This Keeps 99% Of People SINGLE! - Fix This To Find LOVE... | Jay Shetty & Lewis Howes

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I agree when is said that"you'll find it when you least expect it", because what this means is you will find when you're not attached in finding it. This applies to anything you want. Send the intention, and let it go. That's how you find whatever you want.


“Everything you want from someone else give it to yourself first”

And that hits me to the core❤️❤️❤️


Am a victim of this and am now 55 years waiting that love will find me when least expected. Thanks for educating us. At.55, I will look for love and I believe I will find


@3:53 from the Vedas, 4 stages of love:
a) preparing for love
b) practicing for love
c) protecting love
d) perfecting love


"every time you ask do they want me? will they take care of me? ask yourself, how can I better take care of myself" "every time you want something from someone, give it to yourself first" these are deep! I am so glad I watched this one interview. I love Jay, he keeps it real, with no hoopla! Thank you guys.


There was an amazing moment around 15 mins into this video when Jay complimented Lewis about creating a safe space. Lewis’s non-verbal response was profound as if Jay just confirmed success in an area he was working on. Watching that made my heart smile and made my day! LOVE LOVE LOVE❤❤❤


Finding love is not like finding keys or phones. Love is not an object. People find love whether they expect it or not. So there is no lies or misconceptions about human emotions and behaviors. There are just different ways. Each follow what work for them. You can not standardize how human being feel, act, behave or think.


I don’t want to just get married I want to stay married ☺️☺️. Love is an action not just a feeling


This man Jay Shetty got wisdom for days. We need more young people watching this as our culture shifts.I love what Jay said about loving yourself. It is ok to question yourself but you should never tell yourself you aren’t lovable because it is very self destructive. I completely love this approach


It takes effort to make yourself lovable and to feel you're worthy of love. If you have to go out looking for love then you come from a place of neediness. My wife of 26 years showed up on my doorstep, only effort was to open the door. Did a ton of work on myself beforehand, though


I take the saying “you’ll find it when you least expect it” to mean that if you have intention in your life, have truly worked on yourself and have a sense of detachment you understand your value and worth that if it comes along then that’s great but if it doesn’t I’m happy too! Most people who find great love are emotionally intelligent who have put effort into understanding themselves first.


Careers & people you love, you find when not looking as in a quest. But make a life you love, then be observant to the signs around you. 👁️ Coincidences are Not Just Coincidences…


When they said you find love when you least expect it they meant don’t be pushy and desperate in finding love with someone because it’s a turn off to look desperate, needy and insecure about yourself! 🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋🌷


When I found the love of my life, I knew it as soon as I saw her.

I asked the universe for the love of my life, I've never been as popular with women as I was then, new women came into my life almost weekly, I didn't look at them as sexual beings, I didn't sleep with them I only became their friend. I knew in my heart that I was expecting to meet the love of my life, with a little patience she eventually came to my house, literally. My friend was visiting me and he asked me if his friend could come to visit, , , of course I said, shortly after she came but she had her friend with her, this friend of hers is my wife for nearly twenty years now, we have two beautiful children who are our pride and joy. So yes it is possible to attract love and happiness, it is possible to know when you have found the one and it can happen when you least expect it 😁


I love how my faves support one another when one of them has a new book out.

And I get to watch like 5 interviews about the same thing but with very different meetings of beautiful perspectives/experiences. 🥰


Being in a state of love is effortless. You don’t need effort to attract what you are, love.


I have been listening to both of you for over 4 years and between many many gem interviews I found this one to be the most influential, teaching one. Show your lives so transparent and live and lead by examples. I'll be listening to it again because so many small detailed hidden gems are in this conversation what I probably have not caught for the first time. teared up around min 56 final question when Jay said our purpose and showing up for others are not measured by trophies but how deeply you helped others to love themselves. This is huge!!! I personally received it and have experienced once and that time I didn't know what my true joy was really originated from, that after decades first time I loved me, because He let me. I thought I was happy loving him but was the other way around. Great reminder. Thank you


WE need to LOVE OURSELVES to have authentic love. When we learn to respect, forgive and understand ourselves, we can truly extend that to others. Our connections become greater, our intentions grow stronger. Each day, work on loving your being, nurturing yourself, and love will come more evident. Not easier, just naturally. For those of us in recovery, or anyone who has lost someone, because we didn't love ourselves...PLEASE START the PRACTISE of LOVING YOURSELF.


I've just came from watchng videos of Rhonda Byrne and I watched your talk with her. And the best things happen effortlesly. However, everyone is different and as you know we all experience life based on our beliefs.


I’ve always believed that love is not a feeling, love is an action.

You find love. You build love. You show love. Happiness, peace, relaxation - they are all biproducts of practicing love.