The Future of this Channel

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YouTube is 99% vapid space. SBSK is one of the few channels utilizing this platform for something that actually matters. I'm very happy to hear that you'll be around for the foreseeable future 😊


It’s eye-opening, educational and it can be really nice to watch a disorder get visibility.


You're like a young Mr Rogers. And that is the largest compliment I could give you. People young and old are mesmerized by you and how you approach and interview special people. Teaching us, without us feeling like we are being schooled. Our hearts and knowledge grow bigger because of you. God Bless.


77 year old lady here. Over 50 years doing healthcare and recreation with disabled people, mostly seniors. Always loved figuring out what people are thinking and feeling inside of their head! You have a gift for bringing that out of people and sharing it with the rest of us. Please don't ever stop, I love feeling like I am connecting with you to people who are born different from most of us, but who still have a heart and soul the same as ours. I get so bored with a homogenized world!!!! 🐿️❤️Diane in California


"There is no next. I could do this forever."

That makes me so happy. This *is* the goal, and you're achieving it. It's not about endless growth, just continuing to contribute the wonderful thing you're contributing


Best channel ever. You make us feel so not alone.


Hey Chris. Just wanted to share a recent story about how this channel has helped me immensely! My girlfriend has a sister who is an intellectually disabled adult. I have never been around any disabled adult before her. I was nervous to meet her for the first time- but, thanks to SBSK, I felt like I had some exposure and some level of comfort. I thought back to SBSK and reminded myself that every person with a disability is unique but also just like the rest of us, and I also thought of how you treat them. This gave me the confidence to interact with her, and just the other day we made a puzzle together! I don't think I would have sought to make a connection if I hadn't been watching SBSK for so long. THANK YOU! This is so important.


You and your channel shine a brilliant light on an increasingly dark world. I have a high needs - medically complex, fully disabled child. Your videos help me by showing me I’m not alone. As long as you interview these incredible and very special families, adults, and kids, I’ll watch and recharge my caregiver batteries.


I genuinely think this is in the top 5 most important channels on the entire website. It's probably number one. YouTube should be bending over backwards to provide support in whatever capacity to this wonderful project that brings light and knowledge into so many lives.


My takeaway is that you are working hard to bring more understanding, compassion, and unity to humanity. Do you have any idea how incredible that is Chris? Your mission is so important.


He’a a good man with a gentle heart. We need more people like him in this ominous world.


As a person with invisible disabilities and an advocate for people with disabilities. It is so heart-strengthening to meet people and families of all kinds on their own terms sharing their stories and watching you listen with your whole being. Thank you for this gift to the world.


This channel promotes humility, understanding, community, acceptance, and love. Ever since I found SBSK, my perspective on life has shifted over time. It forces me to take a step back, look around, connect, and lean into curiosity and away from snap judgment. SBSK has taught me immensely about the beauty of differences, the power of different forms of communication, and the importance of inclusion and empathy. This channel is a necessary reminder that EVERYONE deserves love, community, and opportunities for self-expression, no matter what. The work you do is powerful beyond words.


I am a recently retired college professor. I used your videos in many of my psychology classes. Because I taught the “clinical” aspects, I wanted to make sure my students knew that people are much more than their diagnoses. Your videos do an amazing job of that. Thank you!!


My Five Points:

1. Yes. Please do this forever.

2. I regularly recommend people watch one video from this channel per day because its the fastest way to change your life. Whereas most content will distance you from humanity, SBSK calls you in closer. Every time.

3. Who else produces content like this? Who else is amplifying Disabled voices? Who?

4. If you wanted I could see SBSK expanding by training / hiring a second interviewer so you could cover more states/ground.

5. As a person with Disabilities I’ve shed many tears watching these videos just hearing a thought from my head escape the lips of someone very different from me. I struggle with loneliness, with feeling seen and heard, and being at the mercy of an exclusive society. It eases my aching heart to know I’m not the only one.


You have not only taught me about so many special people, but you’ve taught me how to ask better questions and how to genuinely show interest and care for someone.


Please don't stop your interviews. By watching your program, I really feel included. I live in a nursing home in Toronto Ontario Canada and there's a number of people, but I feel so isolated. I hope you will decide to come to Toronto to do interviews because I want to be interviewed. I tried to fill in the electronic application form but was unable to see the form due to my visual disability. 😢😢. Keep up your fantastic work Chris. 😂😂😂


As a retired special education teacher, I have to say that your channel stands out as one that is truly doing a public service. There are so many families and individuals facing challenges and you allow us to hear their stories. This is invaluable!


As a special educator myself, this channel is a MUST. People need to learn about these amazing people


My takeaways from watching your videos is that we are all made in the image of God and deserve dignity, respect, and love. I see the difficulty families go through, but also the great love and drive they have to take care of their loved one. Your channel has made me aware of many disorders that I've never even heard of and its given me a new heart for the afflicted. I've contributed to research for a couple of them. Thank you for what you and your wife do. May God continue to bless you
