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Thanks for all your love and support. We're excited for the next chapter of Tiny Notes From Home!


I so appreciate a husband who honors his wife’s personality and needs.


Lindsay is the reason I watch the videos. The exact reason she is stepping away is the reason I like her so much—she isn’t a show off. She’s humble and likable and a good example of a Christian mother.

Thank you for your videos. I’ll miss you profoundly.


Wow, a family that is more concerned with Biblical integrity than success and channel growth! How refreshing and inspiring. Thank you so much for this very honest and heltfelt video. You just drew me in even closer to your channel and family. I can't wait to see what is coming next. God bless you all.


I completely agree with your decision. Your walk with the Lord is what's most important.


I had noticed that some of those newer videos were definitely trying more to align with YouTube's standard rather than coming from a place of spiritual inspiration. I had admired the way your family even made the 'trendy' videos wholesome, but I feel like this new journey is absolutely going to be a much deeper fountain of inspiration for us viewers. Thank you so much for sharing your family with us! It really helped me as I've been on my walk with Jesus and Motherhood in a very isolated way. Lindsay, you helped to strengthen my resolve toward modesty and showed me what Biblical motherhood looks like. Your example has made you the long-distance sister that I needed in this season of my life. I'll miss your influence, but will be forever grateful that I was able to learn from you. And it was a true delight seeing your boys because it really showed the fruits of the labor of parenting in a Biblical way. I hope my son is as inspired, creative, loving, and Jesus-led as your boys. Thank you once again from the bottom of my heart for your music, the inspiration for a wholesome family life, and helping me learn to become closer to Jesus. I have so much more I'd love to say, so I'll share my testimony through Patreon. Sending love & may God continue to bless you all!


I can't fully express my appreciation for this video. I would like to give it a 100 likes. One, I so appreciate you being willing to honor your wife's needs. It can be hard to understand our spouses, we are different from one another. Second, and equally as important, is honoring your children's needs by not having them in the spotlight so much. Thirdly, I love the part of not simply producing more "click bait". May the Lord bless and keep you all! Stand strong together ❤️


So happy to hear about this new direction and the push back against the clickbate culture of YouTube. May God bless you!


The raising of your kids and spiritual well-being is very important so you've made a wise decision here. God bless you all. Looking forward to the new format.


I understand you and appreciate the fact that you guys wish to be as authentic as possible, as well as focusing on the spiritual things.
Didn't expect less from you!
God bless you!


This is the season in your lives. Never ever apologize for you taking responsibility for what you decide to produce. Family first.


I totally understand Lindsey's struggle. It would be very difficult for me to be the introvert that I am and put myself out there on YouTube. I wholeheartedly support the decision as it will bring peace to Lindsey's heart and your home as well. Love you all for your strength of character!!!


I will miss seeing your family but I completely understand. It will be nice to see other families who are like you all. I will continue to support and watch your videos. Much love to you all.


I love that!! I think that is a wise, God honoring, creative and encouraging decision. I really look forward to this next season.


I understand the decision you have made. It's so easy to get caught up with Youtube culture and compromise your values so I respect your decision, also, the way you filmed your last video was fun and fair making both parents win in the end. You always put out fair videos that never compromise you beliefs, don't be hard on yourselves. Your wife has such a beautiful voice I hope we still get to see/hear her sing. Her voice is so anointed.


I was a pastor with four musical children. As they moved out of the house I had to learn to establish boundaries for myself in allowing them to grow their own wings. You're wise to set some boundaries now for all concerned. Still, how delightful to watch you sing with your children. May the Lord bless you in all you continue to do with your children and the friends we are going to meet.


Though you will be missed Lindsay, I totally understand your decision. Like that your committed to honor Christ in all you do as a family! Raising kids takes ones full attention... God continued blessings to you all!!


This is a very wise decision. As an older Mom, I respect and applaud your decision. I have grieved to see young families whose blogs or vlogs begin to compromise quality family time and values and exploit the children or parents just for viewer accolades.
It was also fun to see people I personally know in these little interview excerpts. I'm looking forward to this new direction.


What drew me to your channel in the first place was your desire to share your love for Jesus. I admire your determination to get back to that format and to share the lives of others who believe as you do. I look forward to seeing what you have in store for us in this next chapter of Tiny Notes From Home.


This is why I love you guys and your channel. Your authenticity and transparency is refreshing. Most of all, I love that you continue to be prompted and lead by the Holy Spirit. May the LORD continue to bless you all richly. 💜
