What does it mean to SIGN THE CROSS?

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The CROSS has become such a prevalent visual symbol. But does that make it a GOOD symbol? Is it good to also SIGN the cross? Find out the real meaning in this episode of That's in the Bible.

Also check out these videos:
Is it WRONG to WEAR the CROSS?

When is Jesus COMING BACK?

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While you’re reading up on everything, don’t forget the verse that says “Thou shalt not judge”. The Catholic Church is also Christian and was the first original church. Most every comment I see here is completely judgmental and false


This is crazy and so dishonest, the quotes used and the interpretation of them are such a stretch. The sign of the cross was used in the early church as a universal practice. Plus some (real) Protestant churches use the sign of the cross such as lutherans and anglicans so that totally debunks the idea that this is used by Catholics to identify each other. Study church history and you might learn a thing or two.


This is quite the stretch intellectually.

I would just advise anyone who is entertaining these ideas to read the works of the early church fathers. The cross and the crucifix are there to remind us of Jesus's sacrifice. It has been a symbol of the Christian faith since the beginning. The sign of the cross has been around for at least 1, 850 years that we are sure of. It has been documented in writing since the 2nd century AD, and was in use long before that.

Finally, remember that Jesus did not write any books. He passed down the Gospel orally, and He instructed His followers (e.g., the 12 Apostles, the 72 chosen disciples, and the rest, etc.) to go and pass His Word along orally. This is the basis of the primacy of Sacred Tradition. It was Sacred Tradition that informed the bishops and fathers of the Catholic Church of the fourth and fifth centuries as to what writings to include in the New Testament.

How did the original Christians become Christians for the first centuries before the Catholic Church compiled the first version of the New Testament? How did Christianity spread for the first 1, 500 years, when almost no one could read. And even then, when only a rare portion of those had access to a bible?

The Bible is the holy book of Christians, but it is was never used as the only source of God's Wisdom. Rather, it is a supplement to Sacred Tradition.


Every religion has stemmed from Catholicism. It is the only church that you can date back to Jesus Christ through the Papacy, St. Peter being first pope and one of original Apostles of Christ. You want to know which religion is the “True” religion, just look at which religion has been persecuted the most throughout history. Christianity. Because Evil attacks the truth, not lies. Evil loves lies. Evil doesn’t waste time on souls they’ve already claimed. They spend their efforts on the souls that are fixed and founded in TRUTH. Thank Catholicism for hospitals which every hospital in the early day was a Catholic hospital and you still have “St. Jude, St. Joseph, St. Vincents, St. John’s, St. Anthony’s, St. Luke’s, and so on”. Also, the calendar being used today by everyone was created by a Jesuit Catholic priest. The list goes on. All I can say is, if you really want to seek the TRUTH, it’ll lead your straight to Jesus Christ and the cross. The proof is in the very first sentence of the Bible (Gn 1:1). And the validation is in (Jn 1:1)


There is no evidence, so far as I know, about how the sign of the cross started, but but is certainly from the early Church. My own theory is that a surreptitious sign of the cross was a sign by which Christians knew each other in the times of persecution by the Romans. Nowadays, it is an overt sign to the world, and a reminder to oneself, that the cross was the gibbet on which our blessed Lord saved us.


Excellent and devine study class on making the sign of the cross on forehead every day. We Catholic do every morning and evening and before start ing a prayer. In one of the Tolstoy, s short stories "God sees but waits" describes an incident where the the main character crossing himself. Thank you Bob Pellien for your inspiring class


Hi everyone,

I’m not sure how to start this, but here it goes. I’m a Muslim, but recently I’ve been feeling drawn to Christianity. It’s been on my mind a lot, and I’ve been trying to understand more about it. Where I live, it’s really hard to find someone who can guide me, and honestly, I feel so lost and confused right now.

I’m feeling really nervous about reaching out 😅 but I don’t know where else to turn. If anyone here could offer some guidance, share their experiences, or point me in the right direction, I’d really appreciate it. Thank you so much for taking the time to read this.❤.❤


why? uhm my opinion. its not bad to do sign of the cross bcz theres no evidence and its not satanic symbols.


Whatever is not found scripitual in the bible it is not of God. Period! ✝️🙌 This man speaks truth


"In the name of the Father and of the son and of the holy spirit " ✅ ( and of the holy Ghost) is wrong 🙅.


I almost had a cross necklace come in the mail, after seeing this video I canceled the order. Thanks, saved me some money. 👍


if you actually observe the motion people make with that sign, it is actually an upside down cross


The cross is defintely the mark of the beast that even protestant churches are blindly using today. right hand and foreheads ., It is a perfect match for Rev 13:18 as Catholic use their right hand putting it to their foreheads doing just what the mark of the beast says in Rev 13:18


I agree the cross is the mark of the beast. The beast is the pope and papacy and the cross is the symbol that originated in false Christianity in the papacy through Constantine.

The cross previously being a pagan symbol in Babylon the Tau and Egypt the ankh. I first learned this truth in Alexander Hislops book The Two Babylon's.
