Why Do Catholics Make the Sign of the Cross? | Made For Glory

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Watch this episode of Made for Glory as Father Michael Nixon discusses why Catholics make the Sign of the Cross.
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Amen! Praise Jesus! I’m a Protestant, but I pray using the sign of the cross and you’re giving me even BETTER reason to do so!


Thank you for such brief enlightenment to us Catholics from Texas


Sign of the Cross for me as a Roman Catholic has many meaning to me & interpretation. THE CROSS SPECIALLY WITH Jesus image was a power full. Its remind me that Jesus died on the Cross for me to save me in any situation. He died for me as follower. That why to give respect when I was in Front of any St. Images, or any image of Christianity Churches & so on... To give respect like a salute, Sign of the cross when Iwas in dangers to protect me, sign of the cross before & after praying to show that my prayer is for Father, Son & Holly spirit. The sign of the Cross is the sign of Trinity protect us.


I thought it was a reminder of God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit.


Surely, we can still use our body to give praise and worship to Him. We can raise our hands, we can kneel before God, and we can dance! ❤️Because a lot of times we people say and do things (in the body) but our hearts are far away from Him... See Galatians 2:20


Beautiful, beautiful, sooo beautifuly said! Thank you, father!


The sign of the cross has yet again proven as powerful.
For instance today at the match between Italy and England, when I and others whose eyes were spiritually opened noticed the Italian player came into the field made the sign of the cross and mark his hand on the football ground and stretched his hand, Victory came for Italy.
My dear brethren let’s us make the sign of the cross always with faith, and we shall see the divine favour flowing.
With the sign of the cross, we exercise total dominion and authority of Jehovah God, over everything we do.
Isn’t that wonderful?.


We make sign of the cross : To remind us who we are and whose we are! BAM!


Can a non-catholic person make the sign of the cross?


What's the difference? You hold time without change and without changing. God wants difference... Right?


I kiss my thumb at the end but not sure why we do this


"God is love." 1. John 4:16
That is the inner secret of the Trinity.
God became man [hand moving down] to gather us into his love [hand moving sideward], which is the Holy Spirit.

"God is love."

Love is not only what God is like, it is who he is.
Love only exists in communion, in relationship. Therefore, God by his very essence must be something like a relationship of love. The love between Father and Son. And since God is beyond our human intellect and reason, love can be what Christian theology calls the Third Person of the Trinity. The Holy Spirit. One in being/essence, three in person.

In our human experience, perfect love seems to manifest itself when we give to others willing the good of the other. It is truly unconditional. Unconditionally giving.
And here is God becoming man, living the perfect - sinless - life, taking all punishment upon himself and dying the most dreadful death one can possibly imagine sothat we might be saved. What more could one give - how could one give more unconditionally?

Love is who he is. In Thomas Aquinas' words, God is 'ipsum esse per se subsistens'. Being itself subsisting. The sheer act of being. Love.
That is what we see in the first books of the bible to our salvation in Jesus Christ.
From the God who gives by creating, from the burning bush which was not consumed by its flames of self-giving love, to Pentecost.
Then, "what looked like flames or tongues of fire appeared and settled on their heads" - the Holy Spirit.

God is love. :)

I can highly recommend Bishop Barron's many videos on the Trinity and "The Love of the Trinity" by Fr. Brice Higginbotham here on YouTube.


Should we make the sign of the cross in a protestant church or at a protestant funeral? I would like to know your thoughts on this.


I'm on Jesus fishes, as a geometrist. Prayer still exist, but you need work


The enemy would like Jesus Christ to really be shamed more than is written and would leave Him forever on the cross by the remembrance of His torture every year in the guise of Easter celebrations. The sign of the cross was what the priests, pharisees, and scribes gave to the sons of belial who they paid to seek crucifixion for Jesus, instead of stoning as the law demanded. They couldn't be in the judgment hall, so they devised a means to communicate with them. Each time they feel that Jesus Christ may be set free after being scourged, they make the sign, and the wicked men shouted, "Crucify Him!".
God is a Spirit, and those who worship Him must worship Him in Spirit and in Truth! The Father seeks such to worship Him. John 4:23-24. So, He reveals Himself to them Amos 3:3-8.
That is why Believers abide in Him till the end. Come what may!
Be encouraged!


Always in pursuit of sound doctrine ....for the purpose of self edification where can we find scripture to give this Life for new believers looking for clarity when it comes to this gesture of proclamation?


The answer is never presented. Why do we do it? Why don’t we make the sign of the cross three times and not just once?


Shouldn't you geometrically (in time) bump out a few notches of your arms and time, to see the lord. Like all knowledgeable godly people.


I have a question, Im a Catholic and I've been really confused about something, SHOULD I always do the sign of the cross before praying? Is it also a sin if i don't do the Sign of the cross before praying?

(If my question has an answer in the Bible please let me know!)


I get the cross shape but realtive to the spacing from the head down to the belly then across to shoulder to shoulder I can't help that it looks like an upside down cross? Is this a mass deception of faith or am I being to technical?
