This Mistake Can Kill Your Speed

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"this is killing your speed" -speed Cavalier


I dunno about you bro, but I just whisper “Thunder Breathing, 1st form, Thunder Clap and Flash Godspeed!” Haven’t lost a race since


Problem:Braking force caused by stumble reflex

Solution:Gain strength through isometric wall holds and ankle stiffness/rocker exercises


I’m a 65 yr old woman who just found out about and decided to enter the OK Senior Games only 3 weeks ago. I have never been a runner or entered any race before. I signed up for the 50m, the 100m and the 200m sprint events.
I have a good base level of fitness and had been sprinting for the last couple of months a couple of times a week just because I know it’s so good for your metabolism and much better for women in terms of bang for your buck than distance running. I would do about seven or eight 20-30 second sprints starting easy and working up to an all out fast as I could go pace with a minute or two walk in between.
After I signed up I thought, “what the heck did I do? I don’t know anything about sprint racing!” Then I found your YouTube Chanel. So much great information and simple to understand explanations in clear, concise form! I found a local track and ran on a track for the first time less than 3 weeks ago. I only started working on my start 7 days ahead and found some spiked track shoes 2 days before the races.
The State track meet was October 1st. I had no idea how I would do. I hadn’t even ever timed myself! I came home with 2nd place in the 50m in my age group (65-69) with a 9.83. The winner had a 9.0. I placed 2nd in the 100m with a time of 19.1 (The winning time was 19.0) My husbands comment was, we didn’t think to work on your “lean” at the finish line!
I took 1st place in the 200m at 47.35 (I was really dreading that one as I was never even training to run that far! And it was NOT fun!)
But thanks in large part to you, I’m now qualified to go to the National Senior Games in Pittsburg, PA in July 2023!
I will be looking into your online coaching programs next. Thank you so much! I bet you never knew you would be helping someone like me!


Wanna run fast, sprint, run fast, focus on running fast and outrunning other, the rest sorts itself up. Run with weight, run wutj resistance, but just run your fastest, forget about form, just run! That's how i became thw fastest in my soccer team, i was always trying to outrun everyone and not worried about form. Ofciurse I'd do some weight training, but i never focused in form, i just focused on running the fastest


First photo you used was of wayde van niekerk who is the current world record holder in the 400 m😂


Can you explain how you should apply forces during a race and take to account for example start etc.


The first image shown is a better form for longer endurance runners but the other one is better for sprinters


If you do that, pressure will make you slower by about 45% and it’s most likely going to drag you down, injuring you. Instead keep your legs bent at a good amount so it doesn’t feel like your going to trip. When you’re in the race, don’t use all your energy at once. Use at least 60-70% of your energy and let the person go infront of you a bit. So when they see that they are close they will slow down, and that’s where you use the rest of your energy. Also, don’t breathe to hard. It will cause you to not have air and you’ll have to stop. Lastly, I recommend having a race on concrete because grass isn’t straight. I had a race with my dad in grass and he was going sideways. It is always good to go on the treadmill or going for runs keeping track of time it takes you to get for here to there. Anyways those are my best tips on how to win a race.Hope you win it.


I'm watching this shit after my sports day🙂


Who noticed that the guy with a white band on his arm match the white line on the track


The most important thing, how the hell I am supposed to do that💀☠️


My coaching cue to new sprinters. “Down and BACK”, first 3 steps stabbing into the ground dont “step” out.


I listen to this several times during working out. I run and usually before reaching half Kilometres I would get pain in my stomach but this time I didn't and able to run for a really long time (like this video repeated about 10 times whilst running) and push ups are getting more easier to me with right tecniques.


I ran so fast yesterday I killed my leg☠️


This issue can be improve by increasing ankle dorsiflexion and glute and hamstring eccentric strength.


What a great video. I gonna break this down in a video! 🔥🔥🔥


Bro please make a full video of fast running in 200m 😁


After this my speed is killing mistakes


Thank u because of u I got silver medal in 400 meter reley
