The Sign of the Cross HD

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The revealed truth of the Trinity is at the core of the Christian faith. And so from antiquity, we have began our prayers in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Our God is one, but he is a communion of persons, not solitary, and we are invited into that kind of relationship with him, in and through Jesus Christ.

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I wonder if the piece of the true cross is still out there somewhere in the middle east. It must be.


you r supposed to go right first then left bot like in the video


This tells us nothing about the sign of the cross. The credits are longer than what Father says…


Trinity is a word used to describe the Godhead - The Father, The Son, and the Holy Spirit. The Father is invisible. No man can see Him.
The Son is the Visible, express image of the Father, and
The Holy Spirit is the Power of the Father moving in the Son.
Just as you are a soul, inhabiting a body- fitted to survive in this atmosphere, with the Spirit of God moving you.
When man fell, the Spirit went back to God, and God created this earth to keep man for the duration of the 1000-year curse. Man now breathes in air- oxygen to survive.
When you receive Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior, He breathes into you His breath of Life John 20:22, to sustain the new you on the inside, led daily by the Holy Spirit until the redemption of your purchased soul and presents it faultless before the presence of God the Father.
So, if we can, we could use the word "Trinity " for you as well, which doesn't remove from or add to the truth of who you really are.
