Best 3 Ways to Bleed Air Out of Your Car's Cooling System

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In this video I'll go over 3 ways you can bleed your cars cooling system. Everytime you open your cooling system to fix a leak or replace a bad component you must bleed the system of air pockets, otherwise you run the risk of developing overheating issues, your heater not working and other related engine performance issues.

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Much appreciated. Very useful information, and enlightening. Especially pointing out that something so simple, such as air pockets in the cooling system could cause fluctuation in idle speed. No one else on any Jeep forum or informational video I've seen even gave this possibility as a problematic solution. It was also an excellent suggestion to raise the front of the vehicle while performing the process of removing air from the cooling system. Thanks again, your intelligence is appreciated. You not only gave one approach to doing this job but three. Very interesting, and thorough. 💯


Those spill free funnels are life savers!!


Thanks man! I'm pretty sure 10-15yrs ago, I've gone "down that rabbit hole" chasing the iDLE problem. PLUS, your "coolant system flush explanation" is the best I've heard.


To remove excess. coolant from funnel, you can use the sprayer from a spray bottle and insert the stem into the fluid and spray it out into a container


Owww this was such a great guide to this kind of problem. Most people go directly to the sensors when they have this idle rpm bouncing on the engine. We sometimes have this problem when changing the cylinder head on maritime diesel engines, so we always drain the whole coolant from the system, change it and then fill it back again. Same problem, same fix but all and all completely different workarounds. Nice to see.


You really came up in the last several months so happy for you


Thank you. Your videos are the best I've seen. Your articulate, smart, and you explain so most people can understand. 5 star's.
Thanks again.


This is the best explanation AND demonstration I have watched out of the 50 videos. Thank you!


Very informative as in all your videos. I for one have always enjoyed everything you post, and even at 65 years of age and the fact that I have been wrenching since I was about 13 years old, you my Brother have certainly taught me more than a few new tricks of the trade.

Thanks for all you do and all the Awesome information you put out there for all of us.


I want to say that I know quite a bit about car mechanics but this guy has given me some knowledge I did not know. GREAT VIDEO!!!


Thank you very much for the info and technique it worked wonderful. I will leave my detailed experience in case anyone has a similar scenario.

My 2016 Chrysler 200 only has an overflow tank so that is what i used the first method on and it worked flawlessly.

I parked on a decent slope with the tank at the high point but i also opened the radiator bleed valve (small plastic twisty boy) until the coolant came out in a steady flow while running at operating temp.

What brought me to this problem is that i opened a coolant line to get to another component and let in air while doing so. My main symptom was a sloshing or water faucet like sound when i accelerated, accompanied with a much weaker working heater core.

After properly bleeding the air as you described, plus the valve thing, all is well. Thank you again. Good luck to all reading !


One of the best demo's I've ever seen!

The gentleman speaks with such clarity, kept it real simple and yes, very knowledgeable

Thank you so much!


They have those radiator funnel kits now. It’s awesome…next best thing since slice bread


Bleed the cooling system. Get the air out of the Jeep 4.7 ... put a new serpentine belt on. Mine was shot.
See that hex head plug with the orange sealer surrounding it? That is the plug I unscrew to burp the cooling system.
I screw in a small plastic funnel after draining the cooling system for a change. I always jack the front of the Commander up so the engine is tilted just a tiny little bit. [My Commander has a natural lower rake look to it, high in the back]
1~Fill the radiator.
2~Test the radiator cap. Will the cap hold 19 lb. [my factory original cap failed to hold 4 lb.]
3~Put the cap back on.
4~Fill the overflow bottle at least halfway to the factory paint mark.
5~Keep filling coolant until the funnel is full.
6~Start the engine. Immediately the coolant will be sucked down into the engine, water pump, and hoses. 7~Keep adding coolant as the engine and thermostat warm. Don't allow air to go down the funnel.
8~Wait, keep filling if necessary. But keep the funnel full. A full funnel is the 'foot-head' and is the highest point in the cooling system. Watch the overflow bottle, it may go up. It may not. But it is there to keep any air out.
9~Once the engine is up to normal temperature and the funnel is still full, have a friend increase the engine rpm from idle to about 1, 200 rpm ... the coolant will again be sucked down into the engine. Add more coolant.
10~When no more coolant will go down the funnel and still holding the 1, 200 rpm steady ... remove the funnel and screw in the threaded hex plug.
11~at this point the cooling system is full and burped with no air pockets.
You can't do better than that. Now can you?


I LOVE my spill-free funnel!!! CHEERS from HERE!!!


I love you man, how is the avocado trees doing


Very well described. Much more helpful than many other guys. Thanks.


My 1998 Mitsubishi Eclipse GSX has an idle surge at warm up and goes away once completely warmed up. Mechanics have never used a no sill funnel to bleed it out. I have replaced the IAC twice and it did nit solve my idle surge. Thank you forvthis video!


Great job, have heard of this method, but never seen it demonstrated 👏👍 I usually just do the funnel method. Heck sometimes I dont even use a funnel, just keep topping it up and letting it burp 👍


Very good explanation on bleeding the system! I like the "take a shot when you hear system" idea but feel that I'd be plastered in no time! LOL Thanks for posting this.
