Klee Irwin - How Big Can Conscious Systems Be?

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Klee Irwin, founder of Quantum Gravity Research, a group of theoretical physicists developing a first-principles unified quantum gravity theory, talks about how "there is no limit on how conscious a system can be."

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I had a string of philosophical thought recently that independently lead to conclusions that sound the same as the hypotheses mentioned in this video.


Keep your eyes peeled for our new E8 documentary - coming soon!


If you've watched this video and still need more science, check out our new film Hacking Reality!

Is there an 8-dimensional "engine" behind our universe? Join Marion Kerr on a fun, visually exciting journey as she explores a mysterious, highly complex structure known simply as 'E8'--a weird, 8-dimensional object that for some, strange reason, appears to encode within it all of the particles and forces of our 3-dimensional universe.


What is your opinion on Wheeler's self reflexive universe? Are you familiar with Christopher Langan's CTMU? more specifically SCPL - Self-Configuring Self-Processing Language ?


Yes, we are all part of this conscious whole that is this Universe. However it goes deeper.


Time Mechanics solves all you problems. 🖖


Matter has nothing to do with a limit of consciousness hence I accept your quote "there is no limit on how conscious a system can be". Extending the E-8 inward and outward of tetrahedral borders and constructing consciousness can we use one single division as the example for lowest consciousness or one plank length (like Suzie) in your example and a 1. for Red and Ted. The part of gravity and feeling like altering it's affects could be possible with a 1.+++ consciousness. I liked your definitions compared to the words used and this becomes more understanding for me. What I get out of this is that an expanded consciousness could possibly allow an individual to become lighter or at least make them feel lighter in the immediate area they are occupying.


Is it at all probable, that each human individual is his or her own conscious bubble? It seems to me, that would be an evolutional waste of energy.


Classical laws of Physics are inferior to the higher Quantum Laws if it is indeed proven that all existence is emergent from the quantum gravity field. It is theorized that the particles which make up everything are emergent from this field, also all other quantum fields are emergent from the gravity field.If it " the Q.G.F. ", can exist standing alone how then can it be contained or governed by what it is creating? Unless it is transferring its own nature in the process or designing it !? Self actuation and self orchestrated design through protoconsciousness. What are the odds of that happening?
