Don’t Speak with Flat Intonation in English❌! Vary your Tones! ↖️↘️😊

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I am an accent coach and if you wish to learn this accent or work on your pronunciation and get a more 🇬🇧 BRITISH ACCENT 🇬🇧 then you can find out more here:
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English language is favorite so
Continue trying for knowledge.
Communicate in earth across line .


Oh yes, I do always this dear with such a powerful and poignant voice wherever I engage in conversations... 😉😮
So sad though that you will always see my hand written messages, but we never had ourselves the opportunity to have a chat one on one ... 😅
Wish that we could have this elusive chat one day and I am sure that we both will love it, no less .. 😮🤩🤩
Glad that I saw this episode today eventhough it was out on utube yesterday....
So, happy almost valentine's day to you, my dear teacher and thank you for always loving us and guiding us through...
Take care and have yourself A fabulous day, dear...
Gams ❤️


Kinda like Trump in USA always ending a sentence with a fall


Do you have video on IPA symbol pronunciation


Hi Teacher
please topic "Lies with" "Lies in" and other related to this


Do a video where you analyze famous voices, i.e. are they deliberately adopting a different accent (and what gives them away), or are they using their natural speaking voice? I'm thinking of people like David Attenborough and Anthony Hopkins, or oddball accents like Tilda Swinton in Snowpiercer.


That's sounds flat like a pancake 😂


Hi my lovely! What a joy it is truly to find you more and more often. I'm overjoyed and over the moon each single time. 🤗😊

How right you are. Need we remind that English is indeed a stress-timed language. For my part, I seem to have integrated and acquired it very early on in a fairly natural, almost innate way I would say. It seems to me that I've always had a sense of the language. I think that for us French people, for example, there's a kind of blockage when it comes to the stress of the English language. In fact, particularly when we start learning the language in secondary school (at the time, now it is earlier in primary school;-), and the thing is I think that we simply don't dare; we don't dare free ourselves for fear of appearing a little ridiculous and provoking laughter or mockery from our classmates. Personally, I was a bit reserved when it came to speaking in class, a lil' timorous no doubt, but I freed myself outside the school context by exaggerating and almost going so far as to caricature the English accent, which was actually excellent and amused me greatly. It's this playful side that needs to be developed i.m.o by having fun with it and encouraging students to free themselves through play.

I would say that probably the most significant key for me was definitely music. In this respect, as I've probably already mentioned, I was lucky enough to have an exceptional English teacher in secondary school, to whom I think I really owe my love of English. Sharing his enthusiasm and love of the Fab Four, he would regularly play Beatles songs to us, and I remember we would happily learn and sing Penny Lane, Yellow submarine, Michelle, Hey jude, Let it be and other 'help' songs. ;-) :-)

For me, the turning point came with the magnificent album 'The Concert in Central Park' by S&G, which I learnt by heart and memorized from start to finish and loved to sing. At the time, I hadn't even translated the lyrics; my understanding, with my still-schooled English, was only partial, and I sang many parts by ear without understanding the full meaning, but something clearly happened there. I had somehow internalized and integrated the accentuation and rhythm of the language !!

So I'm a great believer in using music to develop this aspect and acquire the rhythmic, lively, singing aspect of English.

Undulate, wave, pause, accentuate, slow down, linger, accelerate, descend, ascend... If I may venture a more sensual metaphor... Speaking English is eventually a bit like making love, innit ...

I hope ma belle that you will forgive me the prolixity that you never fail to arouse in me ;-) I hope in any case that this point of view and these considerations will not have bothered you too much and that you will see some interest in it.

Merci beaucoup ! 🙏🙏

Thank you so much Sabrah, come back soon, je t'M, bisous bisous 😘🌹❤❤💌🕊🎸☮
