The 'Money Making Mushroom'' That Nobody Can Actually Grow? (The Mushroom Show Episode 12)

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Morel mushrooms are impossible to grow... right? Not entirely. Because the process was actually patented way back in 1986. And for a time, the rights to growing this mushroom were exclusively owned by Dominos Pizza. In this episode of The Mushroom Show, we're unravelling the mystery of morel cultivation, trying to answer the question of why one of the most desired mushrooms in the world is still only really found in the wild. We're also covering a few pieces of mushroom news, including a story of scientists who discovered a way to make mushroom leather that regrows when damaged, and how athletes are turning to mushrooms for mental health. Finally, we're interviewing Del Jolly and Jessica David, co-chairs of The Mushroom Summit, which is a conference dedicated to the future of functional mushrooms.

#themushroomshow #morels #functionalmushrooms

0:00 Intro
0:42 Mycelium Leather That Regrows??
2:51 Athletes and Mushrooms
5:18 The Mysteries Of Morel Cultivation
16:06 The Mushroom Summit


Mycelium Leather:

Athletes and Mushrooms:


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I would have titled this episode "The Morel Dilemma".


I am a beekeeper and my bees grew morels around their yard, 2 years in a row. I didn't know or even hardly eat mushrooms before this. Now I spend engery learning about mushrooms and learning all I can from those bees. Morels found me. I like honey mushrooms better.


I did some morrel liquid cultures into jars and they got moldy so I buried them in the garden over winter. Spring came and they fruited anyways. Kinda cool. Definitely couldn’t make it happen again if I tried.


I watched a mushroom lecture here on youtube some months ago. when the lecturer got to the subject of morels, he said he had worked with a Chinese farm company that had developed a reliable process for growing them. Apparently morels feed off of the bacteria that decompose various types of plant matter, and different species prefer the bacteria from different trees/plants. They like keeping their food storage structure, and their mushrooms, pretty far from their food source. This Chinese company would inoculate the bare ground, water it, and put out bags of (wet?) straw with holes on the bottom near the innoculated pathways.


Thank you for another informative and interesting video, Tony!


I live in Boyne City, Michigan, which for decades has held a Morel Mushroom Festival that attracts devotees from around the nation and even around the world. Your comment that morels can fetch as much as $5 to $20 a pound made me laugh - they go for $45 to $65 a pound here and have not sold for as little as $20 a pound since the 1990s. Local restaurants serve varied dishes featuring morels and the town goes crazy for them for an entire week. Enjoyed your video otherwise, though. Perhaps commercial cultivation will bring the price down... but I doubt it.


Morels are my hands-down favorite food of all time. Fried green tomatoes is my second favorite


I remember picking these delicious boyos with my dad back when i was a kid. Would get grocery bag fulls. Had no idea they were this super expensive delicacy.


I've been eating cultivated/farmed morels for a few years now. Didn't they manage to do it in Sichuan back in 2012? I know there are a lot sold in Australia too.


I've seen prices online for morels selling for $375 per pound of fresh mushrooms. I just saw a gigantic one online, that weighed very close to one and a half pounds. That was just the head or cap. It was huge.


I knew a guy that owned a christmas tree farm and he would cut a circle around the stumps and shake burlap sacks of morels around them. It worked so well that once word got around he had to install a barbed wire fence and floodlights to stop thieves


Now I know a while back when I was diving through mushroom videos I was watching a cultivation interview and in the background of the interview they had racks and racks and racks of these moral mushrooms growing, I know that because that put them on my list of mushrooms to cultivate.


Dry land fish grow everywhere in Ky. when they are in season I can pick a 5 gallon bucket in a day


Morels are amazing. I love having morels in the freezer all year long. But i do sell some to pay for gas and supplies. Getting 50 a pound.


Little scratches and tears can happen with keys or something, so the leather stuff is nice so you dont have to replace leather as often.


🍄 Chinese have been growing them ( Morels ) for several years.🍄


Very informative, thanks. Some of the comments on your channel are wild, man.


Been experimenting growing Morels for some time. Be interesting to watch!


Dutch morel project I think is the name of the very successful project growing them repeatedly.


I have wild morels on my property and I tried to grow some last year to no avail. These grew up out of where an old White Oak tree fell, rotted, and started growing after the area burned off in a forest fire.
