The ultimate guide to German supermarkets

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Hi, I'm Uyen Ninh but please just call me Uyen!
I moved from Vietnam to Germany 3 years ago for studying. I make silly videos about how Germany looks like through the eyes of a Vietnamese student - on my way to be your favourite Ausländer! :D

00:00 Intro
02:02 Vegetable & Fruit section
02:47 Baking section
03:16 Wine & beverage section
05:37 Chip & sweet section
07:11 Chocolate section
08:08 Haribo section
09:54 Asian section
10:34 Meat section
11:14 Tea section
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"Milka is not cheap, just cheaper than Lindt" haha your German boyfriend making you issue an apology is so funny, because that was exactly my thoughts while watching😂


Can you take us on a tour to an asian supermarket in Germany and show us which ingredients you use and can recommend? It's pretty overwhelming for me as a German gal to know which products are good and what to do with them!


I would love to see a tour in an Asian supermarket where you buy and maybe explain a bit about the ingredients you are usually buying there. I am vegan, so I guess a lot of ingredients won't work for me, but anyways, I really enjoy your videos ☺️


“I was suffering a lot until I find an Asian supermarket and Vietnamese farmer over here, but that’s another story” - yes please tell us the story! 😁


I love how respectful you are to the people around you when you film. Most influencers would not walk to a less crowded area to film but instead just bother everyone around them to make their content. You went to the socks to talk about the fruits and vegetables 😄


Uyen is not just fascinated with German supermarkets. She is passionate about it. I definetely want a part 2!


As a german living abroad I really enjoy seeing german supermarkets and german food again. I especially miss the bread --- of course! Please give us part 2 of this series, Uyen! Great upload as usual.


I'd love a part 2 because you didn't even talk about the bread and cheese yet! 😊 Also, I'm curious if they have readymade foods in a deli section or something.


As a German living abroad I loved watching your video even though it made me cry because you reminded me of all the wonderful (cheap, badass good) products they have in Germany, I miss Haribo sooo much! Btw. If you think German sweets are sweet, come to Ireland and find out that sweets can be even sweeter (toothache for months) and Irish chocolate tastes like tree bark ;) I will cry myself to sleep tonight watching more of your videos and eating tree bark ;) More please!


If your teeth always hurt after chewing on something very sugary or sour, you probably just brush to harsh, us a brand of toothpaste that is not gentle enough or have a problem with the mineral shield of your teeth due to to much coffee, sweet drinks or grinding (maybe during the night).

Try to see a dentist at least twice a year just to let them clean your teeth professionally. Let them also check the base of your teeth and your gums, because sometimes, your gums shrink after injury or due to softdrinks or coffee and leave the base of your teeth unprotected. This can cause pain and can be solved by treating the "pores" teeth have where the enamel is damaged or there was none to begin with (like at the base under the gum).
Also use a toothpase that says "sensetive" on the package and maybe try out an ultrasonic toothbrush, they are good for people who tend to brush to hard. And maybe use elmex gelee once a week. This will protect your enamel and helps closing the pain causing open pores.
If you grind your teeth, you can get a guard that is specially made to fit you teeth perfectly at the dentists. It will help reduce the stress on the enamel and also helpt with the pain in neck, jaw and head teeth-grinding can cause.

I hope you will get better soon. I have issues with my teeth since I can remeber and it really comes down to 50% nature and 50% nuture, you only can do so much.


As a German expatriate living in the U.S., let me say if you think German chocolate is too sweet, American chocolate is going to make your eyes water.


Yes! Part 2!! I love watching your videos when I’m having a lot of anxiety. Something about your happiness, calmness, and silliness just rubs off on me Uyen. Thank you for your videos!


Uyen, if you want other parts of animals, especially those not sold in supermarkets (like bone cuts, etc.) go see a local butcher and ask them if they could sell you some (in some places of Germany they even sell those parts in bags as dog food, which is usually bones with scraps of meat on them, which are great as base for broth ;) ). Not all of them do, but it's worth a try :)


Yes please Part 2!!!

I love your long-form content!

I really loved your tip about the Haribo boxes, such a great idea to organize especially when new to a place❤

You rock!

Thank you for sharing your life with the world.


Uyen, if you look for other parts of meat that are "unusual" in Germany, go directly to the butcher! At the "Metzger" they will usually have that stuff, and it's often rather cheap cause it's not so much used here! Try that rather than at the supermarket!


I am German and exactly know how German supermarkets look like, but please make another video 😀 Its funny to see a foreign perspective on all the items there 😀 What about a video about the best and worst products you can buy there?


Important to everyone who wants to buy Federweißer/Federmost/New wine: only transport the bottles standing upright. They will leak if you lie them down because they're not fully closed. It's still fermenting while already being sold, that's why you should drink it fast.


I do want part 2! I love learning about other country's grocery stores. Going to grocery stores is my husband and I's hobby.


Anything you post is a delight! Part two is a wonderful idea. Thanks for sharing


Part two please! And a tour of a Vietnamese market & favourite Vietnamese ingredients. Love your videos!
