The Sign of the Cross

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Our faith's verbal and visual prayer based in scripture.

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I've seen little Italian children on a cooking show making the Sign of the Cross to pray the Grace before eating.

All of you: Father = Lover, Son = beloved, Holy Spirit = Love Itself.


I love doing the sign of the cross. Viva Cristo Rey!!!


A wonderful talk about the blessed Cross. Thank you, Father.


I loved your Job reference at the end of your story. My wife and I just finished a Bible study, Job has become one of my favorite Bible stories.


This was so beautiful I believe in the Lord..but the church has always disappointed me…you did not disappoint thank you Father.


That was wonderful. I’m Lutheran and I sign the cross every time I pray


An exorcist asked “ Do you know why Catholics bless themselves before saying grace?” No one knew. The priest said “ Just the act of making the sign of The Cross is a minor exorcism. Demons can hide in foods. The sign of The Cross exorcises the demons out of the food.


Good morning all 😇 I ask our Deacon about making the sign of the Cross Said They No Right or Wrong Way to make the Sign of CROSS Catholic and Escopal do it Left to Right and Orthodox make it Right to Left was called out in a Ukraine Orthodox Church was making it Left to Right Call my God Mother for thing she how did you make the sign of the Cross Said Left to Right that why the Fr questions you because I didn't do Right to Left


You just did a upside-down cross. This is the way that I been doing all my life. What is the right way to do?


8:40 It doesn't matter ! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
IT MATTERS ! Jesus Christ came to earth AND SHOWED the Holy Trinity (the whole nature of God) to the human kind !
Thus, IT MATTERS TO PRAISE THE HOLY TRINITY ! We do the Sign of The Cross With the 3 fingers because we praise the Holy Trinity ! ❤❤❤
(using the right hand - except if someone is not able to to his right hand due to any existing disability - if any)


Funny how the apostles of Christ and every Christian there after never
mentioned or preformed a sign of a cross on themselves. Why is that?
If they had, it would have started with them from the time of Jesus'
death. Nor did Jesus himself instruct them to make any sign of a cross
after he was dead and gone to heaven. Don't you find that odd? That
means some kind of religion back then, thought it would be a good idea
to create some kind of symbol to commemorate the way he died. A pole
wouldn't do, who'd want to worship a pole a stake? Something that's in
use and many are praying to it already. The Babylonians' been doing the
cross thing for thousands of years they swore by it! But wait! We have
to change the word, ''stake, '' to something sacred, representing a god's
name that people would hold holy, an ancient god, like the Chaldeans in
Babylon when they worshiped and held as a god, what was his name?
NIMROD? Yeah, that guy! He was the first king, ruled over people, and
was a mighty warrior in his kingdom! Later, his name became TAMMUZ.
with the letter ''T'', later then that, the ""T, '' was lowered to the center of the
pole, for ''T'' AMMUZ. Jesus was a god after all, right? Nations will bow
down and pray to Jesus and worship him, just like the Babylonians did
with Nimrod, then they wouldn't have to pray to Jehovah, the same other
''god-head, '' of the trinity, and the third god, the ''holy ghost.'' The KJV
Bible, published in 1611, by the Roman Catholic Church, endorsed that
Bible to include, ''cross, '' and other Bibles were contaminated with the
Babylonian symbol since then. ''What a shame, '' ''Yeah.''


So, this thing is thought and regulated by human. Jesus never told anyone to do this. That's exactly giving points to Islam to attack Christianity. By the way, I'm an ex muslim atheist. But I love certain aspects of Christianity.


Learn it in Latin. No verbal explanation needed.


Make the sign of the Cross properly. Look at yourself in the mirror, your cross must be symmetrical of a cross


pay close attention on how he makes the cross sign its an upside down cross lol, see alot of cathlics do this. signs are in the small details.


you're doing the cross upside down... cursing yourself...NOT blessing yourself


You are NOT a father, that is blasphemy, NOT one scripture about a hand sign cross. How do you people love to lie and twist the scriptures?
