Students Stun Cop and it Brings him to Tears!

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Students at Byron Nelson High School in Trophy Club, TX invited us to their dude. be nice event where they surprised and celebrated their School Resource Officer and two amazing students - we caught it all on camera! The student council planned this event and it brought everyone in the building to tears. More of this, please!
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Dude! Just keep 'em coming! These two girls have GOT TO HAVE the MOST AWESOME PARENTS. To raise not 1 but 2 SUPER ROCKS of positive inspiration is not by chance! And to your SRO, DUDE, keep being a REAL ROLE MODEL that kids can look up to as they turn into young men and women. Congratulations to all three of you!


It's really awesome to see young people recognize, appreciate, and celebrate the contribution of Officer Watkins. I spent my first 14 years in a very frightening home. I was small, skinny and scared of everyone and everything and often bullied. At 14, two police officers showed up. They were the FIRST adults in my life that stood up for us. I had no idea what it felt like to have someone stick up for me, let alone Police Officers. It was as if God Himself was in the room!! They have easily earned my respect! Congrats to all of you for doing this for him, and him for all of you! Paul, retired investigator, Federal government, Canada


“U r a great dad, u r an awsome dad” true parents can ask for nothing more than that!


What a beautiful gesture! Wish there were more like this in our schools! Well done kids!


Now this is awesome. And this Officer, i have no doubt that this great man would put his life on the line to protect each and every One of those kids. He deserves the recognition for being their guardian.


This video should be played over and over it’s always wonderful to see people get along in such a way and it pains me at the same time. I wonder why must we live in a world full of hate when there is so much love around us ✌🏾
Peace, love and soul 💙


So beautiful and inspiring .. 🥰😭👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻We need more of this in the world today especially.❤️


Great man thank you to the students for recognizing


the 2 students must have AWESOME parents & the cop is just a sweetheart. ive met more like him. one recently changed my flat tire when i was stuck on a highway at night. i knew how to change a tire (our dad taught all his kids including his daughter (favorite one! hi dad! lol) but i couldnt get a lug nut loose. i was out of state, it was late, the road was empty & AAA was taking so long...i was getting scared. seeing a cop car pulling over was such a relief & changing the tire?!..he didnt have to do that.


Wow. The world needs more schools like this one. Good job & congratulations to the recipients.


This is so sweet those kids are awesome!!


This is the high school I wish my kids and my grandchildren could have gone to. The fear of school shooters, the incessant bullying that caused two 14 year old girls in my grandkids' middle school to commit suicide - it's insanity. How much better would a school be if they all had the Dude. Be Nice program? The police officer is awesome - he looks like he belongs as a school officer! Someone the kids can look up to and talk to. It's clear how much his own kids love him! I wouldn't be the least bit surprised to find out this school has a higher graduation rate and higher marks at graduation than other schools BECAUSE of the Dude. Be Nice program. It's difficult to work towards keeping good grades if you're constantly being bullied or shunned, and that's just not happening in this school. If I was heading for high school, I would feel honored to be going here.


Y’all have no idea how easy it is to be nice. A lot of people get taken aback by it. But I try to do something like letting someone go first or holding a door open. We can all grow together. I’m like 28 and I see things so much differently than in early 20s. I just feel like myself and comfortable in my skin and I just wanna live along with people. Love you all!


The world needs more of these 3 being kind is a choice make the right choice


Sweet 😀💙👍🤗 how nice !!! hugs for them Aw that's so neat 👍


I was expecting the students to use a stun gun on the cop. Still a great moment.


It blows my mind that a school would need a permanent police officer. Is he a proper copper ?


Now if we could only get other schools to see the message this brings.


I know every school needs an Officer Watkins😢


Ok so these sisters are the united states first female President and Vice President... can't!!! 🏆🔥🔥🔥
