9 Easy Ways To Kill The BONE BALL In The Bone Zone in Vampire Survivors

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In this Vampire Survivors update a huge bone ball was added. For some, this was an easy kill. For others, they got boned hard. I will show you how the bone ball can be killed very fast and easily.

00:00 Intro
00:12 Gains Boros
01:12 Red Death
02:56 Leda
04:02 Marrabbio
05:07 Ambrojoe 1
06:16 Porta
06:59 Lama
09:32 Ambrojoe 2
10:33 Infinite Corridor

#vampiresurvivor #autobattler #roguelike #DexTag #gaming
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I finally did it. Unlocked Gains, killed the bone ball thing and barely survived the level with Red Mask all in one go. That was freaking insane. Took me forever to figure it out.
What I used was Pentagram, daggers, garlic, laurels, axe/syth and only was able to get the blue gun. If it wasn't for that red reaper moving as fast as he does, I would have never accomplished all three. That got my heart pumping.


I've tried all the methods in most YT videos and none work. It's been buffed, I'm sure. This level has put me off to the entire game. It makes it such a frustrating grind.


For those who already spent several hours trying to get the Scroll: get rid of the Curse, go for Leda + Game Killer + all of the weapons from the merchant. This is what finally worked for me. The ball was dead in less than 7 mins.


They have changed something, I did the exact same thing and it never dies.


I don't know if this could help some of you but this is how i killed Sketamari;
Played the Red Death with only 1 weapon (being Death Spiral), used the Slash arcana for crits on Death Spiral (x4 the actual dmg). Then went for these 3 mains passive items : Clover (for luck & more crits), Spinach (for more dmg) and the Empty Tome (for cd%).
Killed it under 10mins, the Death Spiral makes it easy to clear mobs.
I guess it should work playing Lama as well since she's using axes (:


Random trivia. The quality of enemy the Katamari Ball eats doesn't seem to matter. I thought it maybe added all the HP of enemies rolled over, but it's just some predetermined amount per enemy consumed.
I waited until 30min before engaging it and let it eat a Red Reaper and was still able to kill it easily thereafter.
This also means letting the ball roll over abundant farming waves full of small enemies will make it huge.



Super easy, just need to keep trying and you will get a lucky run. Just upgrade damage and projectiles. Hope to evolve the knives, took me 12mins! (And 20 tries)

Good luck!! 🍀


I tried all and more characters, normal and hard mode, it's just impossible, there comes a point where it starts to grow and never dies.
The game was entertaining at first but after this and blocking half of the content in a "secret" way, I lost all the desire to play.


What he might have forgotten to mention, is that this is incredibly RNG dependent. For example his attempt with Gains Boros only works if you get very lucky with your passive drops on levelling. If you don't get wings, you'll be lucky to catch the ball before 1:45 and dodging mobs whilst trying to keep the sword hitting the ball is very tricky.


"Set up for high speed and high starting damage and run for it at the start of the level". There, saved everyone over 10 minutes.
If you wanna know the details, the Skelemari starts with about 10, 000 HP, regains health when it crushes enemies, and probably gets 1.03x more health every minute like the other monsters on this map.


So I retracted my original comment I have a way that someone can tear the skelly ball apart in seconds especially if you don't have red death or anything high power
1. I went with gennaro since he +1 all projectiles it makes a big difference
2. The items I used to kill it is la borra, heavenly sword, thousand knives and the lightning evolution (I had the garlic upgrade thing too you don't have to use it I just used it to keep a buffer between me and the enemies it helps immensely)
3. It may be time consuming but get all the necessary items that you're able which means fight fight and more fighting I'll include the combos below
*Heavenly sword- clover and cross
*La borra- Santa water and the orb that pulls items to you I can't remember the name
*The lightning evolution- duplicator ring and the lightning item
And of course we all know the thousand sword combo lol
What this all does is amazing the la borra can pretty much keep the ball in a constant state of hurt preventing any Skelly's to get near it, the heavenly sword does massive amounts of damage especially since it crit hits and moves around a large area protecting you and hurting the ball lastly the lightning upgrade pretty much is overkill it blasts quite a bit of enemies around you keeping your area wide open and of course the knives annihilate it


For anyone who wonders if it still works, it doesn't, they changed it since the 3 months ago.


did they make the ball 10000 times harder? I'm doing what you say with red death....and gains and it won't die!


Its also easy with Pugnala. Just use the base weapons. The ball would get trapped in between her projectiles and would stay in place.


I’ve literally never played this game but it was recommended to me and I gotta say, not disappointed


Lama method worked perfectly. Axes + duplicator + tome for base. During killing i grabbed revivals and spinach. It tooked me like 10 minutes of constant hitting


If you are from 2024, just pump yourself up to full strength then go deal with it, clearing mob around it helps, this includes mob in front or behind it. Get a lot of aoe and you should clear it fast


Maybe one of this tricks worked 1-3 years back but I've tried every single one and played for 4 hours, not even close to completing It. Either you made It pre-patched, cheated or got luckier than the luckiest person on earth.


Ok this might be a long post, but please read it OK?

So, me and my friend are playing this game, me on PC he on Xbox, and we're playing side by side so we can see each other's screen. I spent the good amount of an afternoon on this stage, and it was a nightmare. After the 10 minute mark I can't seem to kill anything, no matter how strong I make my character, and the Bone Ball just get bigger and bigger and bigger, and with all the unkillable monsters around I end up dying a miserable death everytime.

My friend, who is a little behind since he only plays when he's at my house, decided to try that stage for the first time, since he had just unlocked it. He used Cavallo (the panda). He doesn't even use arcanas, cause he thinks it's "too much trouble". Well, for WHATEVER REASON, the stage was on ULTRA easy mode for him. He took his sweet time gathering resouces and leveling up, his shots cutting through monsters like hot knife on butter, killiing them almost instantly ever after the 10 minute mark, and when he decided to fight the bone ball, he killed it in secounds.

We were astonished. I still don't understand what happened. I seached the internet trying to figure out why such a huge difference in our experiences but no one seem to know anything, not even make any mention to an easier method. No exploit, no bug, nothing! The consensus seem to be that that is in fact the hardest stage of the game. Even if there are some work arounds, like the method on this video, it would take him much more time to unlock the necessary resoucers (which he didn't have at his disposal when he tried). So why it suddenly became so easy for him? Did any of you experienced something like that? Is that even possible?


I was able to do with with Poppea and playing normally for 20 mins, a few people mentioned this. Go for high damage, I also got a laurel for defense and then just peddled as close as I could to the ball and beat it within a few minutes. No arcanas needed or special items/secret characters.
