Asians use these hacks to ✨brighten their skin✨ #kbeauty #jbeauty #douyin #cbeauty #makeup #skincare

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In india also.. there are some brands, those claim to make you fair in complexion...
Tho, I totally believe every skin colour is beautiful..
But sadly... Still here some old ladies be comparing or thinking of girl with white fair skin tone looks the Best...


The thing is in countries with white people they advertise tanning products and in countries with black people whitening products are advertised for asians the beauty standard is to have snow white skin so it doesnt matter what skin color you have because the beauty “standards” will judge you so pls feel comfortable in ur already gorgeous skin color and beautiful complexion no matter how it looks youre a piece of art ✨🥰😻


It’s the same as ppl wanting to tan but the thing about ppl wanting to be fair rather than tan it’s usually more controversial since being tan or darker skinned has had a negative impact commonly known in history.


This summer I tried my best to stay out of the sun to not tan and I survived


Imagine seeing a aunty in china wearing that, i would be scared😭


Im asian but i go to the sun alot as a kid so i was light fair skin to tan 💀


Same here in Mexico, lighter skins are often seen as a beauty standard, and people here rarely look for tanning, in fact, a pale skin is often associated with a higher status, so many people who can afford consume products to lighten their skin, and people from lower middle classes do that with home remedies


It was so india too but the market is changing now, one of the biggest company changed its marketing tactic and brand name from fair and lovely to glow and lovely and that really represent how indian markets and indians are slowly accepting their skin tones. Its a slow change but i can see people's mindset evolving and i am really proud of this change. Maybe in next 20-30 years this mindset will be completely eradicated.


The difference is the attitude towards the skin color. In western countries you can find movie stars, models, singers etc with a variety of skin color. You can easily find celebrities with pale or light skin. But in asia, celebrities, idols, singers, movie stars mostly must have light skin. Not many dark skinned people can be famous celebrities because dark skin is not considered beautiful and attractive in asia. And people get so obsessed with being light skinned and don’t want to be in the sun at all, when in reality being in the sun until 10 am is good for your body. That’s why this beauty standard is so toxic


I'm from South East Asia and as much as possible I avoided the Heat Sun Simply because
1, I don't want Sunburn Skin Damage ( can cause skin cancer )

2, I'm already so Brown and I don't want to have more Tan skin like a beauty standard in the American and European countries


Glutathione by IV too. It's anecdotal but confirmed that a lot of people get IV glutathione because it can lighten skin more effectively than topical products. I remember I was prescribed hydroquinone for post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation and couldn't find it anywhere because people just hoard it lol


i’m not asian, i used to live in spain and I was quite tan however when I was 7 i moved to the UK i became much fairer, just saying this to share that where u are really makes ur skintone different


I just wondering why your lips is beautiful, how did you get lips like that?how did you get that shaped of lips?tell me plsss, I want that too


Also daily reminder to wear your sun screen espeically on your lips coz i ended up getting sunburnt my whole ass skin was red and itchy and my lips were literally burning 💀 and im brown yall like just wear sunscreen skin cancer and sun burns dont discriminate


I have the Skin Aqua tone up sunscreen but all it does is blend in with my already pale ass NEET skin. 😂💀


i try to cover myself up like that aswell(not exactly like that but like always having one of those face covers) because apparently it has aging benefits


Yup! I tend to use lighter shade foundation


I hate tanning only because it makes my old foundation useless 😂 I'm just cheap and we have more days with no sun where I'm from, but once summer hits, it's hard not to get somewhat tanned. I wish I could go out like the Chinese aunties during the hottest days at least. I get all red before the tanning can be seen


I feel like both west and Asia should stop tryna change their skin colours bcs their own natural beauty is good


I think in the US it’s that they’re trying to match the neck skin which usually happens to be one tone darker than the face. So not necessarily trying to be darker for beauty, but for a seamless foundation so you don’t have an obvious line. Yes while it’s a stereotype that tan skin is considered the beauty standard in the US, it’s also considered impolite to imply someone should be darker or lighter to be more beautiful, which is why I say the recommendation is most likely not for that but for neck matching the face 😊
