Marsha Linehan DBT with Suicidal Clients Video

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Watch Dialectical Behavior Therapy creator, Marsha Linehan, do DBT therapy with a suicidal client.
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There's a lot to unpack here!

--Mirroring (both body language and tone of voice)
--Normalizing the behavior so the client feels comfortable talking about it
--Checking for suicidal ideation vs. plan
-- Asking WHY the client did not follow through
-- Client wants a "quick fix" and feels angry that the therapist is not "fixing her"
-- Discussing the rupture between client expectations vs. counselor's job description


Okay. I want to reiterate this: Marsha is a very very blunt woman. When working with HCPs and manipulative people or any cluster B, you have to be pretty direct and blunt. Shes acting like a wall to diffuse the manipulative strategies and challenge her client to not do those things. Working with borderlines is incredibly difficult. You have to have firm boundaries, be direct, and not respond to their guilt tripping via compassion or being overly empathetic. Thats why shes acting like this. Borderlines are known for saying or doing things to get reactions from others and if marsha rewards her for acting that way, she learns that if she acts in a maladaptive way she'll be rewarded in some respects


"I think if you've ever been to an ER when you've cut yourself you'll know why I don't It's obvious ED / ER staff should get training on this type of things so that they stop stigmatising and treating the patients like they're a worthless waste of time; somehow believing that if they treat these patients with kindness and like normal human beings, that somehow they will magically be cured and wont present to ED/ER again. Huge lack of misunderstanding when it comes to many of the mental illnesses especially by ER staff.


Once you walk into a ER for self harm and admit it to the triage nurse YOU CAN'T LEAVE without being checked out and you try to leave they will ask you to say then send security and the police to bring you back. Many ER's have a locking secure psych section for this they mean well and want to help people, key word "mean" well....


I love random Youtubers criticising the founder of DBT based on a 2min Youtube clip


Marsha Linenhan is a very smart therapist, stop criticizing her

Save 2+ minutes of your life... there is no DBT and then they tell you to buy the video to find out what happens

Edit: my post is 3 years old.. I could be wrong... I am not a therapist.


Hi guys, Is this an actress acting the transcript of a real client's therapy session? Please inform, thanks!


I watched the whole video on a different channel and holy crap, this is such an abusive form of therapy. “Withholding warmth” with the client is such a horrible tactic for a client who feels deeply betrayed and alone.


The link does not provide the full video!!


is she an actress? or is this chick just that comfortable with an audience like that?


Martinez Melissa Lewis Joseph White Donald


Some years ago, I almost took my own life. I was abused when I was a kid, broken, depressed, anorexic, bulimic, self-harming. suicidal. My biological father choked me and chased me with the lawnmower as if her was gonna run me over, I went in & out of psychiatric units like it was a game of Chess. Suicide watch. I was on enough Antidepressants to kill a horse since i was 12. I hated myself. I wanted out. I wanted the pain to stop. The abuse to end
I wanted power. I got into witchcraft. I thought it would give me the identity i wanted, to be set apart from people who hurt me. It only made me sicker. Sicker. Thats what it did to me.
The doctors said i’d never get well. That i would suffer severe Chronic Manic depression, and never be well, that id be stuck on antidepressants all of my life.
I would plot suicide on a daily basis, binging and purging my food as often as opening and closing a door. The pain was too real. People choked me. Assaulted me. Told me i was ugly, told me to apologize to him for every year i was alive. i felt worthless. Nothing ever got better. Then my mother died. The (1) & only soul who ever loved /emotionally supported me was removed from the earth. I was stuck living with people who broke me, ruined my identity, thus causing me to hate God. I thought God hated me, that he was just like the ones who tortured me, a family of abusers, who cover up all their actions with the mask of religion. I didnt know that God is on my side. I didnt know that Jesus would Love and Defend me, and fight for me and that He later would heal me, rescue me from Family. The ones who caused me pain. The ones who choked me for wearing a pagan necklace.
I moved out after family threatened to throw all my belongings on the front yard, and have me permanently institutionalized in an insane asylum, when they were the ones who caused my mental illness via abuse.

They blamed me for the abuse they did to me.
To take my life in a psychiatric unit aka insane asylum when they were the ones who made me suicidal.

Next morning i moved in with my dead mom’s parents.

I stayed on the antidepressants, prescribed. But they only made me sicker. I got deeper and deeper into witchcraft, thinking it was a solution. But it made me even more suicidal. Self hatred was inescapable. All my cards have fallen down. I have nothing left. But out. I wanted out.

I decided i was going to kill myself. I was going to take all my pills.

But then Jesus stepped in. I didnt die. I surrendered my life to Jesus to make me well and heal me.

The deity i blamed for me being abused wanted to heal me. He Was fighting for me and Loved me all along.

He wanted to love me. He wanted to give me a new heart. His Heart.

Jesus miraculously healed me — i am off all the drugs and dont need them and i dont have any mental illnesses. I am totally healed, full of joy.

I’m now a born again Christian.

I want ALL y’all to know that JESUS IS ON YOUR SIDE

Don’t believe me?



This woman has no idea how to help people. Stating the obvious and making the person say it back to you is only killing time for the persons money. She did nothing to help this woman
