How To Pronounce Nguyen 2.0

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How to Say Nguyen correctly, from a Viet chick who’s first language was Vietnamese! This is an update to my first video, which was the #1 video on ‘How to Say Nguyen’ somehow! Thank you for all the love, I hope you enjoy my updated version! Now you can share this video with all of your friends who keep asking you how to say Nguyen over and over and over! Let me know in the comments if there are any other Vietnamese words that you want me to to teach you!

Connect with me on Instagram too fam!
and/OR my jewelry page

This is the OG video in case you haven't already seen it!

Thank you so much for all the love guys! I will respond to all of your comments as soon as I can, I love reading them!

XO Tammy
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Nguyen, a Chinese-based family name used by a royal dynasty dating from around the 11th century, is estimated by some to be used by around 40 percent of the total population of Vietnam. In 19th century, Vietnam was a territory of the French. The French had a large scale population investigation during that period and faced a huge challenge which was that many Vietnamese people didn't have a correct last name. So the French decided to give those people a last name, and they chose Nguyen. What does Nguyen mean in Chinese? Musical instrument.
Meaning "musical instrument" and actually rooted in Chinese, Nguyen is an interesting name that you'll encounter throughout the world. Alternate spellings include Nyguyen, Ruan, Yuen, and Yuan


I’m marrying a Nguyen and let me tell you I’ve been practicing this for years and I feel like an idiot every time. I’m trying so hard to get this right and idk why I cannot get this because I speak enough Vietnamese to know this

I’m sad now… gonna go cry lol 😂


1:45 I'm sorry, Jenkins? Lmao what am I missing?


Nguyễn is a type of name in vietnam people have over 38 million and meaning: Musical Instument


OMG, when I was a kid, there was a N'Guyen family in the street. We were good friends. I was especially friend with the mother, Sophie, who has the same dark humor, self-mockery, I have... awesome memories of bad jokes and giggles while taking the same bus...
And I've called them the wrong way all the time!!
Here in France, everybody says En-Gu-EE-Yen... And none of this family ever told us we were not saying it right...


1:09 play it again and again until you've got it


Had a friend in college, her first name was Nguyen. She pronounced it Nwin.


Love this video too!! Thank you for your work!


Lol at what I thought was a random black guy thing, but the other comments cleared it up. Anyway, thanks for the in-depth explanation! English speakers totally make that ng sound, but doing it syllable-initially instead of syllable-final trips people up.


As a Chinese person, I take for granted that it's easy for me to say "ng" whereas for everyone else it's really hard.


If I marry a black guy? Where’d that come from?


As a foreigner, the english word that trips me up the most is, funnily enough, "english". It's the "ng" sound followed by "l"/"gl" which is soooo awkward. (It comes across as super convincing when someone asks you "Do you speak english?" and you answer in the affirmative while swallowing your tongue and throwing up.)

Nguyen is a walk in the park in comparison.


If you do a 3.0, just say it over an over for 2 minutes... And finish off with your name, but slower!


This is great! Would you please make a longer video with common Vietnamese first names?


Yeah I work for a call center and a person from Vietnam living in the US called me... I pronounced it like "EN - GUY - EN" and she laughed


My girlfriend is from Vietnam, Nguyen is her last name i never pronounce it correctly, i had given her a simple English name so that she doesn't feel uncomfortable when i pronounce her name in the wrong way. I'm trying to learn Vietnamese for her, but sounds are so tough to learn.
Hope to get married soon, when this covid situation gets better ❤️


Cool name tammy🤗 im also a tammie same last name like in the video. 🥰


I was always told “win” which I didn’t think made sense. That’s interesting though, and Vietnamese, the melody of your voice matters? I don’t think it matters in English. If we end a word on a high note like that it means it’s a question


Wait. DID you marry a black guy? If not then what was the entire purpose of that statement?


I thought it was pronounced as
"ngoo - yen (¥)" 😅. Thanks!
