How To Survive A Job You Hate | Clever Girl Finance

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Do you dread waking up every day and showing up to work? Well, there could be a variety of reasons you hate your job. For instance, maybe you have a toxic boss, your boss is too demanding, or you are just uninspired by the work you do. This can be detrimental to your career in the long term.

Have you ever been in a job you hated? What did you do about it? In today’s video, we are going to go over how to survive a job you hate until you leave. #ihatemyjob #hateyourjob


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Decorating a workspace can definitely be motivating, but alternatively one can "undecorate" their workspace for motivation. My last six months at my dissatisfying job, I literally removed all my personal items from my office, even my favorite coffee mug ! Somehow, not having any personal property in the office or at the company made the idea that I would soon be leaving feel much more real.


This is just my opinion but when a job begin to make you physically and mentally ill it is time to leave. Some employers feel they own you instead of you working for them. They constantly piling on more work and will not raise your salary.


At one point in my life I was stuck in a toxic job for five years. It wasn't my manager who was toxic, it was the entire dynamic forced upon staff by upper management. I'd cry every day on my drive home from work, but the pay was so good I hung in there until I had something else lined up and had also paid off my car. To give you an idea of how bad the environment was: At one point 1/3 of my department was out on stress leave. Truth. I actually received a phone call one day from the head of HR for the entire corporation who was located in another state. She wanted to know how I was managing when so many could not. I told her I was considerably older than my colleagues with a long work history and attributed it to that. My last day on the job there was one of the happiest days of my entire life.


Sometimes, jumping from one job to another can be like jumping from a frying pan right into a flaming 🔥
The new job may even turn out to be much worse than the previous one!
Ultimately, the ideal goal is to be self-employed and financially independent!
And there are many pathways to that lofty goal!
Each person needs to find their own unique journey toward that independence!


Some employers are so toxic that even if you try to quit on good terms, they sabotage you when your new employer call them as a reference. They treated you so bad but dare you to quit so when you do, they become more toxic! Sorry for my english, i'm french by language. Thanks for your advice and i love your channel so much.


We can’t even take a 4 minute break so that stepping away it’s IMPOSSIBLE!!! I already quit I couldn’t handle it


Thank you for this, most of us really needed to hear this. The difficult part is that for my Job in Health, you can't even take breaks nor decorate your Environment, you literally overwhelmed the entire time.


I want to quit and write my fiction full-time. I am sticking with it until I have a few books published successfully.


I watched this video TWICE. I need all the advice I can get to survive a job that just drains me. The job is not so much toxic, but it is just not a good fit for my personality and my best way of working. I will be practicing mindfulness before and after work and updating my resume and LinkedIn this weekend. Thank you for a great video!


Great video, thanks so much, DESPISE my current role, losing weight, lack of sleep, messing with my head and knots in stomach every night and morning so this really helped!!!


Our HR listened to our associate survey and moved our team manager. Life is better. I still hate dealing with self entitled people


I just entered to a new job 2 months ago, and I hate it, however I know that is the best I can get at this time, and I will need to be there working for about 3 to 5 years, so thanks for the advices, tomorrow I will bring my little plant to my desk, I will be there for a long time, but I'm grateful with the life for giving me a job with a relatively good pay, that will give me the opportunity to study ❤.


Thank you for this! I am in this situation right now I am trying my best to find a new job opportunity that is a better fit for me. My health has been affected so much where I am currently working.


Just literally went through this. If you have a toxic boss who may sabotage your new job offer reference covertly ie great on written reference, but verbally leaves an unfavourable tone with the new employer, network with their boss / senior colleagues to give you a recommendation. Unfortunately I've had the pleasure of working with vindictive individuals


Im in this very situation i needed to hear this. Infact im tired of being employed im opting for self-employment. Im still at this job i now so hate, and i need provision to start my own business or atleast get a better paying job with minimal work load.


What of people that don't have a choice due to the economy


I hate where I worked. I’m completely turned off. Every shift there is some bullshit. Never smooth… no matter what is done to prevent it.


I definitely save most of my money & I keep my Mindfulness focus on being a great worker😅


Love this video❤ I have literally done all of these suggestions. My favorite part is making my space comfortable. Setting boundaries is very very important to me as well and has helped with my mental wellbeing. Thanks for a great video❤❤❤


Thank you for this topic...very helpful coping tips.
