Signs You've Found Your Real Twin Flame (Accurate 🔥 Proven 🔥 Amazing)

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Do you wonder if you have found your real twin flame? Do you feel a strong connection to someone and wonder if they may be your twin flame? Many people want to know if they have found their real twin flame, so we put together this quiz. These questions will help you determine if you have found your true twin flame. How many can you answer yes to?

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I could answer yes to nearly all the questions. He is younger than me and has been in the runner stage for about 3 years. We met recently and the conversation was calm and I felt at peace. I hope that is a good sign. What a wonderful way of putting peoples mind at rest. This journey sometimes makes you question your own sanity but he is definitely worth it. Bless you. 😊😊


I haven’t even got them physically in my life and I could answer yes to all of them. My husband passed and with him I answered 12 yes. I know my twin flame is on the way because reading these questions my heart was full of expectation and I began to cry. He’s close, I can feel him. ♥️


Only got 2 NOs and the rest YES. I'm just in Awe at how your quiz so accurately describes what has been going on especially when I met my TF. Thank you so much for your videos! They have confirmed to me what I have been feeling and experiencing for years now - that the person really is my TF! 🎉


And I had a dream of him when the separation happened, he fought with me a lot, but he loved me in the dream.He came and hugged me in my dream ❤️


And I kept seeing his name all over the place, seeing the number over and over again, hearing his house name over and over again, seeing someone else dressed like him, more and more signs, the more I tried to get away from him, God used to make me stand so close to him


Yes! I resonated with most of them! I am with my TF!! ✨️🪷


I've got 18 YES. While watching this video, I got goosebumps while crying. I don't know why my tears suddenly fell. I am longing for Jae. I miss him so much. I don't even have any news from him. We have been no contact for a month. Thank you so much for this Twin flame quiz! More power!


It's wonderful feeling and never felt this way. Before


And when we met for the first time on earth, saw from a distance, I felt like just keep looking, this is my own, I have known him since long, and I suddenly started crying seeing him, bursting into tears


1. Yes
3. Hell yeah!
4. Yes all the time. Even texting it to each other at the same time.
5. Sometimes
6. Idk
8. Yup! Right away
9. Yes.
10. Yes.
12. I think so
Not sure
14. Very comfortable
15. Right way. We moved in with each other when we first started dating.
16. Yup


Yes I find him...yes he is my twinflame..this connection is something different from all other connections..I speak often loudly with myself like I am talking to him we both are spiritually awaken ..mirroring each other ...I always listen his music in my mind...he awaked after me ...but we are in separation but doing our inner work and growing individually..the awaken is too much painful and we both are isolated..same to same thinking...we both don't like to talk to others so much and love to live alone and the main thing I am fully aware when he was awakening...when he post something related spiritual in what's app status I quickly understand that he is in awakening.. regards


Thank you yes all but one lots of love and light Amen Amen Amen 🙏😇🌍🌕🌞🤍🤍⚖🎶🎶🙏🙏


I answered yes to all but two of these. And even those two were, more a maybe or somewhat. Like dreaming about her, i dont dream about her all the time, but i have sometimes (though i do not remember my dreams most days) and i do not know if she has dreamed of me more than a few times. I've been fairly certain we are twin flames for some time, but she denies it or doesn't believe it (or won't admit it yet) Every time i see one of these videos with "true twin flame signs" or the like, it's almost always complete validation for what i already know deep down.


what an amazing video !!! Not that I needed to be told the truth, but it hit the nail on the head. It brought tears to my eyes, reminding me of the special connection that I've been blessed with, and part of... a bit of heaven on earth to say the least. A twin flame connection is a real life fairytale... It seems too good to be true ❤❤❤


Yes yes yes not yet yes I hope so yes yes in time yes yes yes


I answered yes to all of them apart from 2


I answered all of them. Believe me all to the t.


This journey is difficult, but it is amazing. Today I have become a different person. because of this journey thank you universe thank you guys ☺️🙏❤️


Yes.most of the ques ans is yes for me❤


I only suspect someone to be my to twin I am not sure she's the one(there was a time I met her and after holding hands.. I felt movement from the bottom of my spine to the middle)
She is the same age as me
I only know about my spiritual awakening I have no idea if she or any other person has experienced it, I've been alone for close to two years now focusing on my spirituality
And again.. She's one of the reason why I lost a 7 years relationship.. My awakening began few months after that heartbreak
