What Day Did Jesus DIE on? | Did Jesus die on Friday? | Did Jesus die on Wednesday?|Founded in Truth

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On what day of the week did Jesus die? Join us in this fitbit as we take a look at the traditional "Friday view" and compare it to an up and coming view called the "Wednesday view".

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The most important is that everything is true not lies everywhere that it is on passover ❤


Even though the men walking on the road, they said, Our Lord Jesus Christ had risen on the Sunday, that proves the Wednesday theory just as well, to me.
I can't count 3 hole days from Friday evening to Sunday.
Wednesday makes the most sence to me.
Thank you for this video!
May our Lord Bless you for your work.


You are correct. Wednesday. The sabbath was the High Holy Day of the first day of unleavened Bread. They bought spices on Friday the day between the two sabbath's. The High Sabbath on Thursday of that week and the weekly sabbath on Saturday.


The second anyone attempts to apply the crucifixion to a “Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, etc.”, they have already lost. Jesus did not die on a Graeco-Roman day of the week. He died on a Hebrew day of the week. That day was the 14th of the month of the aviv (matured//ripened) barley. The barley was the type for the firstfruits of mankind, Jesus. That God-appointed temple rite precipitated the first month of the calendar and the calendar for mankind. Thus, we have to find the month the barley is aviv (matured//ripened). We then are to count 10 days from the crescent-sliver moon (that starts that month), choose the lamb on that 10th day, examine it 4 days for blemishes, slaughter it on the 14th. Jesus rode into Jerusalem on the 10th; was found innocent and true after 4 days of teaching & trail, crucified the same day of Preparation the lambs were slaughtered for Passover (the 14th of aviv). Jesus rose on the first day of the HEBREW week. That was three days and three nights later, on the 3rd day of Unleavened bread, just as he prophesied, just as recorded in the 4 gospels. The first day of the HEBREW week is the day after the Hebrew weekly seventh day, AKA: the weekly Sabbath. And according to how the Hebrew week lines up with the Graeco-Roman week, that would be a Sunday. Subtract three days and three nights from Sunday, and you end up with a Thursday.
The reason the Historic Christian church chose Friday, is because they had to merge it with the gods of the world (that is why they called it back then the ROMAN universal church; AKA the ROMAN Catholic Church.) The mother-fertility goddess (Frya of northern Europe: AKA Isis, Istar, Astarta, Asharath, etc) was said to descend to the nether world to resurrect her husband (Saturn, Baal, Molech, Bal, Chemosh, Osiris, etc) on his day (Saturn = Saturday), and procreate with the Father fertility god, raising him as the solar-god on the Sun-god day; Sunday. Nine months later, the fruit of that demonic union is the sun-god. He is born on the first day of the solar-god calendar, December 25th, when the days begin to grow after the diminish of winter.
The current standard practice of most Christian churches follows a pagan timeline. All thanks to Emperor Constantine who at the Nicaean Church Council, had all his Mithraic bishops pass the pagan timeline. Bye the bye . . . Constantine was a Mithraic high priest to his dying day, murdered a couple of his wives and firstborn son, nephew & brother, sought to butcher children so he could bath in their blood to restore his health, cast fertility spells, and kept his vestal virgins to keep him “entertained”, and constantly presented himself as the embodiment of the pagan sun-god, Mithras . . . . amongst many other perverted, corrupt, and evil things.


Nicely done, Matthew. Yours may be the best discussions of this issue I've heard. I applaud your humble attitude and desire to uncover the truth. I notice you mentioned the Thursday theory but didn't discuss it. Here are a few things to consider...

Exodus 12:1-20 sets aside:
- The 10th day of Nissan as the day to select the Passover animal
- The 14th day of Nissan as Passover, the day to sacrifice the animal
- The 15th day of Nissan as the start of the week-long Feast of Unleavened Bread. The 15th and the 21st are High Sabbaths.

I lean toward a Thursday Passover. I believe Jesus' triumphant entry into Jerusalem best describes his selection as the Passover Lamb. This would make Sunday the 10th of Nissan, the day of selection and Thursday the 14th, Passover. The Feast of Unleavened Bread then begins with a High Sabbath on Friday the 15th. Passover would also be the day of preparation since no work can be done on the High Sabbath nor the weekly Sabbath.

Sun the 10th: Palm Sunday when Jesus is selected as the Passover Lamb
Tue the 12: Jesus anointed by Mary
Thur the 14th: Passover when Jesus was sacrificed and buried. Also the day of preparation.
Fri the 15th: The first day of the week-long Feast of Unleavened Bread, a high Sabbath
Sat: The weekly Sabbath
Sun: First Fruits when Jesus rises (the third day since Jesus was crucified). Also, the women prepare spices after sundown then visit the tomb prior to sunrise.


Very good! I knew this for several years! YAHASHUA bless you all! Greetings from the Netherlands 🇳🇱 🇮🇱


That week the 14th of Aviv fell on the 4th day of the week. He arose at the end of the Sabbath just before sunset. Sunset began the first day of the week.

The women couldn't come to the tomb because they had to wait until the weekly Sabbath was over to not violate the Torah. When they got there, He had already arisen.
Matthew 12:40, the sign of Jonah says 3 days and 3 nights He laid in the tomb.

The 14th day was the preparation for the high Sabbath of Unleavened Bread on the 15th. This is when the Passover lamb was killed and prepared for the Passover Seder.

So Messiah died on the 14th and was laid in the tomb just before sunset. Nights came first, then days.
Counting from the 14th just before sunset, 3 nights and 3 days is the Sabbath at sunset. The first day didn't began until sunset. That's why He wasn't there when the women came on the first day.


I agree! The most important thing is that he died and rose again, and what that accomplished and brought! It's important to be united in the big things and not divided over the little things.


Many great points to both sides in this video. Love that you point to the root of the matter and what is really important, the resection and freedom from death to life. Thank you for the insights!


You all are doing great stuff. Hope you continue to be blessed.


The swoon hypothesis is any of a number of ideas that aim to explain the resurrection of Jesus, proposing that Jesus did not die on the cross, but merely fell unconscious ("swooned"), and was later revived in the tomb in the same physical body.


One has to remember that Jewish tradition of recording time is different than modern day time recording. But it is important that we have a date of Jesus birth, death, and resurrection. Many religions in the world especially those based off of mythology don’t have persist dates and times and actual names of eye witnesses. Great job Praise God!


Excellent and most comprehensive analysis I’ve heard so far about which day Jesus was crucified on.
Because the High Holy day of Passover changes from year to year, we can go back in time and find out what years Passover fell on either a Wednesday or Friday and how old Jesus would likely have been at those times and which of those two times got the best!
Has anyone done that? (You need a computer program or something).
Overall 👍


I enjoyed, your explanation, I really enjoyed that the death and resurrection was the key what ever day it was. God Bless


Something shall come to light 🕯️😇😇✨✨✨🖐🏽🙌🏽🛡️🛡️🙏🏽🙏🏽🕯️


Thank you!
Because I have a "music theory" understanding - it holds a "Friday view" (in music, an interval of one plays the same note, an interval of 2 is only one step apart, but plays 2 notes, etc...in math, this would be "inclusive counting") And - Heaven is VERY music oriented! (Does my view sound a bit prejudice toward musicians😁)


Remember you have to look at this back in time as Jewish holy days. They kept Sunset to sunset days. Jesus died before sunset on Wednesday remember they needed to get him off the cross before sunset which started a Thursday. Next day, Thursday, was first day of unleavened bread (a high holy day) but next day count starts at sunset Wed. It is a Thursday and night 1 and day 1 Thursday. Thursday sunset starts ( Friday ) night 2 Friday daytime is day 2...sunset then starts Saturday and is night 3 Saturday day time is day 3. At Sunset Saturday it is Sunday not Saturday night. Three days and three nights. The first count is a night. Jesus died before Sunset on Wednesday. Jesus kept Passover with his deciples Tuesday evening to us, but that sunset remember started a new day Wednesday by Wed evening he was being taken off the cross because the High Sabbath was upon them. At sunset would have been Thursday to the Jewish people.


An interesting tradition that the Israelite farmer had during this time of year was their first sheaf (Omer) of barley that was harvested and taken to the priest. This was the premier or very first and best part of his barley crop. The Jews did this in the closing or twilight hours of the Sabbath—the day before the Feast of Firstfruits. This is mentioned in the Mishnah (Menahot 10:1).

Also, the second-century Mishnah affirms that, when the Sadducees controlled the Temple, the sickle was put to the grain just as the sun was going down on the weekly Sabbath (Menahot 10:1-4, Jacob Neusner translation, pp. 753-754).

The Bible nowhere indicates that the priests understood the ritual they were performing at the close of the Sabbath when Yeshua, the archetypical wave sheaf, was “harvested” from the physical world by being resurrected from the dead. On the following morning, as the firstborn of many brethren, He ascended to God’s throne to be accepted by the Father.


Awesome job man! Loved how u used the word of God


I believe the Wednesday crucifixion for in Daniel we are told He would be taken out in the middle of the week...the middle of our week is Wednesday...He told them...the disciples He will be dead three days and 3 nights as Jonah was in the belly of the whale...they burried Him in haste...for even the pharisees didn't want to be in pliates's house cause the holiday of Passover was to begin followed by the feast of Unlevenbread they couldn't be defiled...Jesus died on the day then that night became Passover for holidays started on the beginning of the sunset, He died exactly when the lambs were sacrificed for the Passover meal, plus the sacrifice had to be perfect that even not one of the bones couldn't be broken...Yeshua legs weren't broken for He died...but the 2 others on their crosses leg bones were broken to speed death...so Wednesday night was Passover...and followed by the High Sabbath of the feast of Unlevenbread started Thursday night...the High Sabbath and ended Thursday night at sunset our time...so from Thursday night...till Friday before sunset the women could have bought spices, but remember the woman had to cook and prepare before the Sabbath began...and Friday at sunset, started the regular Sabbath...again...Saturday our time at sunset was another opportunity they could have bought spices...so early that next day they arrived at the tomb which would have been Sunday...after the third day...also understand Passover was in the 1st month of Aviv, on the new moon...which on that day they counted days...and Passover could fall on anyday of the week because of that...and the 15th day of that month...the feast of Unlevenbread usually is the full moon day...but thank you again for your presentation
