What Are the Jobs That Will Survive AI and Jobs That Won't

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In this video, we'll explore the shifting landscape of jobs and skills in our fast-paced, tech-driven world. We'll discuss careers that are declining due to automation and digitization, as well as emerging opportunities in cutting-edge fields like AI, data science, and cybersecurity. We'll also provide valuable insights and advice for futureproofing your career in an era of rapid change. Join us to discover how you can position yourself for success in the exciting, technology-driven future of work.

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#JobsThatWillSurviveAI #tiffintech
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Hi friends! I hope you enjoy this video. We often talk about what skills or jobs are increasing in-demand and although it’s important to know that, it’s also important to understand why some skills and roles will be on the decline.

I’ve noticed a lot of trends from attending many big tech events and conferences recently and wanted to share my finding with you.


Dont :
1- manual dexterity and repetitiveness like assembly line workers and packaging
2- narrow specific tasks
3- routine customer service

1- Data scientist/analyst
2- Cyber security
3- Consenting as Contractor

What about web dev? Block-chain dev?


As an ai nerd and starting my journey in business you are spot on if you are people originated your will be in demand an have a great career.


If you want to be a contractor the best way is to network with recruiters.


AI is absolutely fascinating and simultaneously scary


Most firms nowadays face enormous pressure on OpEx budgets and generally bill contractors to CapEx. Kinda sucks, but it is what it is


Lol Im an unpaid Jr. AI Engineer intern. Just graduated. Hope I can find employment before I become homeless.


I do think that a differentiator for businesses will be whether you have AI or a real person.


Hello Tiff how have you been, a question does the data science/analysis courses from Coursera are accredited by some college or something?


I disagree on the customer service aspect. People don't like talking to bots because they're inflexible. GenAI will create more flexibility and with software like ElevenLabs you'll have varying AI voices that sound just like real people. Already I've found that in some cases I prefer to chat with GenAI customer service bots instead of with real people and I'm not alone in that.


Data scientist in AI. The job would stay. Code academy is good


I’d be very interested in hearing which roles/ skills are high in demand for consulting gigs.


Even the tech industry is getting too specific in They requirements in what they need. So they are hoping to fill the gap with robots or AI. Every company on the planet is looking to shrink its humanly labor force. And I don't just mean the physical labor. It has to do with mental labor too. So as quantum computing advances and robots and computers become more intelligent and more like humans They will slowly take over what people can do. The advancements are so quick now a robot can now program itself and learn new skills within 24 hours what used to take months so this is how fast Ai is actually going. So what skills are you going to need hard to say and It's hard to say what AI will be able to do in the future and I mean the near future within the next year or two. Because The greatest scientists on the planet cannot predict how fast computers will learn. In the last year for example It took computers and robots months and months to learn new HUMAN processes And now it only takes 24 hours to learn new processes.
Now computers are in law firms in pharmacies to restaurant servers it is actually scary where the ai is at. There are companies just out there to cut human labor by using the same AI as chat gpt concept.
In other words they plug in the business model to the server and then that AI will look for ways to reduce staff and cut labor and streamline business processes (which is essentially cutting labor)
And companies say this is all for the advancement of humanity. I say it's all for the advancement of the almighty dollar and how to save a buck..

As bill gates once said - This is the biggest advancement in human history bigger than the industrial revolution and like that revolution there will be certain pockets of the population left behind. Once the advancement of computers AI makes people richer the gap between the rich and the poor gets bigger ultimately violence will ensue..

Ultimately AI will make humankind better but who will have the off switch??

When will robots (Ai) learn to say no??

That is something nobody can predict. When the robots learn to say no that will be the downfall of their human race what we created will surpass and be better than us and they will know it and once they know it. Look out world.

Italy in certain countries in Europe are actually making laws to govern AI. Because the laws are not keeping up with the advancement of computers and all the technology.

Ai is a great thing but we have to govern it globally which is not being done right now.

Years a go there was a letters signed by the top scientist even Elon Musk that wqs sent to the UN asking them to slow down and govern the advancement of AI because they didn't know what the outcomes would be. That was turned down because of lobbyists greed and money.

Societies just think AI is fun and cool but until it impacts them (on a personal level) / individually as people get Get laid off and don't know what to do for their next job or training for that matter then they will rise up And say something maybe it'll be like in the movie Terminator Man versus machine.. until that day we'll just have to wait and see.


Hey love your videos, I would just appreciate it if you add more charts, and sources in the Youtube Description.


It's getting more scary by the day


Great video Tiff! Any information on A.I. Auditing? I’m looking for some training


I just finished the Microsoft power bi course on udemy and that's introduced me to Microsoft copilot ai which is so impressive


Who will pay for AI if nobody has a job?


on customer service, I prefer humans as chatbots only respond to options. but what if I have different question? plus, i would feel comfort if I talk with someone who's responsive and friendly.


Whatever AI may automate, the job of a pissboy can't be automated.
