Testing Scary Minecraft Seeds in the Deep Dark

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The Terrifying Story of Herobrine Myth in the newest version of Minecraft! Has Mojang confirmed proof that Herobrine has been secretly added to the game?

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#Eystreem #Minecraft
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I think Mojang thought that after so many times of deleting Herobrine they thought they didnt have to this time. But that was the moment Herobrine was waiting for. Mojang lowering their guard for Herobrine to make his move. And the deep dark could very well be the new biome of herobrine. And the warden is his servant. Mojang never intended for the warden to be so strong but Herobrine changed the wardens code to serve him as his defender of his biome. The candles are the new torches. Herobrine has made the anvient city his personal throne room and the wardens are his guardians. Thats why they are so strong. He is also more powerful because Mojang forgot to remove his powers. Thats right. Mojang removed only his powers but not the entity. Thats how he was so strong in this update because mojang didnt take away his powers. And the reason the fireflies didnt get added was because the fireflies would drop the spark to activate the portal. Herobrine was responsible for that as well.


How to prevent herobrine:
Step 1: use a herobrine skin
Step 2: wait
Step 3: watch him run away in terror


Weird things:the warmer was trying to kill something in 3:32
The secret room's door was open in 5:50
He read a book but the book was not normal book in 6:25
The secret room's doors close in 7:04
He have darkness in 7:29
he heard lighting in 7:32
All of the white candles because red candles in 8:08
The candles go out in 8:32
All of the trees's leaves disappear in 9:30


7:45 “The torches are useless”
“Put the torches down”
**proceeds to place torches**


Eystreem/Jordan should really deserve to get an Oscar Award, I mean the man does all this for us


Did you know there is some bugs in Minecraft. Some mind shops can also spawn inside of ancient cities, but it’s not really rare. I found it also and most people found it too.


The warden clearly has more theories of the past rather than just a blind, bogstandard mob in the deep dark. This is actually cool.


Eystreem is so brave. All of those entities he's faced and sacrificing his PC to solve the mysteries of herobrine, giant alex, blood villager ect. He is such a good youtuber


I never expected Corrupt Steve to be in Jordan's creepypasta list


Hey Eystream, I've been watching your content for a while now. To my surprise you've actually got me to play Minecraft way more than I should. By the way I appreciate and love you videos I think they're amazing. However now you got me interested in playing the game even more. If Mojang added Herobrine we can all agree the game will be even greater than it ever was. We need a new story from mojang that involves Herobrine.


I think this would make a really interesting series like scary survival. Maybe you can use this seed for that. I hope you will take my request into consideration. Pls try to do something so that Eyestreem will see this.


I love how he asks us questions like “what are those noises?” Ect.


you should maybe do a live stream while testing scary minecraft myths so you can get suggestions from one of your subs if you know what i mean


Now we should all really appreciate his work 18hrs is a lot and doing that all just for his fans this man deserves an applaud


I have a bunch of papers where I figure out Minecraft. (Does that make sense?) And I'm gonna go get them and explore the Deep Dark and write everything interesting down. You gave me even more inspiration. Thanks! :)


his face on 371 collecting tools

i died LOL
good work tho, i love your myth videos


6:25 I think it might be corrupt Steve, test Steve, or 003 because we can't read what it says after but it's 3 syllables


i think that in seed 137, the people who reported it didn't find out about herobrine until they when into the deep dark, I think because herbrine made sounds that were so quiet that the player couldn't here him at all, but sculk sensors are able to detect any kind of sound (except for wool), and broadcasted the sounds to the warden, which is why the warden seemed to be attacking thin air.


Theory: what if every mod and player death from all versions made the wardens stronger and in turn has made Herobrine and Null as well. Think about it, Null was seen in mines and underground what if Null was part of (or allied with) Herobrine this whole time and while Mojang was keeping an eye on Herobrine, Null was able to prep the seeds for his return.... just a thought


him in his minecraft normal vids: herobrine his minecraft shorts: HEROBEANS
