'This KEEPS 99% of People Single!' - FIX THIS TO FIND LOVE| Joe Dispenza

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Dr. Joe Dispenza is an international speaker, researcher, author, and educator who is passionate about the findings from the fields of neuroscience, epigenetics, and quantum physics to explore the science behind spontaneous remissions. He uses that knowledge to help people heal themselves of illness, chronic conditions, and even terminal diseases so they can enjoy a more fulfilled and happy life as well as evolve their consciousness.

Dr. Joe is the New York Times bestselling author of You Are the Placebo: Making Your Mind Matter, which explores our ability to heal without drugs or surgery, but rather by thought alone. His most recent book, Becoming Supernatural, talks about how we can intentionally change our brain chemistry to initiate profoundly mystical, transcendental experiences and develop a more healthy body, mind, and spiritual life.

Dr. Joe didn’t always work in the field of neuroscience. He started out as a chiropractor, earning his doctor of chiropractic degree from Life University in Atlanta, GA. He had a successful chiropractic practice, but one day he had a dangerous accident. In 1986, while cycling in a triathlon, Dr. Joe was hit by a truck. He broke six vertebrae in his spine, and his doctors told him he would never walk again.

Dr. Joe asked four different surgeons what he should do, and all four of them prescribed a complicated surgery. The surgery would relieve some of his pain but nearly guarantee he would never walk again. But that wasn’t good enough. He refused to have the surgery and instead began to imagine himself totally healed. He visualized each vertebrae healing and reconstructed his spine in his mind. In just ten and a half weeks, Dr. Joe was back on his feet, and in twelve weeks, he was training again and back at work at his chiropractic clinic. He fully healed himself with just his mind.

I’ve had Dr. Joe a couple of times on the podcast now (Episode 826 and Episode 679), and in the past, we’ve talked about unlocking the power of the mind and breaking the addiction of negative thoughts. But in today’s episode, I wanted to change it up and ask Dr. Joe about relationships. Our conversation blew me away so much that I had to split this interview up into two parts, so stay tuned for the second part on Wednesday!

But for now, join me on Episode 1,054 to learn about how to transform your mind for lasting love and magnetic relationships with the incredible Dr. Joe Dispenza!
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I became the person I wanted to marry so now I am happily single LOL


I found my person when I was completely focused on bettering myself, & they were doing the same.


Your life will be a masterpiece when you learn to master peace.

If you’re reading this I pray you receive the highest form of love. You deserve the best.💗🙏🏼


"You only look for it when you feel lack."


“People that are happy with themselves won’t look at others and see their flaws, they’ll look at others and see a part of themselves that they connect with...” interesting...


I wish I hadn’t spent so much time remembering the past 🙄 and instead remembered my future. Time to change.


I like how Lewes interviewing Dr Dispenza. He shows the willingness to learn like a student :) So humble.


"Tell the story of your future more than you tell the stories of your past"- BRILLIANT!
So much great content here! I've watched this many times over the past 2 years and I always find different tidbits of brilliance that I need that day! Thank you Joe and Lewis for such a great interview!


Be the person you're looking for. You don't chase. You attract. You atract what & who you are.


“Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours.” - Mark 11:24


I love the part where " When you are in love and your connected and you are feeling those elevated emotions <You see life through the lense of love "


Thank you internet for allowing us to have access to this, for free... 😍


I like how Lewis Howes rarely interrupts his guests.


Lewis’ energy is so pure like a kid in a classroom engaged and eager to learn. So sweet 😄


Remember that repetition is the key. You will become the person you want to be as long as you keep at it. It's the overcoming process that is the becoming process. Embrace discomfort and something magical will happen soon.


44:51 I smiled at this statement because this is how I am now. When I look at people who try to hurt me I smile I don't get worked up. I am so much at pace with everything, with no guilt or shame. I just understand them and hope they get past it. When I learned to forgive completely this was the biggest peace.


Here is what I learned: you have to want something more than you experience the feelings of not having it.
I can’t believe how magical this life actually is when you no longer chase anything but witness it coming towards you because you wanted it.


"This is not positive thinking, this is creating"
"Make a list of everything you want in another person, and become those things"
"Forget the story, heal the emotion"


This is exactly what I needed to hear today, I have to stop being the victim, from today forward, I will not be a victim. Thank you.🎉❤
