5 AMAZING Conan Build Locations!

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There are many great build locations in Conan Exiles, and today I'll be showing you 5 of my favorites! These spots spread across the jungle, frozen north, desert, and plenty more in between, and offer amazing places to build the castle of your dreams or just a cozy fantasy home. Enjoy!

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Music in this video:
Sanctite Loop
Produced by Eradicati0n

Colonizing Conan Mod Collection:
00:00 - Intro
00:31 - Location 1
01:40 - Location 2
02:53 - Location 3
03:52 - Location 4
05:02 - Location 5

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Thing is, there are literally a thousands locations that are scenic as hell on this map. I love just riding a horse around pondering the possibilities.
This game is crazy good for a great many reasons, spots to build is just one of them.


These are all locations that give me ideas for building. I would really love to see a Siptah version of this.


I love Canopy Outlook. Had a placeholder map marker on it for ages on my private server and eventually buckled in and built on it. So glad I put a base there.


Love videos like these, gives me ideas for the future. I just started Conan a few weeks ago. I am still living along the river. I mean I am only level 37, and kinda scared to venture out anywhere for some reason lol. I know as soon as I get to far from my base a sandstorm happens. I don't mind the river myself, I am just below an oasis surrounded by crocs. Every now and then I get to steal a hatchling. Otherwise, I have been playing around with some different building materials. Figuring out the Journey system as well. Just started my Thrall stuff. Like, setting up independent builds just to cater to certain professions. Got some mods, that add more building materials and a lot more decoratives. As well as clothing. My 3 floor tavern is looking really awesome too. It is all pretty basic though, just using straight walls. Not sure how to incorporate the curved ones yet. Starting to notice a lot of pathing issues though. I had to remove all door ways, or thralls get stuck on them. Also they are getting stuck in tables and chairs. If more than 1 thrall tries to use it.Bit frustrating.


I know that Conan Exiles has been around for a long time which was introduced to me by my son a little over a year ago. Since I have always found an interest for viking cultures. From Riversend alongside the river near the Crevice. I've built two small in the Grove of these two settlements giving them names from the birds. Ravens Grove and Nightingale Grove. This is one of my favorite places to build and the other is located in H 8, a nice cozy island. When I first began playing Exiles I built a small Aquilonian palace there, which I later removed to the shoreline across the island to raise and army of bears. I also like near the Oasis of Nekhet and a small island not far from the Gorilla kingdom not just for the scenic locations, but for the kamoto dragons and black panthers for protecting my encampment while I recruit the black hands.
And last. Just a little ways from the Ring of Silence there is a pass on the other side of the hills, a nice snowy valley for building a village, a fortified palace, or both with Frost giants nearby if you feel like doing some plundering


My two favorite places without question are just East of the dam there is a delightful ridge that has a built in pathway that looks traveled making it well suited for the castle style that I prefer to build in. There's also plenty of space to expand with extra buildings to the N and E if you don't like your tavern or stables inside your castle. The second is if you are running out of Sep to the Unnamed City just after the path forks left to go to the silver mine, there is a plateau with a large pretty flat area. I have built all manner of structures there. Including modded buildings that look like the buildings in Sep.


thanks for the video. these do give me some ideas for the next playthrough i do.


just found your videos looking for conan content, subbed right away, love your calm and informative style, and the relaxed editing. really amazing watching experience that reminds me of the best of old youtube gaming content, please keep it up!


A spot I particularly like is the upper right corner of H-6, next to the river, under the overhang. There's plenty of room and easy access to rock, wood, water and iron. It also offers pretty good protection from the sandstorms, if one should happen that far north of Noob River. And al-Merayah is close at hand.


My favourite place to build is exacly about Bjonar's Stand or near the Crevise on a mountain, D11. Pretty of space to do a lot of things to build with different styles. You also have a bonus rock spot for a medium size tower. Check it out! Also this area is full of nice hidden spots to make some full functional bases. :D


Yeah the devil's squat is a great spot. I like to build there or by the waterfall on the northern river.


What you call the Ridge, we've been calling it the Plateau, our main base has been there for 6 years. Great spot


I built my base in map G5, just west of Sinners Refuge up on the mountain plateau thats there. Wide flat open space, immune to purges and raids, perfect for people who want a main base plus mini areas to expand to.


I just marked Canopy Overlook for a remote Yamatai outpost… not sure if it will get built because I just finished my second Yamatai village in the jungle, so I’m not sure I’ll need a third. I have a spot over by Tower of the Bats by the river where I like to build, it’s a pretty convenient location. And that spot out by Devil’s Squat is nice. I built a fortress near there, a bit East… just on the other side of the aqueduct. It was a pretty big town, actually. Good base camp for going up the mountain or to the volcano, exploring the dam, and of course, New Asagarth is nearby for lots of thralls. I was also able to enclose a couple of coal nodes within the walls for easy harvesting without leaving home.


Great video man thanks! Cool background music :)


The Ridge is my most favorite spot in the whole game and i beeline there on each fresh start. all the iron, coal is not far, water is relative close in two directions, and the camps and the cave are good early recruitment places. It is by far the most convenient spot out of the list. but yeah, i am one of those players that take practicallity and pragmatism over style and asthetics.


Thanks for the video.
Like you, in the Conan game I mainly find interesting places and build some kind of movie sets there, which I then use to work on comics. Therefore, for me PVP issues are completely irrelevant, only the attractiveness of the location matters. I combed the map inch by inch looking for such places, so you didn't surprise me... almost :D
The last place you described I either missed or didn't suit me due to the small area, but now that you brought this place to my attention, I have to check them out again, thanks!


I think that first one on your list is the location my sorcerer character has started to make her new base. ots a super good locatiin with some fairly nice ones close by as well


Another great place to build, iny humble opinion, is in G/H 9. Just under the Jhil caves. The land may not be the latest but I central for Freya, Dina and Lian! Plenty of resources. I have a current base there. I would happily make a tour video for you!
