How the Church Should Respond to the LGBT Community

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Christopher Yuan is a Christian speaker on faith & sexuality, Moody Bible professor, author and an HIV survivor.

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Real Christians will love all people.


Me looking for the gay hate comments realizing this is one of the only places I won't be told I'm going to hell


This topic has been on my heart for a long time now. I've always been pro-lgbt but since I started to get closer with God and my faith grew deeper, it's like my entire mindset changed on this matter. My sister is Christian but also lgbt, and when she asked if I supported it I said no. She got mad and said that's not Christlike. When I told her that I can't support something that goes against God, she told I am homophobic because I don't support it. I told her that just because I am against it DOES NOT mean I'm condemning anyone.

I know I will face many things like these, as I am only still 16, and will surrounded by people who identify with the lgbt community.

Please pray for me to respond in a Godly way to sensitive matters like these


This is what most Christians see wrong. Loving your enemy doesn't mean you agree with them. No, you disagree on things that are not of God. Because telling them that sin or wickedness is good is not loving your enemies. Sure your can be thoughtful in how to present how it is. (Matthew 10:16 "I am sending you out like sheep among wolves. Therefore be as shrewd as snakes and as innocent as doves.) If you love your enemies then you tell them what will save them from hell. Don't sugarcoat sin.


Do it the Jesus way. LOVE THEM ANYWAY. -_- It can be difficult but it's simple.


The question is: what does the Bible say about this subject and how did Paul tell the Corinthian church to deal with sexual sin?


I am an 88 year old gay man who has never had a gay relationship my whole life because of the confused LGBT message I got from my church.
Yes, I was married to a woman for 18 years, had four children, and, of course, it broke up because of whom I actually was!
While I am happy with my life and the direction I took with it, if I had a child who was gay, I would want a more "Jesus" approach to acceptance.
Unfortunately our churches merely tolerate gay people and until they step away from their mere "toleration" approach,
our churches will continue their "anti-Jesus" approach to outreach!


Yes, love them.
People confuse loving them with accepting their sins as okay. That's not loving them, that's just ignoring their problems.
Does God ignore our sin or does he address it and then help us heal? He helps us heal. But he also doesn't shower hatred on us because of our sin. He lovingly guides us to himself so he can heal our brokenness. It takes submission. And submission in that way cannot be forced. Only God can change hearts. Only God can take a broken soul and make it whole again. So let us pray for them and share God's word with them. But know that God is the only one who can change their hearts and minds. That's not something we can do.


"God gave us not the spirit of fear, but of a spirit of love, and of power, and of a sound mind." (2 Timothy 1:7) Even when the situation seems impossible, we have to remain clinging on to the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit no matter what happens. Yesterday was such a tragic day. I shall pray for the lost and affected.


It's funny how we Christians seem so hell bent on blaming ourselves for the hatred the darkness has for us.  As if they want us to build relationships with them.  They hate us for what we stand for and believe.  Jesus was the perfect expression of Love and Goodness from the Father and you see what they did to Him.  He said the world HATES Him and so they will hate us.  Why do we keep trying to figure out how to get the world to stop hating us?

Granted we should certainly not spew hateful words towards them and not ATTACK them, but trying to buddy up with them is a fools errand and will just force us to compromise and water down the Truth making us an impotent laughing stock.


How should you respond? Be respectful & understanding towards people especially if their sexual orientation doesn’t cause harm to themselves or others. You have no business judging them.


Thanks. I was trying to figure out how to do this as a Christian.


It is not respecting a gay person to tell them that the only way to heaven is to deny their essence and very core of their being. To tell a gay person that they must never ever fall in love with the person they desire, to tell them that they must live a life of celibacy (which leads to loneliness and depression) until death. And that if they get to heaven after that life of complete isolation and lack of a relationship with another human being, that when they get to heaven, they will have to continue being alone is unfair to the extreme.
Ask any married couple, "How do you two view life in heaven..?" They will always tell you about sharing it with "Their" children and "each other" ... That isn't even a possible for a person who has zero desire or affection or connection to the opposite sex. To tell them that all your remaining years on earth must be void of what we are put on this earth to do. "love one another" is insane. and to tell them after death and going to heaven for "being an incomplete person void of relationship and the God given gift of sex" That they must now look forward to an eternity in heaven with more denying your most loving feelings about a special someone" . That sounds like an eternity in hell to me. I cannot imagine not being able to love who my heart calls me to in heaven" . Is this what they mean by "in heaven as it is on earth"..
As a child, I had not acted on any homosexual feelings. (no sex) . but God allowed me to be bullied every single day. I was clinically depressed and suicidal because of these bullies. If Heaven ask us to deny love for another, are bullies in heaven going to be waiting to put me down. No one ever addresses this very real question. How is an eternity in heaven going to be for someone who is attracted to the same sex, but never acts on it and or committing the sexual sin..? To me it sounds like a continuation of the extreme loneliness I experience on earth.
If I"m going to be alone in heaven, without my beloved one that I spent 60 years with on earth. Who am I going to get a sense of contentment from.? Who am I going to talk to in heaven..?
what is heaven going to be like for the "good, abstinent gay servant of Christ..?" The bible talked about eunuchs, made in the womb, made by man, made by self. Nowhere in the bible does it say that eunuchs are an abomination. (is it the distinction that eunuchs do not commit the sex sin..?) . What about the sin of self mutilation ..?(of the temple of Christ)
I would rather enjoy all the happiness, companionship, learning, growing in a good relationship with someone I admire and love, (for next 50 years) . Than give it up only to expect it will be just the same in heaven. BTW Christopher the scientist know the cause of AIDS and it isn't HIV. HIV is a retrovirus and they attack hard, you either die or heal. It is impossible for a retrovirus to lie dormant for 10 years. Ask any honest virologist. AIDS is a syndrome my friend. Syndromes are a series of symptoms. Did you know that developed AZT (dr Gallo) to be used to treat Cancer patients. (funny thing) all ... let me repeat.. ALL of the patients developed kaposi sarcoma. (those little purple/black lesions) . Just one "AIDS symptom" caused by AZT. INTERFERON (which is chemo therapy) destroys the micro-biome and that is where your immune system resides. So now we have (2) symptoms being caused by the drugs they say will treat the disease. Since HIV is not the cause, and they are giving HIV patient that cause them to develop the symptoms in the syndrome called AIDS. What do you make of that.
Go to and look up the 100's of studies on HIV/AIDS/HepB vaccine. Search: HepB vaccine linked to onset of AIDS.... Don't look up link to HIV because the scientific community knows that HIV is not the cause. Gallo is hailed as the biggest fraud in the Viral/Medical community. It doesn't exist. Millions of people died because they had been convince that "HIV" was going to eventually kill them. So these victims took the prescribed treatments that led to each of the symptoms that eventually killed them. This is a culling of man. All of the recent studies point to following Genesis 1:29-30, This is the perfect diet for perfect health and healing. Only seed bearing plants. That excludes GMO's because they do not bear a usable seed that will germinate. No grains because they cause intestinal permeability. ONLY FRESH LOCAL ORGANIC PRODUCE AND HERBS IF YOU WANT TO HEAL. Listen to what the bible told us in the beginning and get off of the drugs that are causing your body to breakdown and die. As a christian that is also Gay...I speak the truth that God showed me. Contact me if you want references, I have given lectures on the subject of healing thru pure eating and gratitude. Healing begins the moment you believe that HEALING IS POSSIBLE, and not until.


According to the Teachings of the Bible "All active Homosexuals and Homosexuality Sympathizers (applies to LGBTQ+) are going to Hell for an Eternity, Unless the come to full repentance and God Forgives them".


There’s a lot of self-righteousness when it comes to speaking about lgbt. I don’t like how culturally we ostracize it like it’s greater than any other sin. It makes me angry to see Christians hold people to standards that they could not reach themselves it’s not right. And before anyone says they’re not true Christians, hold your family accountable. They are christians like us do not separate yourselves when you can teach them.


If you are a true Christian then you SHOULDN'T SUPPORT THE LGBTQ. Hating is a different thing, we know that the Bible says "Hate the sin not the sinner" so HATE THE SIN. STAND AGAINST HOMOSEXUALITY. Even if you don't want to speak against such sins ATLEAST DON'T SUPPORT IT


I'm a Christian and respect everyone


They are not our enemies

Jesus says love your enemies



Homosexuals are turned off by most Christians because we (speaking from experience) would rather judge non-christians for their sin than let the spirit kill our sin. Once He begins killing sin in us, we will begin to look appealing to those lost in their sin. John's recent sermon Make War: a pastor and his people in the battle against sin, really seems to apply here.


I do not take this as a positive message towards LGBT. How many times is he going to say we're lost? I'm trans, I'm not lost. I didn't even start to find myself until I stopped trying to bury my true identity and started to embrace who I really am. I'm not lost, I'm not broken or sick. I'm simply different than the majority, God doesn't have an issue with it, man does.
