7 First Date Tips for Men - Avoid these 7 common mistakes...

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Avoid these 7 common first date mistakes to make sure she wants to go out with you again...

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I don’t have a Date, I just wanted to educate myself 👍


Woman here: 45 minutes is waaaay too short. I wouldn’t put a time on it, but it can take time for nerves/first impressions to ease and to get into a good, more relaxed conversation. I would feel irritated if someone cut it short when we were just getting into it.


Me: *Havent had a date in 5 years*
*Finally gets one*
*Pull up this video to refresh myself on what not to do*
Guy in video: A woman has an average of 24 dates before deciding on one.
Me: *Cries*


Woman here again: getting a little serious on date 1 is ok. No, not asking to be his girlfriend. But sharing some (not overboard) vulnerabilities is attractive.


This is not a first date, it's what I call a "meet n greet".


ANOTHER RULE: NO NOT; ask a girl if she’s seeing anyone! Or; how many dates have you gone in... it’s NOT any of your business. It comes across as needy, weak and insecure. And don’t talk about your negative experiences in the past! Just keep it simple “It just didn’t work out”.


1a. A coffee "date" is not a date; it's a meet-up. If it's something she can show up to in leggings, a sweatshirt, and hair in a ponytail it's not a date - exception being an active date like going to the theme park or hiking, which are not recommended for a first date anyway - 9/10 women do not want to get sweaty and "gross" around a new potential mate.

1b. Do not time the date at all. A girl will signal how long she wants to be there with you. If you meet for coffee or drinks and she does something like asks if you're hungry, invites you to go someplace else, or mentions that she's having a nice time, she wants to continue getting to know you then and there. This is not a test, this a show that she's comfortable with you and is into you. Continuing the date will not harm your chances.


Thank you YouTube for channels like this, and allowing men to learn from each other. It's been long overdue. Most men are behind the curve...


I better clean up my mansion before my date comes over.


Literally did all of these on my first date


45 minutes for the first date is way too short for me. I disagree. Also, why should I end the date if it's going well??It's just wrong


Rule #1...you are the prize. All this other crap gives too much power and control to her. Yes, women 'choose', but you should carry yourself like you are the prize, and not settle for being 'accepted'...that gets old quick


Always go to the movie before dinner. This allows you to have a common experience to discuss over dinner.


BIG tHANK YOU MAN!I used be a dump ass on dates & attracting good quality women...Mentorship has changed my game.


first date=bowling with snacks while playing
you talking= you qualifying yourself to her = no attraction
her talking=her qualifying herself= attraction
compliment her on things she did on purpose, like her style or hairdo, or that you like an opinion she has (its always a good idea to compliment her on the opposite... tell smart girls they are cute, and cute girls that they are smart)...not things that just happened by being born, i.e. her looks
at the end of the date say "talk to you soon" not "see you next time"... she wont know what that means, and will make her feel uncertain about how you feel=attraction


....am I the only one that goes to the movies BEFORE dinner?? So what if you can't talk? Maybe it's better to just sit and STFU together. It breaks the weirdnesses of meeting a stranger. Friends go see movies. If you watch the movie together, you then have something obvious to talk about during dinner! Movie, THEN dinner.


Make the first date longer and in different places so it feels like several dates and you progress faster... don't make the first date too long, do it 30 minutes, so she feels like you don't like hanging out with her.. or you don't have time for her and she stars seeing other guy who can pass 2 hours with her


“Give her a taste “ hmm, I’ll be sure to do that my friend


I disagree. For me I would be happy to have an 'intense/deep/serious' first date. I can go quickly to a 'safe/secure/committed' place and then grow slowly. But I am in my 50s, solvent/established, well travelled and well educated. There must be other people like me. The first date suggested here would bore me and feel uninspiring. So I would suggest men try to 'match' the speed of your date. Some of us can move faster.


The great thing in giving it more time and making it more fun is that the experience for you will be a lot more fun as well
