. The next reset that society’s repeat is very close, I take joy in it lol.


Thanks again for this video - I made a long term plan 5 years ago to become a digital nomad. And now I reached my goal. As you said in the video, nobody understood what I was doing but now they see the result, they are shocked and... also a bit jealous - Sarah (databasenomad)


I'm really happy about my ability to "doorslam"! So useful! 😊


I remember there were comments that I've said about a lot of certain people to friends. They didn't believe me and questioned me deeply. It was difficult for me to answer these questions. Some of these friends got defensive, but it was hard to pull myself out of it. People did underestimate me, and I gave them the DOORSLAM! 😊


I've probably surprised a lot of people with each one of these five points at some time or another. But the one that I know has surprised them is #5: "We're fiercely independent."  It fits in well with #2: "We're strong minded deep down."

I have a hunch that our independence doesn't show right away because our strong-mindedness is deep down.  It doesn't just jump out right away. And yes, I do like to work out compromises and try do things in a way for both sides will benefit, and this gets noticed a lot more than my independent streak.  However, for me, the independence shows up when people (1)  tell me what I "should" think, feel, or do or (2) try to make me believe.  In fact, sometimes I almost feel sorry for people who have tried and failed to convince me. 🙂 

 My usual response is just to keep doing what I'm doing the way I believe it needs to be done.


How friendly and a good listener I am to others without judgment. Generally being a good person I think.


I have a feeling I was seen in the radar for the first time. 😂


After a lifetime I'm childhood my father narcissistic verbal physical and sexual abuse I always knew I was different, to everything I don't feel like a Survivor or a victim! Almost 56 years old as a woman mother and daughter I've spent 30 of those years as a black sheep having been disowned it's sad to say that doesn't bother me I like being alone I would rather struggle alone don't rely on anyone for anyting. Basically this whole video disguised me I stay away from people because I don't want to be pushed to the Limit and yet they still push me I've been diagnosed with PTSD with social stressors anxiety and depression


Being underestimated is a great tactical skill. For example, if you are trying to take on a violent sociopathic extremist culture, it helps to be ignored and discounted. Especially at the beginning. Such kind are really good at recognizing ideas to co-opt, plagiarise, and purport as they own. Also, those who need to be "bought" "into the system". They despise and destroy anything they cannot co-oopt or control. So, for example, you have a plethora of paradigms offer alternative ways of thinking that identify, neutralize, and overturn sociopathic constructions and cultures - they are going to really double down to destroy you and those paradigms. One of my hypothesis is the kick *s prophets are sigma INFJs. They know how to scenario crunch, with intention, and identify the pathways and systems that can create redemptive nurturing systems and paradigms. If you follow the traditional methods and teachings, then the sociopathic lookouts see you coming and contrive to co-opt or destroy you. So how to start that rolling stone whilst ducking under their radars? Well, one thing is sociopaths do not really understand social and emotional intelligence. A lot of them have gone through training (adverse behaviors in educational, work, familial, or justice systems have called for them to be "reformed"). Most of them know that they do not become more socially or emotionally intelligent (in that they do not internalise empathy or remorse). What they do do is become better at playing the game, avoiding getting caught, acting contrite with crocodile tears when busted. So we had 2-3 years simply working on social and emotional intelligence and some feel good stuff about affirming peoples and nature. Wishy washy and irrelevant to these kind. They did not know there was a playbook "An Incovenient God." Then they lost the 2020 US elections, and were surprised, so did data mining. Sociopaths are really good at going over past events and picking out the patterns. They realized the wave had come from social and emotional intelligence, so they are now doubling down on censorship, propaganda, coercion and aggression enabling legislations and court determinations. The irony is that we can now be completely upfront about our agenda (message me if you want a copy of the book). Our agenda was written and set in stone December 2020-January 2021. They did not know our agenda but knew we were moving so they upped the ante on the most powerful and credible proof of authority. We won. We won because we got them to play their cards and demonstrate to the world their true characters, objectives, and methodologies. They might want to swing around and use the words of love, peace, nurturing - but their legislations and recordings prove them to be deceitful actors. The funny thing at this point in the game is they are like a shark that has taken the bait and it is now in their guts. The more they thrash and try to wrest control, the more they prove what they are and lose even more credibility. Sometimes, when you are trying to catch a big fish, you do not pull the hook too soon. You want to make sure it is well embedded, and you have made sure you have used the right fishing tackle so they cannot bite through the line or break the cords. You have also ensured there is a team of fishing folk who collectively have the strength and determination required to land that dangeous beast.


I enjoy reinventing myself, and falling off the radar. Only to spring up as a completely different person. (Different to others. In my world, it’s merely a healthy growth spurt). I’ve been working extremely hard for the last 10 years. Gradually falling out of view from everyone. But I’m growing and improving. I do love it when people are floored when they discover I’m not the person they used to know. Especially after going dormant for a life season or two. You struck a chord with me in this one and it really resonated with me and my life. Thank you!


#3 I can truly relate to. When I was doing my nursing internship, that was about 20 years ago, I was on a certain location and I saw persons drawing blood and I said, I would like to do that and voila! I did the course last year and graduated at the top of my class. So, I never lost focus on what I planned to do in the long run.


This is so true, we can read ppl so well, they have no idea what they reveal during a simple conversation. So much more than just a few words.
I don't usually tell ppl what I see in them, they would be so intimidated, I never want to do that to anyone.
I do my best to avoid overly judgemental ppl. They are the ones who have no value in my life.
Shedding is a good word.


Nice video! I learned from Wenzes, being myself and speaking my truth gives me happiness more than anything else! It's difficult for me but I'm trying and changing myself... and i love the progress. I love this channel, thank you Wenzes! ❤
