HOW TO *LEGALLY* CHEESE THE DOCKLANDS | Anno 1800 Tips and Tricks Episode - 5

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Fifth episode of our Anno 1800 Tips and Tricks series!
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00:00 Intro
00:15 Docklands DLC
00:47 Docklands Overview
02:31 Unlocking Docklands
03:07 Export/Import Tab
05:26 Elevator Cheese
12:49 Advanced Weapons Cheese
14:14 Deleting Piers
15:09 Conclusion

All DLC's activated

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Hey Guys and Gals! Right after posting this, I discovered one other fact to cheese this even more: I did not realize I could edit the amount of goods being imported/exported in the export/import menu. You can increase or decrease it depending on what you need, so you only need 1 slot taken up per product. Even more cheesy now! Enjoy.


Tobias comes every 20 minutes but he needs to get to the dock, trade and then leave the region before the timer gets reset so you can add 5-10 minutes


I assume you figured it out by now but just in case you didn't: You are not locked to trading in 50s stacks, you can change the numbers on each side and the other will calculate itself.
So you can calculate the ratio and buy exactly what you need to build them and ship the additional elevators to a different island.
Also when you designate an entire island to making elevators anyway, it's much cheaper to buy iron and coal and produce the steel yourself, same with the wood veniers...only buy the steel if you're short on space and/or workforce.
And efficiency is the Anno mindset anyway...if you're playing Docklandsᵀᴹ like you play Anno it doesn't feel as much like you're doing it to avoid playing Anno in the first place


manufaturers love this simple trick. buying raw materials to create machines makes you a lot of profit! :D


I appreciate your videos. I basically play the game just for the 🧀 . Been using this one since elevator became a thing.


Hey, nice video, finaly someone explains to me properly how to use and abuse the docklands 😁 random question... How does fertilizer work? I still don't know how to use it and even if it's even worth looking into.

Looking forward to more anno 1800 videos from you :)


good video and explanation. I do the same with advance weapons. Cheers!


Nice tips & tricks vids, seems the docklands is a little broken lol, I really need to do more on Surviving Mars before getting into another builder managment game, but anno 1800 on my list, as also looking at Timberborn to play/record etc. Oh my.


hey nice video ! why are you doing same lines of 50 ? you can change the number by clicking on it and import other things


Excellent video only thing if I'm not mistaken calculation have to be done every 30 minutes bcus of time he takes to go in the map and exit. So 30 times whatever you need.


until right now I didnt even know you could build multiple docklands on different islands


And to be exact: You only have Feras Alsarami in your trade union. There is also an item that boosts all Heavy Industries & let's not forget about the one busted palace effect, where heavy industries produce more other products. 🤣So you're cheese is not even complete/up to maximum cheesiness.


Gotta put in some more trade unions if you really want to get everything out of a docklands island


Sigh ... Steam Motors (and Advanced Weapons) are a byproduct from Bruno, no need to produce them. Just a nice farm island with a trade union in the middle with Dario and Bruno + optional inside and lots of sewing machine factories. Just make sure you sell the machines and never reach max. capacity of your trading post. The heavy weapons have an excellent trading value, so you can restock on wood and iron with those - the steam motors can go into your elevetor production. The pocket watches and grammophones from Dario either go to your investors or - early game - to Ketema for a HEFTY profit on the watches. Bruno and Dario are kinda totally op.
PS: As others have pointed out: Tobias enters the map every 20 minutes but then has to go to your Dockland Wharf. It's better to calculate with 30 minutes.


Even more cheese? Use docklands to generate Steam Carriages. Trade pocket watches, Dynamite, Grammaphones and Penny Farthings - Send them to one Island. Trade them for Steam Carriages, Use steam carriages to Trade for the Amount of pocket watches, Dynamite, Grammaphones and Penny Farthings you need... IE Arbitrage - this will generate enough Steam Carriages you need to trade for all investor/Engineer needs.


I cheese the docklands and I don't even manufacture anything. I just purchase materials from the NPCs and trade them, they sell lots of steel, gold, jewelry, glass, etc... They trade so much of that stuff that my stock piles get full quick


Hello :) thank you for these vids, they are a great help! A bit confused on one point, the og trading post/dock, you have to keep it, right? I've put a Docklands into my game but haven't gotten around to actually importing/exporting yet, however only a few ai ships ever use it, the majority of traders continue to use the og dock. Will this change if I start importing/exporting? I've looked around and it seems you cannot delete it. Again, tysm for all the tips and help!


Use Steam Carriages (cars) as 2.0 ratio.
Trade them for Penny Farthings (Bicycle) → ship the Bicycle to island 2 → trade the Bicycle with a 1.8 ratio back to cars.
Congratulation you made profit out of nowhere.
Ship the cars back to island 1. repeat.

You could self sufficient a island by itself without producing lots of basic needs.

Best "goods" for the Docklands are
Cars as 2.0
Bicycle and clocks as 1.6 (purple)
Phonograph, steam motor and heavy wep. as 1.4 (blue) (Bruno Ironbright will give you Heavy Wep. as extra for producing - so no need to pruduce them anyway)
In the 1.2 slots you can put in what ever you like.



How did you get fine clothes and boots for scholars?
I have mine totally built out on many islands but have never seen those things in the exchange.


I really wished they would release the DLCS for the console Edition! At least a few...
