Losing family and friends While on the spiritual path

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In this Video Chris Enlightened Breaks down the importance of losing family and friends on the spiritual path. It's ok to lose family and Friends that are't vibrating on the same level as you. It's needed to grow spiritually
Chris Enlightened is an Amazon best-selling author of the book, "Poverty Consciousness", a spiritual adviser, Martial arts Instructor, inspirational speaker, certified numerologist and an authority on Altars. The premise of Thee Enlightened Journey is structured around providing Spiritual Growth and Guidance to all souls looking to grow spiritually.

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Specific points in your message were well needed and openly received. I've been preparing for a family wedding, this coming weekend.

I've been seeking ways to hold onto and retain my newfound energy at a high vibration during this two day event. Amazingly, as I've been preparing for this weekend I've not been struggling with what dress I should wear, what bag to carry or even getting new shoes to wear. The beauty in this is out of this world. No need for concern. I will look put together and much more lovely than if I'd run myself into the ground trying to get everything just right and all stressed out forcing things to work. Instead, the majority of my time has been spent on preparing Spirituality. That means, meditating on how best to avoid absorbing undesirable energies, especially from certain family members.

You Sir, just helped clear all up for me. My light shines for me. My heart is full of love and light for everyone if they choose to accept it. I won't force. I'm am beyond grateful for being enlightened and for your message.

I believe I'm ready for a Spiritual guide now. I can actually feel it. There will be a meeting very soon.

Thankful and grateful in Upstate NY USA


I think the universe spoke to me through you when I found this video. Thank you❤


Getting it bad like I cant detach the moment I do children and relationships are totally out of whack and I'm attacked for the change


When we can relate to others we have relationships!


Fam!... this right here is a jewel!!! .. I so can relate 💖💖💖💖


Don’t be a spiritual punk 😂😂😂😂😂😂 I needed this 💕


Wow, and I think making a "todo list" or trying to organize a plan, is incorrect, because it's going by a script. You'll remember what's important at the right time, causing one to be very mindful and aware of the NOW. Omg this might be the reason some can't manifest by just writing it down. I'm seeing something


My heart hurts i don't like to see my loved one in conflict inside . :( i had a conversation with my brother over the weekend ... He thinks i don't make sense o i am fake ... Told him love is strong .. He said he is strong and people are bad .
