What day did Jesus die? You may be surprised!

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If Jesus was in the tomb on Friday and resurrected on Sunday, then He wasn't in the womb for the full 3 days and 3 nights. Was it just figurative? When did Jesus really die? The answer may surprise you.

John Harris, director of Living Waters Europe presents this informative video which breaks down the Jewish holidays to work out which day Jesus would have really died.


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I watched this video twice and feel like I want to watch it some more. It is the BEST video I've seen all week and I love it. 🤭


Dude, this was awesome. And while many people say it doesn't matter, just that Jesus died for you and rose again, to me it is important. It's a matter of Jesus' own accuracy, as well as Biblical accuracy.


Excellent topic. To get three days and three nights from Friday to Sunday is a mathematical impossibility. Using the Jewish calender system the crucifixion would be on Wednesday.


Thanks for your explanation, it puts everything in to place, for me. I had been challenged to think the Jesus died on the Wednesday, but, you filled in all the reasons why.


How do the disciples celebrate passover on the 13 eve, when the lambs are killed on passover, 14th? This is a different timeline question than the 3 days issue.


Excellent, very very excellent video. Excellent information. Excellent presentation. God bless you richly for your very rich work and tremendous efforts to bring to surface the truth. Hallelujah. Amen.


HaleluYAH. These, for several years already, are thought in my church, in Indonesia, where true Christianity faces huge challenges. But Yahweh our God, whom we worship in Yeshua, always prevails. HaleluYAH.


THANK YOU....I have been teaching this for years but is kinda hard for most people to Understand put it about as simply as it can be put....Good Friday was a misunderstanding by The Catholic Church and is simply most simple-minded people would simply, rather just stay in their Error rather than to Rock the Boat of Tradition! and risk offending someone.


Thank you for this clarity brother John.


To me, all that matters is that Jesus Christ died on the Cross and he resurrected on the third day; all for humanity to be saved from sin and not to eternally perish in Hell Fire.


Great job. I discovered this about 2 years ago when I asked the Lord to show me the truth. Anyone at all interested can find the truth in scripture. A Bible app with search was a big help to find the passages that explain the Mosaic laws for the feast days. Something else I discovered was that the Feast of Unleavened Bread was a remembrance of the 7 day journey out of Goshen to Succoth to rest and regroup the 2-3million into tribes prepared to march, this is the first High Sabbath. They rested, but could prepare food. The 7th day is also a High Sabbath of rest allowing only preparation of food. This is in remembrance of crossing the Red Sea safely.


Nice! Good to see a Christian ministry bringing this up.
Even great ministries like Desiring God sadly perpetuate the lie of the friday death.
Great to see this explained here.


Thank you, this has bothered me for many years until I listened to Dr Chuck Missler give the exact same explanation. Listening to your talk has been confirmation for me, as in my life the Bible is the only absolute truth, and there could not be any inconsistency.


Great detailed explanation. I’ve been digging in to research this time-line and came to the same conclusion. But I would put a somewhat finer point on the time of day of His crucifixion and death.

Matthew 27:35-50 Jesus was already on the cross by noon (the 6th hour) and gave up the ghost around 3:00 pm (the 9th hour.)

Matthew 27:45 “Now from the sixth hour until the ninth hour there was darkness over all the land.”

In the time it took for Joseph of Arimathea to go to Pilate to beg for the body of Jesus and have it granted and to arrange for – and take down the body – and get Him into the tomb – it was near sunset - the start of the High Sabbath.

Thank you for putting this video together - I'll be sharing it with family and friends who insist on Easter eggs and bunny rabbits.


Thank You- That was a wonderful explanation with a lot of scriptures to support it - Thanks


Tell us in the Bible where it says worship on the Sunday? How do you reconcile Genesis 2 vs 1--2 and the 4th commandment against what you have presented?


Thanks brother. I would like to add that Matthew 28:1 speaks to: as it began to dawn towards the first day. The word dawn originally meant going towards. As it begins to dawn means that the first day had not yet begun.
The Bible teaches us that a new day begins at sunset therefore Jesus was not risen on Sunday because when the women arrived at the tomb He was already risen. They first came before the Seventh Day, Sabbath was ended. Afterwards there were other trips to the tomb. Please consider this. God bless you.


Yeshua was conceived on Hanukkah and was born on the First Day of Tabernacles...as He came to tabernacle with us. He was circumcised on the eighth day, as that is also the best day to preform this procedure. 🕊


Thank you, and God bless you and Living Waters.


