11 Signs You are an Empathetic Person - Matthew Kelly

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11 Signs You are an Empathetic Person - Matthew Kelly

Video Transcript:

“Empathy is a sign that you care about other people, that the well-being and happiness of other people matters to you. It’s all about being able to tune into other people’s feelings and emotions.

Here are 11 Signs You are an Empathetic Person:

1. You are a good listener.

2. You have a keen sense of how other people are feeling.

3. You care deeply about other people.

4. You go out of your way to help others who are suffering.

5. People are comfortable opening up to you and sharing their problems.

6. Tragic events, even those that you are not directly involved in, stir a sadness in your soul and can even feel overwhelming.

7. Social situations sometimes drain or overwhelm you.

8. You consider what feelings your words and actions will provoke in others.

9. You struggle to set and maintain boundaries in relationships with other people.

10. You sense when people are being dishonest.

11. Other people seek you out for advice.

Empathy is a sign of high emotional intelligence. In our quest to become the-best-version-of-ourselves empathy is an indispensable tool.

Have a great day, and remember don’t just be yourself, be the best version of yourself!”

The Best Version of Yourself and 60 Second Wisdom are registered trademarks.

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The struggle is real for an empathetic person trying to serve God in the secular world. It's easy to give away your trust, to love people, and to be crushed when those feelings are betrayed. It's easy to put up walls to avoid getting hurt, to avoid situations that cause emotional pain. But even more difficult is when God asks you to take down those walls for his sake. This is the part I struggle with. Allowing myself to be vulnerable and open to possible pain for him. But isn't that what he does for us? Isn't that the pathway of a disciple?


I too am an empathetic person. The hurt others feel can be overwhelming. sometimes


Empathy is putting yourself in someone else's shoes and walking in their world, the mind and their heart to understand what they're going through. We now live in a world of 'one liners', where no one makes the effort to say anything more than one sentence to each other, and people now see that as an acceptable way to communicate with each other. We're in a very superficial and shallow world and sadly, most people you meet are not empathetic.
The last two years was an opportunity that God gave us to realize how important other people are and what they mean to our growth. For example, He allowed us to experience what it's like to be alone. That, in itself, was insight into empathy for those around you who were suffering but also for those who live that kind of life all the time, not just during a pandemic (elderly, disabled, sick, poor). I hope we don't forget this incredible lesson.
I guess that's why Mother Teresa said to smile at people, because it is God's first gift you give them. Smiling at a stranger is like touching their heart and it tells you a great deal about where they are at, at that very moment.


This is so me.
This can really drain me sometimes.
I worry a lot because I always want to fix things for others.
But I now realize as I get older that we can’t fix things. We can help guide, but we have to trust this journey that God has in place with this persons growth.


Thank you for presenting a very complete view of the various traits of empathetic people AND clarifying that this can be a good thing. There are definitely dangers in being so tuned in to others that we can lose ourselves and self interest in that process, but if there is something the world needs more of, is empathy, guided by grace and wisdom.


Oh my goodness! You just described me. I'm thrilled and have a bit of sadness. Goodness!


Need to work on some of these - thanks for the reminder


I do have 2 tattoos. Both contain crosses. I’m not sure about an internal trauma, however, anything is possible. One cross is in memory of my husband, the cross says amazing grace with the upright beam being amazing and the horizontal beam grace. The other is quite large depicting what’s important to me; family ( 3 birds), pets, paw prints leading to 3 crosses representing faith and a tree for nature.


I look at my empathetic ways to some and not to others a balancing act of sorts. I never really thought about it in this way until listening and reflecting on your video Matthew. To balance caring and helping others requires some discernment which is challenging....some people just aren't sincere in their actions of wanting help....they take advantage. When someone is truly suffering mentally, physically, financially, and/or emotionally I hope God's light allows me to "see" their place of need. At the same time, those who are "drama queens or kings" can be draining. Is it judgmental to prioritize the very needy above the superficial ones?


Matthew, I could not agree more…and from there (because I think too much and playing devils advocate for a moment)…can we list the reasons that in todays society, empathy is either lacking or has been twisted to be self serving in the “woke” movement?
I will be looking into this myself. Thank you for helping us examine ourselves and what God wants us to know and practice. God bless you and your work🙏


I just have to tell you how grateful I am for these guiding lessons!

October 13, 2022


Great listing. Sometime it does get overwhelming looking at all the struggles in our world today.


I learned a few years ago that I am an empath. Knowing that fact has helped me to gain a bit of control back as I was spinning into a dark hole over all the overwhelming emotions at the time.
I somehow received a free copy of your book, Life is Messy, in the mail. I am really enjoying it. I will be getting more of your books soon.


Thank you for sharing the importance of empathy as an indispensable tool Matthew.


It also helps in "Loving thy Neighbor."


Thank you for this. This is me to a “T” and explains a lot about me. 🙏


Is this why I struggle with comforting myself, withdrawing into solitude when my emotions overwhelm me?


Thank you Matthew! I have lots of room for growth in all eleven, specially number eight - You consider what feelings your words or actions will provoke in other people. As I am a reactive person, I don't frequently take the time to think about what I say before stupid, hurtful, or selfish words come out of my mouth. This is one of my biggest faults. Any recommendations on a good set of practices or books to help me move in the right direction? Also number nine - You struggle to set and maintain boundaries in relationships with other people. In business, I had a hard and fast rule to not allow my employees into my personal life. That kept things clean and safe. However in my personal life, I don't often recognize the need to set boundaries. If you are a true friend - you get all of me (unvarnished)... Though I don't let too many people into that category, the ones I have - have been friends for life. So yes - I struggle set and maintain boundaries (though i'm not sure this is what you meant for item nine). Thank you for the thought provoking video! God Bless.


Without a question, I am an empathetic person. I have been told I'm a good listener and have impeccable memory. People have opened themselves up to me. I do consider how people will react to what I say and do. At times, I do have a sense of someone lying to me. However, I have also been told that I am too analytical and I overthink things. The only reason I tend to go that way is because I want to avoid being narrow-mindedness. With that said, I wanna be there for people. Can I say I go out of my way? Depends on the situation. I just don't like being anyone's doormat. Either way, I could probably be a more empathetic person, but I must guard my heart and be careful of people who could abuse my kindness. Although, my parish did go over "Life is Messy" in our Dynamic Parish Book Club, I ended up going through it on my own (both in Spanish and in English) due to my schedule. I will say the 1st time I got drawn into the book was the story of that trip to San Francisco. I truly recommend it. Thank you, Matthew. God Bless. - Juls


Thank you Matthew! I have question, Does your company require It’s employees to be vaccinated?
