How Many CARBS You Need to Not DIE

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The Institute of Medicine is quite clear about how many carbohydrates are needed to be healthy…

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Dear Doctor's Berry & Fung,

I am a 74 year old obese man who had Type 2 diabetes for just over 25 years, I was taking Metformin for 15 years then it was upped Metformin+ Gliclazide for the last 10 years..

Two years ago I saw your video about reversing Diabetes with a low carb diet. I went on a less than 75 grams of carbs a day ( not keto ) ate more vegetables & proteins and went from 344 pounds to 250 pounds in 1 year, my A1c went from 7.5 to 5.1, and I tracked my fasting glucose every day and averaged 85...

I feel 100% better, mind clearer, skin tags disappeared, sleep better and feel like I am 40 years old again.. I believe my life has been saved by you two and I feel I could live to be at least 100 years young... I also feel it is not a " diet " but a change of life eating pattern one has to adapt to..

Again, thank you for showing me the way to live a happy, healthy life...Rick...


My 80 year old mother's doctor is full of it. She told my mother, who is diabetic, to 'eat all the fruit you want. Eat plenty of grains and carbs, low fat and eat meat only twice a week.' Those were her exact words! I asked the professional if she was trying to kill my mother with her bad advice and she simply walked out of the exam room without a reply. My mother will believe anything the doctor tells her so I told her to go for it. She can always add more Metformin, Humolog injections, and Ozempic injections. Nevermind that she lost her vision and damaged all her organs by listening to a doctor's bad advice. After of few days of her wishing I was born into someone else's family she finally decided to cut carbs and sugars. Her a1c dropped more in 3 months by changing her diet than it it ever did with all the years of medicine. When her doctor asked how her levels dropped I blurted out the she did the exact opposite of what you told her to do.


I love how Doc cuts out 30 plus minutes of boring, incomprehensible dialogue with one (1) short sentence. This is why we love him and come back over and over again. I even take notes.


Our family doctor asked my husband if he'd consider a dietician because he told the doctor he had 3TBS of fat in his morning coffee before a blood test (He didn't know it could affect his numbers and should have fasted). He immediately said no, knowing the kind of diets they try to push on people. Doctor said to him he needs to lower his fat, eat lean protein etc, cut out high fat meats, while at the same time telling him to eat "Low carb" but eat loads of fruits and veg and beans etc. How is low carb and "eat loads of fruits and vegetables and beans" in the same sentence? Little tired of the "Fat is bad" mentality. Was told by my doctor that cheerios are HEALTHIER than eggs cooked in butter. It blew my mind.


The Inuit people lived on a very high fat diet for thousands of years and didn't suffer from heart disease.


I am 68 years old I was diabetic, hypertensive and obese. Thankfully I have an Endocrinologist that sees things like you. He put me on a Ketogenic Diet with Intermittent Fasting. In the past year I have lost 70 pounds, gone off insulin and greatly reduced my blood pressure meds. 👍


Lost 100+ pounds doing this. Went from a 42 inch waist to a 32 inch waist. BMI was 39 and is today 23.4 No more snoring, no more taking stairs one at a time. Cut meds by 80%. AFTER my weight lost, I now lift weights 3-4 times a week and swim laps 3 times a week. Thank you Dr. Berry and Dr. Jason Fung. BTW, I am a 70year old guy. Anyone can do this.


I can easily find a list of “essential fatty acids.”
I can easily find a list of “essential proteins.”
You know what I can’t find a list of? “Essential carbohydrates”


I get maybe 4 carbs per day. A few in my 1/2 &1/2 in my morning coffee. And 2 or 3 strawberries for dessert after dinner. I feel and look great. I'm at the weight I was in boot camp at 20. I'm 73.


I sometimes go for weeks without carbs except for maybe what is naturally in eggs and cheese. Once I put a grain or sugar in my mouth I go non-stop because Im addicted to them.


Keep up the good work Doctor. People like you have helped so many of us live a healthy and a feel good life. Two years ago I was 63 years old, 5' 6", 250lbs and hurting every day. Today I have been 160lbs for the last 6 months with no pain. Thank You Sr. for being a leader in the keto world.


Been on a Carnivore diet for about a month. Thought I’d try a cooked zucchini yesterday. Immediately got brain fog. Cravings gone, gas gone, night eating gone, grocery spending cut in half. Food waste also reduced significantly.


I've been doing very low carbs for over ten years, but what changed the game for me was compressing three meals into one and going 20-22 hours between meals.


greetings from Baghdad, since i followed your advice about carbohydrates consumption and i made it to under 10 grams i feel much more energetic (i eat butter) and i don't have short breathe any more, grateful forever Dr.


I wasn't expecting that ending 😂😂😂😂😂


I have a copy of a diet from a nursing text book used in the late 40s and early 50s. It is a diet for pregnant women.
Meat, fish, poultry, eggs and cheese. At least one egg a day. Cheese at least 3 times a week. Liver once a week.
4 glasses of whole milk. It wound not have had the proteins changed by homogenizing.
1 serving whole grain cereal for breakfast.
1 serving whole grain bread with cereal for lunch.
I green and one yellow vegetable with butter
One small salad. The bowls held 1 cup.
One small potatoe.
2 fruit, one citrus, may be tomatoe
If you put on too much poundage remove the grains.
Woman gained the right amount of weight back then.
In 1988 I ate 1600 low fat, high fibre calories a day during my second pregnancy. Felt guilty for not eating enough. Felt guilty for the 80 pounds I gained. Got lots of lectures on my weight gain.
I spent decades starving myself fat and sick on 1200 low fat, high fiber calories a day. But two times I resorted to the evil Atkins diet. I had been told by 3 doctors I would never have children. Warned my husband before marriage.
But after getting on the evil Atkins diet, I became pregnant. Unfortunately reverted to the Adventist cult death diet each time.
My oldest has severe Poly Ovarian Syndrom. If I had stuck with Atkins I feel that fate would have been avoided. My youngest also has health issues which I connect to the Adventist cult food industry agenda.
If I could go back in time I would tell myself the truth. Do not trust the so called experts. They are lying.


Thanks to you Dr. Ken Berry, and also, “I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me.” Philippians 4:13, I have lost 71 pounds gradually, since the summer of 2020. No longer am I in the obese or overweight BMI range today! I have been following your sound studies, and advice on first the carnivore diet, then switched over to the Ketovore diet. Also a big bonus, I no longer have high blood pressure. Once again, thank you so very much for helping me to become a healthier, happier me!


Trying to spread this information in Russia. A lot of people can't even imagine having a meal without a slice of bread.


If anyone tells you that you need to eat at least a certain amount of carbs per day ask them if carbs are essential for the body. Fats and proteins are essential, but carbs are not. Glucose can also be made by the body. Also tell them that almost 99% of the human history consisted of high fat low carb diet.


I don't think the garden-variety primary care physician really gives a sheet anymore what people stuff in their pie hole.
(They themselves are just in it to survive all the boo sheet that the AMA & CDC puts out.)
