Various ways to Connect a PS4 Controller & Fix Pairing Faults

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Hi, this video shows 3 ways to connect your PS4 Controller to the PlayStation 4, PS4 Slim and PS4 Pro.
The 1st Option is at 0:44 and shows you how to sync up multiple controllers via a USB cable.
The 2nd Option is at 4:52 and shows you how to connect up additional controllers via Bluetooth without using a USB cable.
The 3rd Option is at 6:16 and shows you how to connect up just one controller via Bluetooth without using a USB cable. For this option you need to have already set up HDMI CEC and it uses the TV remote control as the 1st controller which then allows you to sync up the proper PS4 controller.
In the video I give examples of how to fix problems like resetting the controller and power cycling your PS4 console so hopefully if you are having problems then one of the options in the video will work.
Many thanks Vince
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If you don’t have a second controller you can still use the ps4 second screen app to connect the controller through Bluetooth. Like this comment because it might seriously help someone.


Why in the hell can’t ps4 have a damn sync button shit is a lot easier


Dude, I couldn’t not for the love of God get my controller to connect any other way other than the Bluetooth way and no one else said to go to the Bluetooth settings on the PS4 to connect it. You sir, have saved my life. Thank you!


Turns out I was using a crappy cable, but ultimately found the original. 5 years after posting this video, and you are my hero.


Tried every method on youtube didn’t work used about 5 cables didn’t work. When I brought a ps4 licenced cable worked straight away make sure you like so others see


My controller stopped working after i connected it to my iPhone XR i finally got it to reconnect. I did it by going in to devices Bluetooth devices and i got my other controller, that still works and held the share and PS button at the same time. If it doesn’t work forget every other Bluetooth device except the working one. Do this by clicking on them hitting options then forget device then i held the 2 buttons and it came up and i reconnected it. Everyone like this so it will help others!!!


Thanks for the help! Out of all the tutorials you were the only one that explained that different cords have a different amount of wires in them and that’s why mine wasn’t connecting.


Never knew that the amount of wires matted so thank you


Legit all the guides i found on google were completely useless, none of them mentioned the differences in the usb cables which was the only thing that i hadnt tried, thanks for the guide dude.


I know this is an old video but this was super helpful. The commentary about the lead requiring four cables made the whole thing make sense. Thanks a million!


The micro USB port on my controller was broken, has been for weeks. Randomly came across this video and used the hold share button and ps button to enter Bluetooth pairing mode and worked straight away.
Thank you dude you are a life saver 👍


Thank you so much, I've been trying so hard to reconnect my controller for over a week now and nothing works until I watch your video. Thank you so much man....


I’ve tried many many options, watched many video’s etc.
The second option worked for me. None of my controllers wanted to connect. I plugged in a USB keyboard and did the Bluetooth trick. Scrolling down, there was my controller. You’ve made my day! Thank You 🙏


Unplugging the PS4 and replugging it has solve my issue. I didn't use this console for more than a year so all my controllers were unsync. Thank you for the tip.


Yes you saved me,
I've watched four videos before you..
And you were the only one that connected my controller...
Please do more PS4 tutorials..😁


Thanks so much! I was having trouble with the USB and I had no idea on how to connect it via Bluetooth. Merry Christmas and have a wonderful day!


ALRIGHT I KNOW THIS WORKS FOR SOME PEOPLE BUT THERE IS A OTHER WAY OK.. All you need to do is install a app called PS4 REMOTE PLAY when you install it press start then it will connect to the PS4 and then go to Bluetooth devices and then hold share the hold the PS4 button then your all set DONT LET THIS FLOP. Wait you have to turn on your PS4 First just let it connect don't press connect manually


This video was literally more informative and helpful than my hour-long conversation with Playstation Support (who insisted I send in my PS4 instead of using most of the methods you presented). Thank you my good man.


Oi mate! I was down to the last option! I figured out how to do all the Jazz about connecting my tv remote to my PS4 and using it as a remote. Long story short, that actually worked! You got a clutch bone my guy! A clutch bone!


Omg I didn’t use my second controll 4 month’s but right now I can use it because you are helping me omg thank you so much 😭😭😭😭😭🔥🔥🔥🔥
