Darth Maul Is NOT Stronger Than Ahsoka Tano

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Mauls greatest weakness is underestimating all of his opponents.


Are we forgetting that Maul killed one of the most skilled Jedi at the time, Qui-Gon Jinn, and nearly made Obi-Wan Kenobi fall to the dark side by joking about it?


Maul was also trying to turn Ashoka to the dark side if he wasn’t Ashoka would have died


And yet Baylan deafeted her without breaking a sweat. Bruh


Lol, you be sleeping on maul. Listen to Lucas not Dave


During the clone wars Maul outclasses Ahsoka in EVERY regard, from physical attributes to training and raw force power. The only thing Ahsoka has over Maul is mentality. The same thing when he dueled obi wan in the phantom menace, maul wins the duel. In both duels maul could have finished obi wan and Ahsoka but he doesn't just want to win he wants prove himself.


I think that if they were allowed to expand upon him and Lucas’ original sequel trilogy would have happened we would have seen how Mail could have evolved and became much more ppwerful


I like Maul as a character, but people way overrate his abilities. Maul was barely even a Sith; Palpatine used him as a thug and assassin, but didn't really train him in the true ways of the Sith. He was basically Palpatine's version of an Inquisitor; a Dark Side user, but not a real Sith Lord. Though he was, admittedly, much more capable than the Inquisitors.


Filoni himself said Maul wasn't trying in their fight so throw that out the window and said they were on completely different levels. When trying Maul one shot Grevious, one shot Savage, on par with Sidious dueling wise, toys with the likes of Obi-Wan and Ventress. Lucas in an interview said Maul was on the same level as Vader and in another clip I saw he said Dooku was too. Maul even implies he's above Dooku, dueled Mace and another jedi at the same time for a short bit. Btw all these characters that Maul is compared to or straight up bodies have put work in agaisnt Obi-Wan and Anakin and many other jedi. Ahsoka is crazy powerful but prime Maul trying is literally built different. She put up and good fight agaisnt Vader but was losing and effortlessly beat inquisitors which she did as a padawan after order 66 so not impressive especially since and Old Maul was trying to take down Vader and the empire even in his old weakened self. Her greatest feats are literally specs on Maul's resume. Prime Maul beats prime Ahsoka mid-high dif if he's genuinely trying which he never does btw. "During" buddy duh that mean old Maul is below prime Ahsoka like duh. Try again 💀😂


Watch the end of clone wars again. Love it when people get tunnel vision to make the person they like more seem more powerful.


mauls literally stated to be in the vader realm of powrr by dave filoni. Filini also said maul was the stronger swordsman in their duel. by rebels the two are relative but Maul has more experience so id give him the win 8/10 High diff


Maul definitely beats Rebels Ahsoka, Maul underestimated Kanon, doesn't mean he is weak


They do maul and boba Fett so dirty and they're literally my favorite characters


Now, maybe an episode about whether Cal Kestis has the potential to beat Ahsoka or Maul.


Anika also could even with the anger inside of him bc he has possessed the power of dark and light force beings and is just over all stronger and he is the reason she is even as strong as she is


I don't think anyone actually thought current Ahsoka is weaker than Maul or even Rebels Ahsoka most of us were merely stating season 7 of Clone Wars Ahsoka wasn't because well Maul for some reason chose to underestimate her even though we've seen him being more capable before and could see he was merely trying to convince her to join then actually beat her.


Ashoka has always been in my top 3 Jedi for Star Wars, and will always be


Ngl, I don't trust this. Maul is underestimated.


If you really think that Ahsoka is stronger than Darth Maul, I need you to listen up. In TCW, during the duel between him and Ahsoka, it was pretty obvious that Maul was just playing around and trying to convince her, since he was waiting for Anakin and Kenobi. In the duel, Maul disarmed her with no effort 3 TIMES, and when you get disarmed it means you lost. Maul didn't end the fight because he wanted Ahsoka to trust him, he could easily. Second: You mentioned that Kanan BEATED MAUL? LMAO, he literally just caught his punch and sent him off, how is that a win? Consider that Maul blinded him before, and after taking on 3 Inquisitor (Rebels Maul is the weakest version). Some other feats Maul has that scale him over Ahsoka: Sidious considered him a rival and had to take care of him, when they dueled Maul stood his ground in Lightsaber Combat and made Sidious use the force to win. He also bested A Jedi Master and his Padawan when he was very young in TPM, killing Qui Gon but "losing" to Kenobi thanks to the plot, we both know Maul was better. He is also a lot more smart and intuitive than Ahsoka is (Watch how he controlled the criminal orgs and conquered Mandalore), and has more experience.
In conclusion, Darth Maul slams Ahsoka Tano with low difficulty, L take from you to be honest...


I got you bro, thanks for this awesome short
