How to Pronounce Nguyen (According to People Named NGUYEN!)
How To Pronounce The Vietnamese Last Name - Nguyễn
NGUYEN - How to Pronounce Vietnam's Most Popular Name. #vietnamese #learnvietnamese #vietnam
How to Pronounce Nguyen? (CORRECTLY) Most Common Vietnamese Name Pronunciation
How To Pronounce Nguyen 2.0
How to Pronounce Nguyen
How to Pronounce Nguyen and Pham CORRECTLY
How to pronounce Nguyen CORRECTLY!!! (like a native Vietnamese)
How to pronounce Nguyen
How To Say The Vietnamese Last Name “Nguyễn”
How to pronounce Nguyen correctly - Northern accent - 🌍🎤
How to Pronounce Nguyen (Correctly)
How to Pronounce Vietnamese Last Names?
How to Pronounce Nguyen (Correctly)
How to Pronounce Nguyen (French)
How To Pronounce Nguyen
How to Pronounce Nguyen
how do you pronounce 'Nguyen' in Vietnamese? #learningvietnamese
How to Pronounce Nguyen
How to Correctly Pronounce “NGUYEN” #nguyễn #nguyên #vietnamese #pronouncenames
How Do You Pronounce: Nguyen
HOW TO PRONOUNCE 'NGUYEN' CORRECTLY #nguyễn #pronounce #pronouncenames
I will always learn to pronounce others' names correctly, because it shows basic respect😂. Thank you I think I can pronounce nguyen correctly now😂
I used to go to Vietnamese school on Saturdays when i was younger . Thats how I know how to pronounce Vietnamese words .
I always heard it pronounced “New-Win” growing up as a kid in Utah. Thank you for the lesson!
Very cool, thank you! I had an assistant teacher in my History class when I was in 8th grade with this name a few years ago. It never felt right to me the way it was pronounced. I'm not Vietnamese but this is very informative. Maybe I should do some research and learn about Vietnamese culture, language and history!
I used to go to Vietnamese school on Saturdays when I was younger. That’s how I know how to pronounce Vietnamese words. Hi I’m @minatran3652’s twin sister I’m Anna Tran it’s nice to meet u 😊❤
I had more fun than I care to admit practicing this 😅
Australia, a lot of people have the surname (last) name of Nguyen.
Kinda normal to pronounce your name the English way in an English speaking area. When I was studying in Vancouver, I Englishified my Dutch name. People wouldn't understand the sounds and they're unable to make certain mouth movements. Verbal clarity is more important. There is a place and a time for language and cultural anecdotes in my opinion. I looked up the Nguyen pronunciation, because I'm genuinely interested and it sounds very interesting.
Thank you so much for this. People are funny about their names, and I usually ask them if I am saying their name right.
If you are reading Nguyen in Chinese, then you would take the Chinese reading. I think North Koreans may look up the Chinese character and pronounce the standardized North Korean way. South Koreans nowadays seem to borrow the native pronunciation over the traditional Chinese character reading, and I think the same applies to Japanese?
Gnwin like in "You've been gnomed"
Canadian, USAmerican sing-gers sing-ging🎼🎵🎶
in philippines we have NG in our letters so it’s not hard for us to read NG in words. Pampangga(place in PH), panga(jaw), mga(the), ngipin(teeth), nguya(chew),
Win but with a southern twang in the first part lol
diacritic : Λ
This guy's hand : V
I had a co worker named Steven Ngo. He'd pronounce it phonetically, N-go. I knew it wasn't the right way cuz that does not sound Vietnamese.
Mispronouncing names aren’t being disrespectful.
As we live in a globalized world —advanced communication and transportation— where you meet people from all over almost daily you end being able to pronounce certain words.
If you get offended hearing mispronounced words/names go be a hermit.
I’m an immigrant living in the US and experiencing different languages almost daily and I’m happy hearing people pronouncing a word differently.