The Story Of Minecraft's Deep Dark City

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The Story Of Minecrafts Deep Dark City, In this video I explore and discuss a theory behind Minecrafts Deep dark city, a dangerous and mysterious place that somehow ended up underground..

Hashtags Related (3-4) : #wildupdate #minecraft #warden #deepdark
Video Includes: Not Minecraft, But Water Rises or Minecraft, But Lava Rises, or any other but challenge like that. This is a speed run / speed runner of Minecraft against a killer / assassin but it is TThe Story Of Minecrafts Deep Dark City

Music Provided by Epidemic sound


KunaiToo 2nd Channel

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Problems with theory:

-Ancient cities spawn more commonly under mountainous regions, making it unlikely for it to have been due to a swamp
-Their are laboratories in the ancient city that experiment with sculk sensors, as well as wool on bridges and a chiseled deepslate showing a picture of the warden, so the builders at least knew about the warden and sculk

thats about it that I've found


Sculk is something special it’s not just another dimension to be explored, it’s a creature of its own. The sculk only spreads when creatures or entities are killed near it, and it converts the blocks into sculk. Suggesting it feeds on the life force (Exp of other mobs). There is no doubt in my mind that it’s from another dimension however this substance is not just existing in the overworld. It is consuming the overworld, this dimension in essential slowly hunting and killing the overworld. It is a parasitic realm seeking to spread and ingulf our own, and like most living things it has a means to defend itself aka the Warden. The Warden is merely the sculks self-defense mechanism and a form of feeding itself. The souls in in its chest are the mobs the sculk consumes, reused into a type of energy that gives life to the warden. Now although this is all very scary there is one important thing to keep in mind. To the luck of the overworld these sculk growths appeared underground in caves places were there is very little to feed its growth. It would take a long period of time for sculk to spread to from a cave system to the surface. This does present players with the opportunity to find these sculk breaches and eliminate them. That is if they can bring down the warden first…. (Sorry about all the text I get really into this stuff o-0).


Dude, so underrated it’s sad. I can’t wait for when this guy blows up because he definitely deserves it.


Kunai pushing the limits of family friendly content with that jumpscare at 7:50


Maybe the Warden is an iron golem created to protect the ancient builder but at some point, they all died and being buried underneath the city itself but the sculk reach the body and mutated it to kill all of the remaining occupant’s. This could also explain there name "Warden" that means keeper or gard, like the iron golem


I have my own theory that's kinda a mix of other theories, I just came up with this so it probably won't be that good, but here it is. Ancient builders discovered the Deep Dark, and they realized the sculk sensors produced energy, so they built a base there. The Warden did not exist yet, and that's important for the story. They thought of an idea of a different dimension, which they did not know of since at the time, the only dimension they knew of was the overworld. They created a portal frame hoping it will take them to a new dimension, but they didn't have a way of powering it. They noticed that the sculk catalyst was making energy to make new sculk blocks when something died near it. They came to the conclusion that souls make energy, so they made sacrifices in hopes of getting enough to power the portal. They took the skulls of the sacrificed and saved them, this is also important for later. They took the souls out of the sculk by an unknown means, and made soul sand. As said before, they thought souls made energy, so they used the soul sand to power the portal. It wasn't enough, so they burned the skulls to create heat energy, but in doing that, they created the Wither. It was made from the angered souls of the sacrificed, so it killed tons of ancient builders. The ones that survived, the Wither couldn't find, so it flew away. They tried to power the portal again, which they did. Nobody knows how they did it, which is why the portal now is unlightable. They opened the portal, but instead of a new dimension they hoped for, they created the Warden. Just like the Wither, it was made from angered souls, and killed tons of ancient builders. The survivors didn't flee, but instead adapted to the Warden, placing wool to avoid activating it, as they thought the Warden would protect them if the Wither ever came back, which eventually it did, which is when disc 5 was created. They activated the Warden, but could not survive the fight. All of the builders that lived in the cities perished, and overtime, as the Warden kept burrowing into the sculk, got covered in it, and even formed a sculk sensor on its head. Today, the Warden lives in the Deep Dark, seeking revenge for what the ancient builders did.


the catalyst is a mix of sculk and bone-like substance. i'd say at the time it was a bone block, but over time it hardened into a fossil. the sculk could be natural, occuring in a place filled with abundance of the dead, or man-made, being made from souls and their skeletal bodies.


Hey Kunai, I just wanted to tell you that I love your vids: they’re so good edited and so interesting. Keep the channel up!


Oh my god. This makes so much sense. The music disc animation part at the end completely convinced me. AMAZING JOB with this video, there is so much information in just 8 minutes. You are truly a very talented creator. Thank you for this undeniably detailed lore/backstory. You have earned a subscriber!!!


This was a very cool video idea that no one was willing to cover, which created an amazing video with your editing and video style combined. Excited for the next one


this is my theory : first the ancient builders made a city underground to be safe, they were experimenting with sculk blocks, suddenly the warden spawned and killed all of them ( that is why the ancient city is covered with sculk the sculk spreads depending on the xp when killed)


I love the new video. I actually have a theory: The mud blocks in the mangrove swamp got loose, and thus made the city prone to the sinkhole.


These videos look so good man keep it up!


I’m happy u posted another one of ur great vids :D Keep it up!


Kunai, you deserve these subscribers these stories and theory's are so amazing i can't stop thinking about them!


Banging video, absolutely love the storyline and edits💯


What I think is that :
The warden was created by the ancient builders to protect them from the Beast(wither)
after soo long and the ancient builders have died due to old age the warden was simply useless
so when the players(us) come to the caves, it awakens to do its duty of protecting thinking we are danger
this my theory :)


So the ones who made the Ancient City also built the temples, strongholds, Piglins made the bastions and fortresses while the 3rd unknown race built the Dragon island and the end cities


I have a great theory, and that is that the warden might have been a sort of golem protecting the city in the swamp, such as the regular Minecraft villages, and the skulk just took it over seeing that it was the strongest mob in the game and was maybe a good donor for control.
