IS HE MARRIAGE MATERIAL!? 10 traits of a high value man

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Today we’re chatting about the 10 traits of a high value man, so you can ask the question…is he marriage material? or is he husband material?! Who you decide to marry is the biggest choice you will make in your entire life! A high value man will enrich your life, not make it harder.

This video also dives into feminine and masculine energy in relationships and understanding masculine energy in a relationship at a deeper level. Although I don’t do a ton of videos on relationships (should I do more?), I hope this video on relationship advice for women finds the right people.

Enjoy! 💖




0:00 10 traits of a high value man
0:38 Trait #1
2:17 Trait #2
4:41 Trait #3
5:39 Trait #4
6:33 Trait #5
7:37 Trait #6
8:38 Trait #7
9:39 Trait #8
10:20 Trait #9
11:07 Trait #10: the most important!




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My man is a High Value Man and I'm madly in love with him. When we were together, I felt the urge to be more femenine, beautiful and cute. Not only I feel I'm being myself, but also he loves this about me, and he told me he wanted to be a better man for me ❤


I just met a man who is all the things you’ve mentioned and he has allowed me to unleash my ultra feminine energy, he is amazing and everyday I’m grateful that God led me to him.

One of the things he said to me in the beginning of our relationship is that he wants the responsibility of taking care of me

I’ve been watching your videos to learn how to be a better woman to him because he has been the best to me. I’ve been very masculine in my past relationships because I kind of had to but I’m unlearning all that burdensome behavior

Thank you for your videos


1.has goals and a purspose
2.Providing Mentality+Generousity
3.learns from past mistakes
4.Clear feelings about you
5.Not afraid of Responsibility
6.Takes care of himself
7.Resilience Growth Mindset
8.Stands by his Values
9.emotional intelligence
10.Has high integrity

Thank you for sharing


I'm so happy that you cleared it out that the feminine loves a driven and ambitious man.. I'm all for supporting each other through depressing times, but I was put in a dilemma by people normalising couch potatoes as attractive.


Let's wait, pray and be prepared girls. Heal and be your best before he who have those traits coming to your life.


Emotional intelligence, empathy and communication are key factors! Thank you Jillz. You' re like our virtual YouTube best friend haha. ❤️😘


I used to think my husband and I were equal 50/50 and that meant I could do everything he could do, but I am really interested to note that since stepping back into my feminine energy, he is really stepping up to lead, make decisions, care for me, financially provide, protect me.
It is SO interesting! Especially as I know I CAN do all these things for myself, but it makes us both feel better to take on these roles.

He is a bit of a couch potato at times but that is resting after a hard day at work. I try to make our home and evenings a refuge for him ❤


Thank you for this video. A reminder to not take the high value man we have in our lives for granted ♥️


There is a man at my work who portraits qualities that I love and have never seen so clearly in a man. He is so generous with his time and energy, he is such a warm person and everyone loves him. I love how he is with my coworkers and customers and me.


Very insightful! As a man, I actually value myself very seriously on every trait you said, however, between 2 mentioned traits (1 and 7), in the personal growth department, that's actually something I've been actively doing, piece by piece, since 2018, and much of it tied into making myself better in the other traits you described, such as taking responsibility, emotional intellect/communication, and just overall sharpening up anything I notice to lack in, but one thing I get hung up on the most, is the fact that I'm Autistic to a degree of being unable to drive or work, but I get benefits and I always do my best to provide for everybody in my life, especially my grandmother, who I go and spend time with every single day, but as far as romantic relationships go, right now, I'm single but hopeful that I have a chance at finding someone who understands and looks past the things I cannot control, in the career and driving aspect while giving my best in return. Think I still have a shot? Anybody else can feel free to chime in about it too. 😊


Thank you for this video. I always doubted my decisions of leaving some unhealthy relationships in the past. But this video made me realise to “not settle” and look out for these amazing qualities in a partner! Thank you 🥰


I love this! It’s so nice and refreshing seeing a woman who loves to be in her feminine energy. Seems to be really rare these days 💛


I'm a man and I really enjoyed watching this video and have listened very carefully to what you've said.... thank you


...I'm super grateful to have watched this video! I've been making a sort of love list lately, and, some of the qualities you mentioned were extremely clear. I added them to the list 😊😊...I actually thought, "I'm glad I didn't find my person just yet...these needed to be there."


I agree with you Jillz. I am also with the opinion that women should consider these traits as well.


As a man, and after watching this video. I feel pretty good right now. ^^


My ex husband was lacking the ability to stand up for himself or for me. He was lacking emotional intelligence as well, and in turn lacking growth mindset for our relationship, though he had career goals and strong work ethic. He fit everything else in this and appeared to fit EQ until we got married. Then I think it got too real for him and he completely evaporated on me. We lived like roommates for an entire year and he fought tooth & nail to avoid my request for counseling before I finally had to call it quits. Turns out he has a very avoidant attachment style and a lot of unresolved childhood trauma that caused him to sabotage our relationship.


19 and I feel like I'm listening to my big sister I love you JillzYou're changing my mindset and life one video at a time sending love and light from South Africa xoxoxoxo


I made the mistake to marry a man who was some things that you listed, but not all of them. And it’s embarrassing to admit it, but he is painfully attractive so I thought him not being a Provider or Generous type was ok.
It is not.
In the end we are separating.
Ladies, please do listen to her advice, it’s gold 💓


I was surprised to find out that you don't have hundred of thousands subscribers, because your videos are so amazing! I love the quality, the color and the background.
I watched a couple of your videos and all of them are so interesting. You have this warm and kind vibe and I feel like I'm talking to my older sister who I look up too.
