ANNO 1800 - DOCKLANDS REVIEW - Trades, Ornaments, New Ship!

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Anno 1800 Docklands is out coming soon, and in this video I break down the biggest gameplay features with Docklands and also my thoughts on it!
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Just letting you know that I started watching your let's play on Anno and you made me jump back in. Amazing content as always, thank you !


I think it would be interesting if the rates went up and down like a regular market might, so you can't heavy load up something like fish and get what you need. I do like that it gives you some more flexibility in the harder campaigns about your docks though. Before, you may steer clear of some of the smaller islands as there was not enough room to get things going for a small amount of resources, now it sort of lets that tie in better and may allow you to play against harder AI that are more land grabby.


Docklands will probably be necessary once "The Highlife" dlc comes out. You'll need to import a ton of goods for the skyscrapers.


I agree with your point about there not being a cost. I delayed in building one to see how it works because I expected an enormous maintenance and/or influence cost. When there was none and and it didn't require any workers either, I was shocked. I guess if you didn't want to play any of the other regions, you could trade for everything you need with Docklands.

I've upped the value of a few goods just to see how it works but am really just using it as a glorified trading post that beatifies my waterfront. The fun of the game to me is building the production chains in an aesthetically pleasing way and keeping everything in balance as my cities grow.


2:06 THANKS a lot for this information.
Roads to connect the buildings <3
3 videos before, couldn't answer me that question :)


I agree with you in the sense that this DLC makes the game extremely easy but others say that maybe this is because the second DLC in the season will host more people in an island and thus will need more resources. But then again.., the balance.


Thank you for this review! Good heads-up on how it can be used. I’m not a min max person so maybe I’ll self impose some limitations on the dock lands use to not make things too easy. As you said it could be a thing most useful for people trying to max population. Either way, thank you fir the review!


Thing about 'eliminating parts of the economy' - that's a big thing in Anno 1800 overall. Since we have items (and with Lands of Lions - means of creating them) you can play around with production chains a lot. And there are a lot of ways to complently eliminate parts or even entire chains. I persoanlly don't see it as a issue - partyle becasue you can still do the industry the old way. And partly because, at least in theory, devs stated that the last season 3 dlc would be all about having the biggest possible investor population. And that would reqire A LOT of goods.
But I do get that issue. In Anno 2070 you can't skip industries - at best you can change some production buildings in the chain for the diffierent one (for another faction). And while I get that idea, I still hated 3D projector production chain. In 1800 I can make jewelry without new world items at all just by using items (town hall+trade union)


The captain Tobias skin is a bit lazy. Otherwise a decent DLC.


Thanks for the thoughts and vid as always!


i have a problem with layouting my islands and with logistic but as it seems now my dream come true now i can make one easy but high cost production type to get other things to make more living place in islands wow i would say its such a relieve for me


Great review, thanks! Agree with the balancing issues. Also ludicrous that your cargo ships are limited to 6 x 50t slots but Tobias’ ship is like the TARDIS and can carry unlimited quantities of goods. Seems like a lazy way to get around production chains.

Also, couldn’t they vary the Captains name? Having the same bloke roll up to multiple islands, even if they’re in different sessions, is a bit lame.


This is definitely something that made me feel like this game lacked something. There's just not enough that makes the world feel connected and lived-in for me. Game is really very good, though


Thanks, did not read the dock land dlc or understood what is was used for. Will have a go at it !!!


dockland is basically advanced tips for your production chains, typically what you want is trade a finished good for its base supplies (schnaps in this instance to trade for potato) you will get twice as much (so you will never run out of supplies) No longer need the potato farm, so i can use that space for something else and upgrade the worker to the new tier. Do the same with Beer, and other consumables, since you produce more your residents needs are fulfilled and you can trade the rest for the basic supplies to produce more, or get other materials that you need. With land of the lions, I have one dockland in Crown Falls, one in the new world (old world i still use proper chain in case things goes wrong) and one in Embessa. I can safely get anything i want while producing stuff locally. My main money income come from trades with the pirates and neutral traders


Good video! Very helpful. I would agree that it really should require some work force, but otherwise I don’t think it’s quite as OP as it may seem. It does eliminate some production chains, but you still have to overproduce others to have goods to trade. It also takes a certain amount of work to unlock the items for trade. I would say that it’s more trading one trade mechanic for another, albeit one that probably needs some slight balance adjustments.


Actually elimination of parts of the an economy happens in the real world over time. You specialize and other industries close and go overseas. Such as clothing and electronics from the US to Asia. There is plenty of other historical examples. In it's own way this mechanic, accidental or planned is another form of optimization on a global level.


I actually find it very helpful as I am able now to remove production that takes lot of space. It would be nice to be able to upgrade the factory so you don't have to build 10 small ones.


I think it's great, really catches the gist of the time, 19th century globalisation and trade. Fits great


Considering this was put together quite quickly as a DLC, and in the same amount of time as Bright harvest; I think this is quite a nice DLC. It's definitely not perfect but pretty satisfactory for a first in the season IMO.

Great video, I watched your let's play episode covering this and it feels like I watched you make a first draft then your final essay.
One thing I don't remember you speaking of is from which sessions the dockyards are available? Are they exclusive to the old world?
