How to Handle a Real Estate Counter Offer

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Real estate counter offers are inevitable. What is a counter offer in real estate? How do you make a counter offer? What is a counter offer in real estate example? In this video, I cover what it's like to make a counter offer and how to enter the negotiations of a real estate deal.
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Part of being a real estate agent is negotiating for your client's behalf. This is where you and the other work together to figure out the best deal for the buyer and seller. What can each person consider a "deal?"

One party will make an offer and it is up to the other to choose between three options:
1. Accept
2. Reject
3. Counter

In this video, we cover how to handle the third option: counter offers.

A counter offer is an alternate offer in response to a previous offer. Some people might consider a counter offer in real estate to be a bad sign. But, in reality, it's a sign of progress. Your client is that much closer to sealing the deal on their dream home.

Robert walks you through the mindset behind handling a counter and what you can do to make sure your client doesn't get discouraged. He will also show you real estate counter offer examples with a sample scenario.

After this video, you will walk away with another set of negotiation skills on your tool belt.

00:00 - Introduction
00:30 - How to make an offer
02:45 - How to handle a counter offer
04:20 - Types of counter offers in real estate
04:55 - One mindset to look at counter offers

#Counteroffer #realestatecounteroffer #negotiations


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Let me know your thoughts on this video! I want to hear your opinion!


My agent has regularly talked me off the ledge of making a full list price offer. And she's been right on the money.


I am almost halfway done with my last course, going to purchase the crash course, and then schedule my exam. I am already in contact with the Brokerage I want to work under, and I am super excited to start a career I love. Thank you for making the courses fly by!


I love the negotiation part of real estate.


never been this early!! super happy you guys are covering this :)


Finding this information so helpful to me personally...You're doing great job!!


Very informative video and helpful, I just lose a house for 10000 dollars, listed $950000 I offered plus $10000 on the second time and sold for $1020000.


Remember guys, piece it together. I love the video, really well explained.


Like always you are amazing. thank you for sharing your knowledge. Your videos are super helpful. Thx🏆


i saw your commercial i did all your steps for the iphone 12


Counter offers are the fantastic if you use them to your advantage . Sure you ask fairly low, not insulting, but lowish and hope to goodness they offer a counter offer. At least you got a markdown and they are locked into it. Once they offer the counter they can't walk out from it. You can lock them out from taking any other offer if needed with out a court order. A counter is your ticket in if you want that property. Unless your loan doesn't go through, thats the sellers only real out.


How can I have Robert Rico teach me? I love the way he explains everything


I'm learning a lot from this video! Thank you so much!


Video is so much Awesome👏😊😊
Nice Work 👍👍


What if there counter offer is back to asking price?


I made an offer for a piece of land at full price. The seller counter with a way higher price. I cried and stood my ground. Waiting for the sellers decision.


I just found your YT channel the other day and I been binge watching the videos of stuff I needed to know. You’re so informational! You literally break it down into humans terms instead of real estate terminology. Could you possibly do one of a net sheet? Or a thorough break down of the RPA & RLA?
