Klee Irwin - The Tetrahedron

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Klee Irwin, director of Quantum Gravity Research, talks about the tetrahedron, the most fundamental building block of our 3D reality according to emergence theory.

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Dear Klee & colleagues at CGR... I've arrived at a similar conlusion through striving to digitally model the essence, nature, and structure of reality -- not only nor primarily as a goal in itself but as a means and tool to help empower as many humans as possible to minimize suffering, pain, and death and maximize life, joy, and wellbeing for them/our-selves, one another, and all sentient beings.

This video really hit a spot. I've been following you all here on YT for some years now -- and the last few weeks, and now days, i've been feeling an ever stronger itch to reach out and connect.

My understanding of physics, math, and related disciplines are very basic; my primary paths, toolkit & focus include digitalization & the internet, philosophy (esp. ethics, mettaphysics, ontology, epistemology), humanities, spirituality, geopolitics, development, and psysomatics ... yet we seem to be converging on a somewhat common language and exploring similar territories.

Would love to connect!


Plato thought the universe was built with tetrahedron. It's in the Timaeus.


Okay don't judge me 😅 but I took 5 hits of acid a couple years back, and all I could see was Tetrahedrons folding over themselves almost like the 3d "shadow" you showed in this video, except it Moved. Also another weird experience with a Tetrahedron. It was night time and I was walking home with a friend when I was 17 and we were completely sober. We watched a silent but very fast green glowing Tetrahedron ship flying through the air. Believe me or not. I know what I saw.


The work going on at QRG fascinates me endlessly. This is the sort of cutting edge work that is typically unavailable for mass consumption. Thank you for putting it all out there. It is also the sort of thing that "leaders" (getting pop culture here) in quantum physics - and other - who are researching areas for what seems to me anymore the sole purpose of hanging onto funding and getting paid for speaking gigs would happily call out as BS while speaking as "public science educators". Dr. Kaku and Tyson come to mind. Thank you for not being scientifically bigoted and keep up the good work. Have you considered that a US coastline, and big city none-the-less, may not be the best place for important work? Thinking long term...


I'm assuming this guy read Buckminster Fuller. These ideas have been around. Check out the book "Synergetics". It explains this concept more indepth.


Keep your eyes peeled for our new E8 documentary - coming soon!


I have an image of these balls made of tetrahedra all with the same charge standing equally apart from each other as dark matter. there charge ensuring they don't come in contact with photons that carry the same charge (a smaller organization of the same tetrahedra) this smaller flatter version would allow minuscule amounts of energy to propel it as the dark matter tries to force it out from between them causing it to slightly displace the balls as it moves through them. this displacement would cause the wave-like movement of the photon and the energy put into the photon would increase the stretching and compression of the field giving us the shorter wavelengths with higher energy. if one of these photons were to manage to hit the dark matter dead on it would break the dark matter in half with an electron spinning off to one side and a positron going off in the opposite direction. I see gravity as the destruction of these dark matter balls into there smaller tetrahedra and flowing contrary to gravitational forces. these particles would then move to the vacumes in distant space where they can settle and reform back into dark matter(i believe this process to be dark energy).


So where does this leave the atom? How did the crystal come into play? Aren't crystals also made of atoms? Are you saying adoma are made of tetrahedrons? Many questions


Will someone explain to me why Jim Carey says we are not real and we are tetrahedrons what does this. mean? Is this true.


If you've watched this video and still need more science, check out our new film Hacking Reality!

Is there an 8-dimensional "engine" behind our universe? Join Marion Kerr on a fun, visually exciting journey as she explores a mysterious, highly complex structure known simply as 'E8'--a weird, 8-dimensional object that for some, strange reason, appears to encode within it all of the particles and forces of our 3-dimensional universe.


Dr Bruce Lipton's work on epigenetics might suggest a rationale utility, resultant of the simplex syntax. epigenetic regulation hinges on subjective interpretation of the organism's environment--proteins folding in particular arrangements to optimize energy transference; perception is selection. Beautiful Fib-sequence integration.


I almost feel your posting these in response to my comments.
How can I explain this in a way that makes sense?
You are correct when you talk about how we get the shadows and how natural it gives up its secrets.
I contend that our numerological way of computing things, so we can count and measure what we can see, as too archaic to express what your trying to explain.
Right, left, yes, and no. Two choices. What of the nonaction or not choosing right or left.
I think your hog tying yourself. As much as I think I know about this. I have two voices. My own and whatever is teaching me this.
Many times when I come across something new now. I have my first reaction. Then sometimes even days later when I'm thinking of something else entirely. This voice will kick in and explain the real answer. This usually happens when I'm calm and worry free. Not really a good time in my life right now. Until I find an answer to my financial issues I will be limping along.
You need to think of this shape as a living system, and like the Mandelbrot set it continues on self replicating itself.
Your trying to build something that is either what creates our reality, or reality itself from our point of view anyway.
My human side actually saw it as the three sides out and like pixels they light up.
Days later I got a seminar for hours which explains how simplistic and wrong I had been. Since then I've learned not to share my opinion anymore. I only share what I've seen or taught.
So all I am saying is coming from outside myself.
I find the medium here of typing constraining and stilted. Honestly you have the shape almost right.
I could spend an hour explaining why I know its three choices not two.
It was two. Until real consciousness evolved which added another whole part of the puzzle. Once the reactive flight or fight(yes or no) evolved and became real thought suddenly the possibilities changed geometrically.
That's as far as I will go. You said it yourself in one video. You touched on how evolution had its hands in it. Still you can't look at it as earth evolution but Universal evolution. We are part of this. Yet most scientist try to exclude us from the equation.
Your just not going to get an accurate static model. It has to grow and have a life of its own. Like waves even. Waves of probability but the other side. Which dances with our particles in this dimension. Which then determines what is there.
The vibrational frequency of the particle dances on the quasicrystal and you get the stage and what's there. Otherwise it's just the empty stage when no particles are present. This also explains why and extra electron and a couple of protons and neutrons produce such different things with all their different properties they have.
Haven't you ever wondered how a few extra particles can make such a visually different subject? It's the dance that is achieved between the lattice and the particle. Otherwise you only get more tiny solar systems instead(atoms).


I have a question how many states do tetrahedron have? you said something about left and right, can this be represented by digital of ones and zeros only two states?


two dimension is a solid sphere . two radius 120 degrees apart with angular momentum . a tetrahedron is three radius under rotation on a 1d horizon. you can put all the information to make the EM brane with the previous three degrees of freedom. three things in contrast. mechanical, observer in the middle, abstract.


come on guys fractal consciousness critical mass is rising!


You should have millions of viewers. If not for the flower of life(spiritual), then geometric interests and , or physics. Or in my case number inquiries. Thankyou


You can follow 'Klee Irwin Deep Thoughts' personal blog link here, where a different kind of sharing can be found. The blog will soon be extremely active!


But we're "shadows" of even higher dimensions


This truly is the secret to longer, larger, firmer bowel movements!
