Golf coach left me SPEECHLESS with this 5 second drill

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I am an Average Golfer and just like you I love to try fixing my golf swing with the help from Golf coaches on YouTube.

So I simply test the tips from the likes of Danny Maude Golf, Alex Elliott Golf, Eric Cogorno Golf, Mr Short Game, Get Good at Golf, Ali Taylor Golf, The Art of Simple Golf, Peter Finch Golf, Rick Shiels and many more channels who provide us with swing tips/golf tips to help us improve our golf.

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Hi there ! I’m a bit a YouTube golf nerd and have probably over loaded with tips on all aspects of the golf swing tips. I’m a bit of a tinkerer and so end up with far too many thoughts going through my head before even addressing the ball. Watched the latest video And so decided to take it out on the course this morning. Just concentrated on just that tip and shot a 78 gross on a par 71. The best round I’ve ever had. It may not work every time but I’m only going to concentrate on that one thing for the foreseeable future. 9 under my handicap, what a result ! 👍🤞👍 one of my playing partners actually walked after 12 holes as he could not compete.


Fast becoming one of my favourite you tubers. I remember seeing Pete Cowan demonstrating this to Danny Maude and didn’t really connect, but this lesson was so clear. I can’t wait to try it out for myself. It makes total sense now. Great job guys. 👍


Good morning Andy ! Great instruction I've been trying to work on consistently repeating that same move in my back swing for months now ! LOL! I can't say I really ever made the connection or the reason why it seemed to help my sold contact or distance. But now it makes sense ! Thanks for the lightbulb moment ! LOL ! Regards


I think this is one of the best tips I’ve come across on YouTube. I just finished a range session and my distance increased by 20+ yards and my accuracy was spot on. The towel squeeze creates a perfect backswing and removes another variable in the swing. Keep a straight left arm and it’s almost automatic. Thank you!


That seemed like a really helpful session for you Andy. Great stuff!


Andy, you picked a good one. I love AC's channel. This tip has helped me immensely with my striking and accuracy especially with approaches. When I do it I succeed when I forget I am frustrated with the left and especially the right pulls/draws.


Just had the exact same lesson from my pro to swing much more down the line, I was going round the back before baseball-style without realising it, changing to more down the line felt weird to start with but there's been a huge difference in ball-striking. Keeping the hands higher at the top has been a big change too for me, again felt v strange to start with but now feels really natural and for the first time in a long time I'm trusting my swing again. I'm even getting out of bunkers now, which I haven't been able to do for years.


Wow!!! Watched this last night and took it out onto the course today. What a difference!!!! Thank you


Just tried this out on the range. Wow! really helped me out on the backswing/takeaway. I was flushing the ball and hitting some amazing shots. Worth a try. Sounds a little unconventional but it really works. Anxious to take this to the course. Thanks!


OMG, this really works. Thank so much!!! Best tip ever:::


Got this tip a year ago from a Pete Cowan video and straightened my driver up, gives you confidence to swing harder as you know the face will be close to square 99% of the time.


Really simple and easy drill, awesome content


Love what you’re doing and why you are helping the rest of us! Keep that Sh!t up


Good channel, very useful. Had heard of the Cowen towel tip in the past and genuinely apologize for having forgotten to keep it in mind anytime I grip my club handle, sorry 🥴. It IS a wonderful, easy-to-master fundamental.


I’d seen this Pete C tip before, but forgotten all about it. Nice one, Andy. You looked genuinely shocked after that first shot. Keep ‘em coming.


THE best tip ever! I use to sub to Carter but his lessons were un-understandable to me, to me he was blathering off the top of his head. I just could not follow the plot. SO I am so so so glad I stayed with this video. I use to have a B Flight Long, C Flight Short Game and F flight iron-play. This simple short tip gave me laser accuracy with my irons. I CANNOT BELIEVE IT. I am still shocked to see the ball land precisely where I aim!


Hey thank you. Took this to the range and really liked it because it kept me from having too many take away thoughts on my backswing. I also tend to take it too much inside. By the end of the bucket, I was hitting fades! LOL


Having a go at that tomorrow. Won’t do it until I’ve warmed up after a few holes.


Interesting because it’s just like a pre-set cricket stance and how I used to set up… Graham Hick 👌


andy this tip you had is Very good. I've been to my local
driving range today. to try it
myself i was shocked it works.
thanks alot. 👍👍
