Differin/Adapalene - 6 Months Before & After Review

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A review of my experience using Differin/Adapalane for anti ageing purposes, with before and after photos. x

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I think your skin looks plumper on the right side photo tbh. I think it looks glowy as well.


Esthi student here ! To me it looks like it did work slightly . The right picture despite the lines, the skin looks more youthful . It’s plump, looks like it has good elasticity and you have a glow .to me, the skin looks a tad bit younger compared to the left ..where the lines aren’t as pronounced but it doesn’t have that glow or elasticity .


I just started differen but I did my research and watched about 50 videos and read for days about it. I understood that it takes a lot of time to work and not only that but ur skin takes time to process the adapalene and it’s very possible that the gel played a part in the results u saw the month later. Also ur eyebrows and the skin around and in between ur eyebrows look better to me. Not saying u should change ur opinion or anything, do what makes u happy


I was using retinol, but I’ve stopped using this and instead spending more time and money on sun protection and supporting my skin barrier so it can repair itself. That’s my new approach to anti aging.


Your skin texture looks way better on the right IMO. Your maronite and nasolabial lines look more visible on the right, but it seems to me like more of a weight loss rather. Your eyes look less hooded on the right which means they firmed up, but there are more lines and it could be due to the drying effect of adapalene. Overall, I think it worked amazingly on your skin.


Honestly your lines may be unchanged, but your skin looks overall SO MUCH better on the after photo. You look great in both but when I compare the after picture to the before, the before looks dull and dry, and in the after your skin looks hydrated, plump, awake and revitalized. (I’m assuming the left picture is the before shot) Also, your eye kids, in particular your right eye lid looks dramatically improved. Your entire face looks brighter and overall much better and after seeing this I might lick some up and use it during the day along with tret at night


I think your skin looks smoother and brighter in the after picture.


I think your eyes are less hooded on the after picture


I think Adapalene made my eye wrinkles way worse! I didn't even have them, but my vanity said I had to use adapalene because it'll improve skin texture, and it did the complete opposite.


I used Differin for 9 months for anti-aging and found it had no anti-aging effects. A month ago, I started using Curology tretinoin and I saw results from that almost immediately and have experienced no irritation (at .02%). I wish I'd started Curology earlier because it provides results and simplifies my routine. It actually would have saved me a lot of money on retinol and serums.


Differin is a great product for acne at any age. Well tolerated as well.


I've never seen a differin before and after.. thank you! So interesting. IMHO your forehead looks smoother in the after and a little forehead scar you have looks flatter and more diminished.


I use laroche posay Retinol cream its 0.3 retnol and I have seen much improvement on my skin specially my under eyes wrinkles


That eye make up really makes your eyes pop. Your hair also looks so silky, whatever you are using clearly suits it. For the past 2 years my hair has been a static mess (one of the "joys" of getting older my greys are frizzy) despite using leave in conditioners. Recently I tried the Dr Organic Aloe Vera shampoo, mainly as I was looking for a cruelty free shampoo and miracle - the first time I used it the static has gone! I thought it was a fluke but the effect has persisted with every wash and I only wash my hair every 3 days. Although when my hair is wet it doesn't feel squeeky clean with that shampoo the lack of static - which lasts until I next wash it - is worth persisting with it. I don;t need conditioner any more.


Wow your forehead is so smooth, not one line! X


Hi Karen isn't it interesting how different we all are. I've been on tretinoin for a year (through dermatica which is the subscription service you talked about). Despite having type one rosacea and eczema, with patience I built up my tolerance to retinoids over a two year period (one year retinols and then one year tretinoin). My skin feels firmer and looks more lifted. Lines haven't really been where I've noticed changes, but my skin has so much more bounce. At 46 I had my last period and the last couple of years of perimenopause were fairly rough on my skin. I noticed a major loss of density in the skin and the start of sagging/formation of jowls. It felt like the cushioning had gone and my face was drooping. This was despite an excellent skincare regime and most definately due to a loss of oestrogen. At 48 and after the retinoids my skin looks more lifted. My cheeks are back to where they were and the density of skin has improved - it's much plumper/thicker. This is how I've measured whether my collagen is improving - not re lines. I don't mind having a few lines - i smiled and laughed a lot to earn them. The sagging skin/loss of cushion was far more worrying to me, as it was changing the shape of my face for what felt like forever. Don't get me wrong it hasn't gone back to the plumpness of my twenties, but at least it back to how it was in my early forties. I don't have a massive difference in photos, but in the feel of my skin yes. There is some minor improvement in lines, due to the improvement in density which is a bonus. I'm sorry it didn't work for you. It didn't work quickly for me and took many months to really see improvement, but it did work. Best wishes.


Overall I see more collagen on skin because your skin looked more plump in the after photo. Fresher skin & healthier skin tone


Your face is visibly lifted in the after photo. Also, your eyelids look much better after Differin.


I can't use Tretinonin I tried it for there months but had terrible reaction to it I looked older! So won't be using it again x


I'm so glad you used it for 6 months. I've seen 2 week reviews and was like what? (Currently using adapalene as a substitute because I'm in a pinch). That's not long enough for the skin to make improvements. I never got up to more than twice a week with 0.1% Tretinoin and used it for 10 years. It is still the gold standard in anti-aging.
